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  1. G

    Talk in the chat room and get busted?

    I was watching the reports of the latest terrorists on the news last night who threatened NYC. They were busted through chat room chatter. With the push for total peeking into phones and internet chatter, if an antigun Pres. got in - using the precedents from the current WOT - how many "Shall...
  2. G

    Drugs! Wow - what a great debate.

    I have to give great credit to SWAT. Most gun rags are concerned with stopping power and advertisements. The latest issue has a great and reasoned debate about drug legalization. That goes far beyond the intellectual depth seen in the rest of the competition. Both Jeff and Claire make great...
  3. G

    Study on the 223 vs. can you shoot debate? Army ammo The Army recently concluded a $3 million, three-year study to find out what it was told by a group of specialists years ago: The killing power of the M-16/M-4 carbine is good for close combat. The Army...
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    Stupid Gun TV

    So yesterday, I'm in mindless mode watching the tube and on various shows see these gems. On CourtTV and other reality crap. 1. The Tyler courthouse shooting - that's the one where a civilian tried to intervene as the BG had body armor and an AK and killed him. The whole segment was about the...
  5. G

    Do You Challenge? With a Gun?

    This is a branch off another thread. I didn't want the issue to get lost in that one. In many classes, I've had instructors teach one to challenge when faced with a opponent who is not immediately using deadly force. In matches, I've even seen folks challenge a target for practice. The classic...
  6. G

    Match gear vs. reality

    This weekend I shot the River City hosting of the Fiesta Regional IDPA match. It was great fun and I met a great set of folks. Hi, Dave - if you read this! Some of the stages were interesting for the following reason. You had to start sitting down with your gun and mag separate. At the beep...
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    The Ultimate Snubby

    SW has a 629 with fixed sites and a 3" barrel coming out. So is that for the bear in the woods crowd or the Dirty Harry crowd. Looks like a fun gun though.
  8. G

    Brownell mags and springs

    I'm thinking of getting some of the new Brownell AR-15 mags. I've been using a bunch of crappy old ones and been having jam problems. Anyway, on their pages - they have two spring options: SPECS: Chrome Silicon Spring Magazine - Aluminum body, MIL-STD hard-anodized, dry-lube coating. Chrome...
  9. G

    My Mall Scenario :)

    You are at the mall. All of a sudden, you hear gun fire and looking down the length of the mall, you see a bunch of evil doers shooting random shoppers with AR-15s. You are armed with a legit hi-cap semi auto handgun and an extra mag. Thus, you turn at run your butt into Mervyn's and out the...
  10. G

    Should I use this or a 22 for Home Defense

    Well, what do you think? Rioters, zombies, home invasions, the UN, etc.? All take a firm response. What about over penetration? Will I look bad in court if I use this? Will my wife let me buy one?
  11. G

    After the gun fight - your psyche

    So many threads focus on ammo, guns, and when to draw. However, some folks think beyond the mechanics of the gun fight to the legal consequences. I wonder how many folks have bothered to think about the psychological /social consequences also. What will happen to affect your psychological well...
  12. G

    Cheney Simulation

    This is kind of an interesting page. The video is neat. Note, I'm making no comment on the VP - just think the page is interesting.
  13. G

    Eotech sights

    I have an AR with a carry handle and sometimes think about Eotech sights. However, I know little about them besides the fact that I like my friends. What's the pros and cons of all the different modules? I could search but would like a clue on the quick and dirty overview. Thanks all.
  14. G

    I Heard Bob Woodward Today - Predictions!

    Bob Woodward was a guest speaker today at a gig at work. His predictions: 1. Hillary will run 2. Chaney will be the GOP presidential candidate 3. We haven't heard from Al-Qaeda in the USA as they are planning and will execute (or try to) multiple major attacks - maybe with WMD. If this...
  15. G

    Latest Claire on the Police

    Very well done and a must read, IMHO. :)
  16. G

    I wanna shoot somebody - tell me this is OK!

    Flame suit on! It seems to me that we get scenarios where folks really want to get some justification in their reasoning to shoot someone in an ambiguous situation. The drawing on a cop thread running has that flavor. I've seen it in others and in classes over the years. It usually goes...
  17. G

    NAA 32 Mag picture up

    For those interested, a prototype picture of their 32 HR Mag revolver is up on the site -go to the Soapbox.
  18. G

    A 'person' with a knife

    This is a variant on another forum's debate. I give you two scenario. One will on the surface be easy. You are outside your house. The front door flies open a man holding a large knife charges out and towards you. You are within Tueller distance. However, you are trained in the Tueller skills...
  19. G

    Should IDAP matches explicitly allow snubbies in pocket holsters?

    That's the question. It was explicitly mentioned in the last IDPA journal that snubbie stages are needed. Many folks actually carry such. I would suggest that snubbies be allowed. Perhaps, one would want to have some indication of the shooter's competency before allowing a pocket holster but...
  20. G

    Kimber makes a Glockoid

    So I get my new issue of SWAT yesterday and guess what there is a Kimber that is DAO and like a Glock. Now how about that? A 1911 firm goes Glockish.