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  1. G

    So here's a Shopping tale. This is weird. Open carry of a Glock with a 30 round mag? Pepper grenade (there are such). Felony arrests. Told he could do this by colleagues. We will have to see if this shakes out. I didn't...
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    Stag LH M-4

    Well, somehow the boss seems not to be outraged if we add something. Given I'm left handed, I was thinking of one of the Stag LH M-4s. Thoughts? Thanks.
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    Wny does the NY Times give me gun ads?

    I read the NY Times - no cracks - I'm a native Brooklynite and despite their editoral policy on some things - it's a good paper. However, when I log on, I get an ad for CloseCombattraining that starts that the 9mm isn't enough. So how does Skynet or Hal know I'm a gun guy and then add such to...
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    PA CCW and the Law - Florida permit risk? Interesting article and comments. Seems this guy is loitering under suspicious circumstances with a security guard permit that doesn't give you general carry rights and a FL permit - to avoid getting a PA...
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    AK-47 book The Gun - seems to be an interesting history of the Ak-47, guns and political developments surrounding such. Haven't read it - will try to. Anyone read it? Glenn
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    Different ammo and HKS speed loaders.

    I was loading up some HKS loaders with 38 SPL to try out my new SW 19 (new to me - got it used) in a match. Not the fastest loader but that's what I have and I just want to wring out the gun. Since we have some national revolver champs in our matches - I'm not worried about winning. But I found...
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    Colorado Supreme Court and Campus Carry The Colorado SC will take the case about whether the campuses can ban carry. The policy was on hold but this will be the final decision, I suppose. Some Colorado members might have more of the details and the debate. Glenn
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    Number of permits in NY and MA?

    Anybody know the number of pistol permits (or whatever they are called) in NY,NYC and MA? A google search brought up lots of stuff but not a list! Thanks. Glenn
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    Harper's article Daniel Baum - on concealed carry. Interesting article. You can buy it on the newsstand. Basically, a not conservative writer discusses his decision to carry. He gives a very reasoned approach as to why and basically shoots down the usual...
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    Citizen's arrest? Good idea?

    We've had lots of debate about what to do with the guy who you catch stealing something. We've seen folks imply that he's a dead man. Tell him to stay put and cuff him, Dano! Let him flee into the miasma. So here's a short story...
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    Dealing with the concealed carrier This is from Ron Avery - well known in the training community. We can't post it all due to copyright arguments that are now occuring. But it is an excellent read. The...
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    A legal question on limited liability from Castle and other similar laws

    Not being a legal expert I ask this of those who might be and have referenced all those laws. The issue of liability and responsibility is under hot debate in T and T. So, my naive take is that if you shoot in self-defense or legally defined protection of property/mischief at night, etc - the...
  13. G

    SW Bodyguard J frame.

    Saw my first one yesterday at the gun show. It was in the mid 400s. The grip was narrow like on the old J's but synthetic not wood. The laser was on top. Given it has an integral laser - that's not a bad price. Anybody shoot one - what does it give you that's better than a 642 - except that...
  14. G

    What's the law on foreign diplomatic bodyguards?

    Here's a story: Bebe's bodyguards have 4 Glock 17 go bye-bye. But what is the law on foreign diplomats and heads of state having armed bodyguards? Having those guns in NYC or DC is highly illegal. I suppose that if the...
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    Again, cudos to the Food Network and Travel Channel!

    I was watching Samantha Brown's travel show the other day. She goes back to Dallas where she was born. After sites and shopping, she joins a TX women's group who takes her to the range. She shoots a J frame presented for personal self-defense and then some shotgun and clays. She clearly has a...
  16. G

    Christian Science Monitor on guns?

    Today, I got an ad in the mail for the Christian Science Monitor. It had small blurbs for upcoming stories. One was "Why are Americans Buying More Guns?" The blurb suggests a change in gun attitudes and that even liberals are buying guns. The country turns to guns in times of turmoil. They...
  17. G

    NYC to streamline gun permits Interesting in that it might be pre-emptive move against a Heller like attack on NYC rules. Does it mean that guns will be more available? It would be interesting if waves of folks started to apply. Is this going to have unintended...
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    Berreta for the Russians!
  19. G

    Gun Ed in Elementary Schools That's interesting. Not being from Virginia, I wonder what the gun community take on this? Mike? The article doesn't seem to point to an antigun rave but the program incorporates the NRA's Eddie Eagle program. I recall that some TV shows did a...
  20. G

    Texas shooting name?

    Help me out! Anybody remember the name of the guy in Austin who followed a car thief and shot him. He was charged (I think) but got off because the dispatcher told him to follow the guy. The guy turned and the CHL thought he was threatened and shot. But for the life of me, I forgot the guy's...