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  1. G

    A question on travel with guns and mags

    This comes from a discussion elsewhere on travel through a state with a firearm. I'm not a legal expert regarding this. Supposedly, Fed law gives you protection if you pass straight through a state on the way to a location that allows you to have the firearm you are traveling with. The gun has...
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    Humor in the use of force situations This interesting - the idea being that humor adds in tension relief and also acting against inhibitions to kill. I've read the same thing about humor in books about doctors in training, trying to deal with the bad things they see...
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    Campus Carry Protest Upheld

    From the Chronicle of Higher Ed. I didn't know this happened. Good - campuses have all kinds of protests about subjects which you may or may not agree. Since the students had no weapons, the Chancellor was clearly out of line and I might suggest needs to be disciplined for her trampling of...
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    Gun show trip today

    In San Antonio - there were tons of guns and ammo. Even 380 was to be found. The drought seems over. Prices are reasonable for guns. Ammo is high compared to before but is coming down. Saw plenty of carry guns and ARs. They were the most popular tables. It's always amusing to listen. A young...
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    Want to see an EBR trial? I'm watching this now - waiting for an electrician. Seems he claims that he shot his GF by accident and gave conflicting statements. Looks upset on the stand but his statements were inconsistent and motives surfaced. It's...
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    When do the 22 LR SW Centennials hit the stores?

    Anyone know? I want one forcheap practice, the recoil sensitive family and just because. Yes, I have bigger snubbies! They were at Shot this year.
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    TX Gun show report

    If any of your friends went to live in a cave sitting on ammo and ARs - they can come out. The gun show today in San Antonio was chock full of guns and ammo. All types, reasonable prices for post crisis panic. Lots of guys trying to sell ARs. Lots of Glocks, judges, AR, LCRs. those 22 clone...
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    Monarch brass in a G19

    My 2nd Gen 19 is a sweetheart - usually runs and runs - UNTIL, I stoked it with Monarch Brass that I bought during the Obama hysteria. So I thought I would use it. Twice, this stuff has generated jams. This time it was during a match where I had to dynamically enter a room, etc. So what do I...
  9. G

    22 Mag vs 5.7 in a pistol

    So, I see that Taurus Keltec - I'm stupid (horrors) has a 30 round 22 mag semi coming out (based on the Grendel? - more horrors). I note that in the past folks have argued that the 5.7 round in the FN pistol is no more than a 22 mag or not significantly different. Civilians can't have AP...
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    What's a fair price on a SW 940?

    Might have a chance at one - basically for fun. Pretty decent condition. Glenn
  11. G

    Sensible rules for a gun user.

    Given the constant discussion about guns, tactics, etc. - I've just recently read these two and thought I'd post them. Pretty good, IMHO. From John Holschen at Insightstraining (great trainer but he is quite heavy when he is leaning on your head). Recipe for Personal Defense Preparation...
  12. G

    Cimarron Derringers?

    I was looking at their website and the derringers look a lot like the Davis line. Anybody know where they are from? IAR make derringers anymore?
  13. G

    New Revolver News - SW J's, 410 ammo.

    I was reading Shooting Industry on line and saw a story about SW coming out with a bunch of new J's - Centennials and Chief Specials with longer barrels and Centennials in 22LR or 22 Mag. Hmmm! Also, saw an ad by Winchester for a new 410 defense round that is a throwback to buck and ball...
  14. G

    Glockish 22? I saw one at the gun show today. Looks like a Glock except for a safety and an exposed hammer - strange combo. It's made in Austria and I never heard of it. Anybody know something about these?
  15. G

    A surprising comment in a food book

    I've like to read the Stern's Road Food series about local specialities and favorities. Got their first edition of the series. So, I get out of the library their latest on 500 Things You Should Eat (or something like that). I get to the West section and they have a description of the Browning...
  16. G

    In trouble for a posting?

    In another thread, I deleted a message which suggested a gun related activity on campus that might be legally suspect. We have also debated whether a posting could get you into trouble at trial or on the job. Thus: So folks do read the net...
  17. G

    Shooting stance under stress and your heart.

    Just the other day, there was a shooting at the Times Square Marriot. Nice place, I've stayed there. The NY Times had an article discussing the shooting stance of the officer who took down the BG. Kind of interesting for us. One of the Outdoor channel shows - did a review of stances and why the...
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    Colorado Campus and CCW

    ------- It seems to me that the drive for CCW on campus is a very difficult row to hoe. One can attribute it to antigun bias and rant about that but I think it is more complex (being in the business). IMHO, the biggest stumbling block even with progun folks is that unfortunately the student...
  19. G

    Is it a good idea to announce you are a vigilante on the tube?,0,7328624.story Several things: 1. Should you carry to protect yourself - well, that's an easy one. 2. Should you say you were motivated by Charles Bronson and vigilante movies? If it goes awry that would be a nice clip in court. 3. Should...
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    A positive story about women and guns in IL Also, watch the video. This is from a CBS station in an area that supposedly is very antigun. Surprisingly, it didn't end with the usual rant about how they are dangerous to you, you will shoot yourself or the kid, etc. Calm...