.308 is a sissy round!


New member
Come on now, I'm not THAT mean am I? Mathnam, you must be keeping tabs on me? For the record, I think the .308 is a FINE round, how could I not! I trained with the M-14 and wound up an M-60 machine gunner when I was sent over the pond to South East Asia (Vietnam). I just happen to like the 30.06 better because I was weened on one as a youngster, and I appreciate it's versality in over the counter bullet grains and it's power. A little bit a nostalgia enters into the picture as well. ;)


New member

I just have to weigh in. I guess it all depends on perspective. I mean I live in Maine and have had three moose permits. My friends hate me. One I killed with a bow and two with my 308. One at 150 years with 165 sp boat tail, went about 30 years. Then other I dropped with a 150 gr boat tail, went about 20 yards. I guess the 308 does ok if you know how to shoot, were to hit them. But then maybe the gun shop owner just shoots at them with no thought where to hit them. (besides I have shot a few deer and mule deer with it and never had one go more that about 20 years. Two dropped on the spot. So seems to me there is plenty of rifle there, why over do it with a longer cartridge that does not give you much more, unless you are after griz or something. But then I would just use my 308 with 220 gr. I have a box of them in my case if I ever do.

Tucker 1371

New member
I was reading a magazine dedicated to the AR15 about a year ago and it had a lengthy article on the effectiveness of the 5.56 NATO round in combat. One of the soldiers interviewed shared two separate accounts of entering houses and engaging insurgents at close ranges. On the first the soldier entered a house armed with an M4 carbine and had to expend 3 rounds to put one of the insurgents down. The second time the soldier was carrying a "CQB enhanced" M14. He shot an insurgent in the stomach and the man doubled over and was done.


New member
Wow... this is an old thread, but since it has been resurrected, I couldn't resist...
redhawk41 said:
for use by... children.

You sure he didn't mean 7.62x39mm, which is actually used by thousands of African children? I mean, you can find plenty of pictures as evidence.


New member
I have a Marlin rifle in .357 magnum and it is all I ever use. Compared to mine the .308 is an elephant gun.:D


New member
I mean, don't sissies usually shun guns?
Hey don't laugh! I read something about this not too long ago! Its actually pretty cool.:cool:

Supposedly the mayor of San Francisco is having all his cops issued shun guns. They work on the fire-and-forget silent shun principle. Just point it at the bad guy, press the trigger then look away and walk off. You don't even have to arrest him, just ignore him and he'll get tired and leave after he finishes whatever he's up to.:p


New member
.308 a sissy?

The .30-06 of course.

My only centerfire rifle is a 30-06. But even I know that the ballistic difference between a .308 and an -06 is almost too small to matter.

Your friend is splitting hairs and pole-vaulting over tick ****s. ;)


New member
Is the gun adequate for what you use it for or not? If you take the manlyness of your posessions too seriously, you are being manipulated by marketers.

This message was typed on a manly PC using the ultra-manly Windows operating system, not some girly-boy laptop.


New member
wah wah wah... had a friend with a 300WM say something similar until I outshot him at 500 yards with my girlie gun... :D


New member
I just can't believe anyone would say that. The .308 is an exceedingly fine gun attested to by the fact that so many match shooters use them. Their accuracy is well known and their range is very good. They are ballisticly similar to the .30-06 which is definitely not a "sissy gun."


New member
Oh Man.......

Here's a couple of videos of two of guys firing the "sissy" .308
Check this out HERE and HERE Could one of these guys be that gunshop owner?

Uh.......those links took me to a sex site......and I'm at work! Maybe the monitors are asleep today....hahahahaha