.308 is a sissy round!


New member
Well I must be a sissy then.

I had a very short Rem. bolt .308 "brush" gun, and it kicked like my M44. The .308 is good for most anything in the US, and is used by many soldiers the world over. Give me back my .308 brush gun, and I'll wear a skirt....er.. make that a kilt.


New member
The .308 is nothing close to a sissy round. I have a cousin who was new to deer hunting and he went to a gun store to buy some 12 Gage ammo to hunt deer with and the salesman sold him some #7 buckshots to hunt deer with and told him thats what he needed to hunt with.

I do not have a .308 but I do know it is nothing close to being a caliber that I would teach my wife or 12 year old son to shoot.

30-06 is the next rifle on my menu to purchase. I have a .270, 45-70, 11-87 and I would call none of these rifles sissy guns.


New member

O, come on guys. We all know that 308 is a beginers round (that's why the Marine recruits use it).

Real men's rounds start with 375 H&H and 458 Win and progress to 55 boys and 20mm Lahti (no muzzle brakes allowed).




New member
If .308 is a sissy round, maybe the guy would like to try his luck with that 600 Nitro Express "hand-cannon" from the other thread?? I'd LOVE to see that one---I'm sure he'd prove what a real man he is... LOL


New member
.308 is a sissy round!
Yes, he's absolutely right. You need a minimum of 300Win Mag to hunt whitetailed deer :barf: The 308 which was extremely effective against large game 30 years ago now is only marginally effective as most game has evolved to include kevlar hides :rolleyes:


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Real Men Shoot .303 British

First Post

Real Men Shoot .303 British and then drink Tea afterwards. Oh, wait, maybe I'm a sissy.
Love the .303 and the weapon that surrounds it, but the .308 (7.62mm) is a brilliant military round. It has looked after us for half a century and remains the round of choice for machine guns, despite many attempts to find something better.

The versatility is fantastic: our snipers use a heavy bullet variant for the L96A1 sniper rifle to take it out to the 800-1000m range envelope; in the last few years, however, the .338 Lapua Magnum has 'nipped at the heels' of 7.62mm and the Army broke into its 'piggy bank' to buy every sniper a new AI .338 Super Magnum - which they were quite pleased about! The SM, derived from AW, is a great jump forward from the PM Infantry sniper rifle (L96A1).

I like the 7.62mm, but I love the .338. Sneakily though, the EOD guys in Iraq have convinced someone to buy them the .50 AW40. I saw some .338 armed snipers looking a little bit 'green with envy' at the EOD guys with their .50s.

I understand now that the SEALs are buying the AI semi-auto .50 AS50 - which must upset Barrett quite a bit. I suppose that healthy competition will generate better weapons in the future.


New member
The 30-06 is definitely better than the 308 in the heavier bullets (as previously mentioned), but I think either of them will take any game in North America (probably not the best choice for the big bears). Personally, I say pick one and go with it...as there is no real reason to own both...their terminal performance on game is identical.

I choose 308. If I think I need something more than a 308, I'm bypassing the 30-06 and going to a 45-70...or something along those lines.


New member
Oooh -- I like that Model 88. My first centerfire rifle was a Model 88 in .308, I could just kick myself for selling it. I took my first deer with it, and several more with it after that one. It was just the ticket for a southpaw like myself.


New member
Chaingunner, I'm guessing you're 25mm experience is from either a Bradley or a Lav. As the gunner the recoil is not bad. But being the unsuspecting grunt 5 ft in front of the muzzle is a whole different story trust me I collect disabiltiy from it.
Good to see you're not all sell outs for any new debate so that everything is at peace:) I am glad to see you guys stood up for the '06, great round, my FAVORITE along with the 45-70-good thumper-oh, cant forget the venerible 22lr:cool:


New member

Thanks, the action is pretty smooth and the trigger is, well can't expect too much more from a lever gun. Accuracy is undeterminde, I shot it off-hand at a pie plate and noticed the rear sight was on backwards. Haven't had a chance to shoot again after flipping around the sight.

The one thing I really like about this rifle is the weight, around 7lbs I believe. A little easier to carry and not terrible recoil.

I'm still trying to decide if I want to put a scope on it.


New member
Bah, the .30-06 is the sissy round. I've got it next to a man's round, a 50 BMG.:D


In all seriousness, when it came to ballistics I'd trust my life to a .308 as quick as a .30-06. The man who commented on that is either ignorant of ballistics or trying to sell a gun by being dishonest.