.308 is a sissy round!


New member
At least according to the to the gunstore owner who said that the cartridge was a sissy round for use by women and children.

I harbor no bad feelings however because he got me a good deal on a Winchester Model 88 in .308!

Cleaning it right now and will be shooting it tommorrow.


New member
I never considered the .308 "Ballistically challenged". I have a couple of them and am very satisfied with the performance.

I would be curious what he considered a man's round then. :confused:

Art Eatman

Staff in Memoriam
You can always find somebody for whom the theme song is "The Masochism Tango".

You can always find somebody who's out of touch with reality...



New member
The 308 and the 30-30 are the cal. of choice in my area for white-tail hunting. I use a 270, but I'm in the minority.
I sure don't consider my M1A a sissy gun.


New member
Dunno - as far as I can see, the .308 and 30-06 are ballistic twins. True, the 30-06 is loaded for heavier bullets but are twins otherwise.






Well, OK, my 30-06 is prettier but, function wise ????
The M1A is indestructible and I take care to not mar 30-06 but ???

:D :D


New member
Maybe he thought it was a sissy round...

Based on what's on his own reloading bench at home? (Like mine earlier this week, 535gr Postell bullet)


Not that I consider either the .308 or .30-06 a sissy round, mind you. I'll reserve that moniker for the .223 Remington. :D


New member
Pure Genius!

At least according to the to the gun store owner who said that the cartridge was a sissy round for use by women and children.
This guy sounds like a real idiot! He's a gun store owner and he doesn't know that the .308 and .30-06 are almost identical?

If the .308 is such a "sissy round" then he prolly wouldn't mind standing over yonder while I take a few shots at him with my wimpy M1-A. :D


New member
I've got a Saiga AK in .308. One thing's for sure...when I go to the range and other shooters are popping away with their .223's and their 7.62x39's...and out comes my .308. It sure makes alot more noise and bigger holes! :eek: Definately gets attention. Then I break out the M44 carbine in 7.62x54R and the roar and muzzle flash usually scare away the shooters on each side of me.:D

TexiCali Slim

New member
Ahhh the Gunshopist-Ownerest Most prevelent In Northern America, Immune to anything under .50 Cal. But Flinches Too bad to shoot anything over .177:rolleyes:


New member
HA HA!! I'm sure there are MILLIONS of decomposing bodies that would disagree. How many military weapons are chambered for 7.62x51/.308? A LOT. I think the military knows what kills, and kills well.


New member
The .308 is sissy all right...when compared to something huge, like a 25mm chaingun.

Then again, my chaingun only recoils a sixteenth of an inch when fired, and my M14 recoils much further than that! Who's sissy now?


New member
Yeah but, I can carry an M-14 a lot further and faster then you can carry that ole' chaingun. :p So who's the sissy now? :D

Stephen A. Camp

Staff In Memoriam
Hello. For deer, I normally use either a .30-06 or .308 and have no complaints using either.


This old boy was cleanly taken last season using my plain ol' Browning A-bolt and a handloaded .308 round. I've taken several deer with it, a rather nice Axis buck, and a feral hog. This cartridge has proven plenty adequate for anything in my neck of the woods.

I'd just grin at the fellow calling it a sissy round and see if I could find another .308 rifle at the right price.



New member
At least according to the to the gunstore owner who said that the cartridge was a sissy round for use by women and children.

Yeah, those guys in the military who ever shot that caliber, real pansies.


New member
Well, I like it, so it may BE a sissy round, since I'm a girl and all. :D

The model 88 is a hoot - I think I've "borrowed" my Dad's for about six years now. ;)