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  1. G

    A new use for shotguns - mushrooms

    So besides reading gun stuff - I was reading a book about mushroom hunting and how fungi interact with the environment. They are very important to forest plant life and providing habit for various critters. In the book, the author cites a duck hunter who besides hunting has an interesting...
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    LOSS at CA2: Law suit against NYC fee Interesting tactic - the fee for NYC is much, much higher than in other NY regions. Thus the 2nd Amend Foundation is suing that it is a deliberate impediment to obtaining such. It is also interesting that the fee doesn't go to...
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    Master Photographer Yamil 'Sued' at IDPA World Championship

    Yamil Sued The International Defensive Pistol Association is pleased to announce that Yamil Sued will be joining us at the Inaugural World Championship, September 21 – 24, in Frostproof, Florida as the official Match Photographer - So is this ambiguous? I get it in the e-mailing from IDPA. I...
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    A question for our legal experts - suing for not being able to carry

    So I've been reading the parking lot - gun in car debate in TX as well as the open-carry debate. One point is that businesses fear liability of carry and thus want to ban it. Of course, in the debate on the TX forums, someone says - Well, wait till a business gets sued for not allowing carry...
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    The Castle Doctrine Will Protect Me!

    Interesting case in my hometown. It is sometimes put forward on the Internet that the Castle Doctrine is an impenetrable forcefield and magic cure that protects you when you open fire. You can shoot someone in your house no matter what, you can shoot through doors at unknowns. Maybe the unknown...
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    PSA 25 ACP?

    These are new ones of the old Browning design. They are advertised in some business gun rags. Anybody see one? They would make a nice companion piece to my NAA 22S for tiny guns - just because!
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    Law and Order SVU vs. Justified

    I had to laugh. We like to watch both shows. However, I think the gun handling on L and O is horrible. About 5 times, I've seen them in about 4 shows have a hostage scenario. 1. Elliot is held hostage. Tells Olivia to take the easy shot. She talks and talks and finally shoots the bad guy in...
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    Switzerland and guns at home So by 57% Swiss voted to keep the guns at home. Take away points for us. 1. The urban/rural split 2. Concern about suicide and rampages - like here 3. The idea that army guns at home are unnecessary in their stable world...
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    Gun show NAA 22/ sw 32 Long

    Went to the gun show today. I saw the new NAA 22 topbreak. It was adorable. Stop me before I buy again. I love those little guys, just because!:D Then I scored a case of SW 32 Long FMJ. It is a bear to find. The price was at touch higher than the best internet prices - which also have an out of...
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    NY Times and Machine Guns

    Reading The Gun by Chivers - very interesting book. In it, he mentions that the NY Times (so antigun) during the Draft Riots of the Civil War bought Gatling guns. The Times was pro-Republican and proUnion. When draft rioters wanted to attack the Times for their support of the war, the Times...
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    Three gun matches!

    We had one of our rare ones. I could have done better but what fun. I also should learn to count. Got a penalty for not having downloaded a mag to 10! I had had 12. See - normally I keep the AR mags at 2 below. So I had a 20, I thought was 18 and took out 8 to get to 10. OOPS! A penalty. But...
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    3 " J frame holster?

    Got a new friend. Left handed - don't like thumb straps. Not an IWB. So suggestions? Thanks. Glenn
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    Thanks to the Travel Network and Anthony B.

    Besides being a gun guy - I am a serious foodie - oh, the pants and IWB groan. But Anthony Bourdain did a review of his shows for the 100 th anniversary and made a special point of showing his shooting adventures and visiting Ted Nugent who made steaks for the show. Says he disagrees...
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    X/Heat-ray vision and the 2nd Amend.

    This is quite the hoot. Saw it in the NY Times this morning: It is a blog that discusses how superpowers would interact with the law. So would your secret identity be covered by privacy etc. So I followed the link. In the blog...
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    Criticize the system and bye-bye permit? This pilot critiques the checks for airline staff and because of that he loses his gun that he carries as a pilot. He also loses his state CCW permit. Seems to me that this is a case that on the surface is a...
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    Mach 5 projectiles - Wow!
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    Video of tragic accident Judge Will Allow Jurors to See Video of 8-Year-Old Being Killed by Uzi at Gun Show -- This interesting to me because of my interest in legal issues. There's strong evidence that exposure to weapons during trials primes negative ideation...
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    Gun shows and crime! Posted Online 09 September 2010. (doi:10.1162/REST_a_00120) © The President and Fellows of Harvard College and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology The Short-Term and Localized Effect of Gun Shows: Evidence from California and...
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    Knife law changes Interesting article on moves to rationalize knife laws that parallel some gun law debates: 1. A patch work of laws by localities that may be superceded by new state laws. 2. The dreaded automatic knife problem. Some police regard these...
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    Using cover, crowding cover in IDPA

    Thought about this since Sunday. At our local match, we had a couple of stages where using cover was easy to screw up. OOPS for moi!! However, I noticed that lots of folks crowd cover. They lean against it and stick the gun out in front of cover. From my tactical (hahaha! I'm so tactical)...