.308 is a sissy round!


New member
Faster than my chaingun!? :eek:

You run faster than 20knots...?


What I meant to say though, is that the M14 produces more FELT recoil than the chaingun..."felt recoil = tough = not sissy" is what I was gettin' at.

Fal 4 Me

New member
when I go to the range and other shooters are popping away with their .223's and their 7.62x39's...and out comes my .308. It sure makes alot more noise and bigger holes

How does a .308/7.62x51 make a bigger hole than a 7.62x39. In actuality the 7.62x39, makes a bigger hole, .308 vs. .311. Granted the difference is miniscule, but the 7.62x39 still makes a bigger hole than a .308.:D


New member
"How does a .308/7.62x51 make a bigger hole than a 7.62x39. In actuality the 7.62x39, makes a bigger hole, .308 vs. .311. Granted the difference is miniscule, but the 7.62x39 still makes a bigger hole than a .308."

Wow, you read WAY to deep into my post. Put the math away for a second and use some common sense. You overlooked the .223's. I mentioned the other shooters are usually shooting .223's and 7.62x39's. Last time I checked, my .308 makes a bigger hole than a .223. And yes, it's louder than the x39's.
I'll be sure to clarify my statements next time just in case there are any other math majors or members of Mensa correcting our posts. :mad:


New member
I'd just grin at the fellow calling it a sissy round and see if I could find another .308 rifle at the right price.
Unfortunately that will have to wait for a few months, but I would really like a nice single shot in .308.

And I definitely will be going back to that gun store, the selection and prices were fantastic!


New member
He had to be joking. A .308 is anything but a sissy bullet, plenty large for most game in the world. Plenty big for fun target practice.

I don't wish to ever have to fire anymore of a rifle hunting, as rifle weights go up with caliber.


New member
So Sissy that 3/4 of military snipers and 1/2 military machinegunners use it

Don't listen to the man. I'm sure he's the same one that claims to hold a 1" group at 300 yds free-hand with .300 weatherby. Every insurgent I've seen hit with a 240G or an M40 didn't like the .308 too well.

And for the poor mislead man who actually thinks a 30-06 is by far superiour to a .308. In WW2 and the Korean war, Marines and Soldiers used M1's chambered in 30-06 (actually, most Marines were still using 1903's untill the end of the war). The advent of new and improved powders and understanding of ballistics allowed for the invention of a round with nearly identical ballistics with a projectile just as big, but a casing that was significantly smaller. That round was called 7.62x51 NATO, better known as the .308. The .308 performs nearly identical because of the dimensions of the cartridge and physics of chemical reactions, or so I was told by someone who understood crap like that. What it really means is this...

simular ballistics+smaller+lighter+can carry more than 30-06=.308


New member
My experience is...

... someone who claims XXX round is a 'sissy' round, simply does not have one and is trying to sell you what he has in stock.

The .308 Winchester is - in military loadings - the equivilent of the military loaded .30-06. Over all, there isn't a lot of difference.

The .30-06 has a larger powder capacity. Everything else being equal, a .30-06 will shoot any given bullet faster than a .308 Win. Perhaps not enough to matter; but a measurable difference. This is particularly meaningful with bullets of greater than 200 grains. The 06 will pitch the heavier bullets distinctly faster.

The .308 Win is more efficient. The powder used (everything else being equal) will give more fps per grain of powder. And, since the .308 Win burns less powder, the recoil impulse (everything else being equal) is less. Probably most important, the .308 Winchester works in a middle length action, where the 06 requires a long action. The .308 Win case has a stouter head and web, too.

Frankly, the two rounds are functionally equal, except for the biggest bullets. Not much to quibble about. Jeff Cooper made the statement the .308 Winchester is the only rifle chambering needed for hunting in the contiguous 48 states, and he's probably right.

But to label it as a 'sissy' round? Well, if he has good selection and good prices, smile sweetly and ignore him gently.

Dark Wolf

New member
This is just my opinion, but here goes:

If you have ever had a round fired at you, you will probably not think that it is a "sissy round". Especially if you have been hit by mentioned "sissy round".


New member
anything bigger destroys too much meat.

This is a myth... witness the 54 caliber muzzle loader... ;)

It is the bullet design/speed combination that determines the extent of meat damage... :)

Good hunting!

44 AMP

.308 Sissy?

Is the .30-06 a sissy round also? The .308 was developed in the 50s to duplicate the military .30-06 loading in a shorter , lighter package. And it does duplicate the loading which earned the .30-06 its enviable reputation. Now, in civilian commercial loadings, the .30-06 has been increased in power over the years, from its original 1906 ballistics, so it is 100-200 fps faster than the .308. And the larger case capacity gives increased performance with heavier bullets.

If you run a box of .30-06 sporting ammo (from any of the big manufacturers) through your Garand, you will beat the snot out of it. The hotter rounds work the action violently, putting extra stress on the mechanism (possibly damaging it). Not a good idea.

the .308 and the .30-06 are virtual twins in military loadings. In hunting ammo, the .30-06 has a slight edge. The gunshop owner who told you it was a "sissy" round was probably trying to get you to go to something bigger, where he had a bigger profit margin!


New member
The .308 performs nearly identical because of the dimensions of the cartridge and physics of chemical reactions, or so I was told by someone who understood crap like that.

More modern 30-06 rounds are a lot faster than the original loads because they are loaded to higher pressure. Simply put the 308 is loaded to a higher SAAMI pressure. BUT if you take a modern bolt action in 30-06 and in 308, feed them with handloads to the same pressure, the 30-06 is much faster. It will extend your range another 100+ yards.

I shoot a 308 and with 168 grain bullets, the sound it makes on 600 yard steel targets is enough to let you know it has some killing power. It's not a sissy round at all, now if we were talking about the 243Win... :D


Art Eatman

Staff in Memoriam
You can hear lots of opinions around a gunshop. Some of them come from folks who are weird as rats.

What I've noticed, though, is that in general the weird opinions come from those who, when they sit down, cramp their brains.

:), Art


New member
What a chowder head....I always run into yahoo's working at the gunshops. Whats that about? Since its a "sissy round" ask him if you can shoot him with it because a real man should be able to handle a sissy round.
They had a cool show on the history chanel about .308 and U.S. snipers. I didnt know those guys were sissys?? :eek: :D