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  1. D

    Slings- boring huh?

    Any recomendations for a good target sling for SSG? ( I have used, but cant recall the type that is seen on a M24).
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    Range Report- Steyr SSG p1

    Well, I finally got a chance to take the mean green gun out on the Range on Saturday. I was only shooting at 100 metres, so there wasn’t the opportunity to hit golf balls at a kilometre :rolleyes: but it did give the gun a bit of a try out. The rifle is an as issued SSG with a Khales ZF 6x42...
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    Moron decides to rob gun shop with machete....

    Just when you thought crims couldnt get any dumber...,2106,3745948a11,00.html
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    Dumb question about length

    Lads, I have always set the length of the loaded round on factory ammo. But with my new SSG I want maximum length, so the projectile is basically touching the rifling on chambering. How do I set the die for that?
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    Steyr SSG P1 has arrived!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Lads, I now have in my hot sweaty hands my Steyr SSG. Having shot a few sniping rifles over the years, I now at last have my dream shooter. Lighter than my issue AW, I am quietly confident that it will shoot better than it. With a 6 X 42 Khales, its a gorgeous bit of gear. Range report t...
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    Paper Hulls

    Eley has started loading paper hulled shells again!!!! I am the only one who loves the smell of paper hulled shotshells? NOthing compares to shooting a brace of birds, then breaking the gun open for their sweet smell..... Maybe I should get out more.
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    Steel Shot alternatives

    The dim witted wimpy game folk here have banned lead all round on waterfowl ( which is cr*p as our ponds have mud in the bottom, not gravel, so the lead sinks down staright away) I am not going to alter my O/U to take steel, so its a non toxic alternative for me. What have you guys used, and how...
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    Bettinsolli O/U range report

    Well. What a nice O/U gun. Its a grade three with very fine striped walnut in the stock, an after market adjustable comb, and the top barrel is extra full, with the bottom full choke. I took it out with some mates to blast a few pigeons that had been menacing a rifle range, which is taking...
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    Back boring

    Can some one explain this to me? pros/cons?
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    Signs of wear in a O/U gun

    Lads, any suggestions for parts the weapon that I should examine on an O/U gun to get an indication of how much work it has done?
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    Should I get an AR15 HBAR?

    Team, I was playing with an HBAR delta Elite Colt at my local gun and bomb shop earlier today and thought Hmmmmmm...... AR 15's in NZ are very, very expensive. They were banned from import back in the 1990's. so are in short supply, and a sellers market) To get it, and to keep "home command"...
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    Heavy Barrel vs Skinny barrel for varmints

    A mate of mine wants to get a skinny barrel T3 for varmint shooting. I have given the usual reasons- heating, steadiness- not to go there, but he seems convinced. Any other good reasons not to get a skinny barrel?
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    US Hunter dies in New Zealand.,2106,3677325a10,00.html Oh dear. :( :(
  14. D

    Finger proof guns

    A person I know vaguely - who doesnt like guns, can you belive it?- mentioned that there is a weapon that was sold and touted as being resistant to finger prints- the dreaded TEC9. I find this very hard to believe, and suspect it is like the "x Ray proof Glock" and "cop killer bullets". Can...
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    The Dry Fire Myth

    Every now and then - and in several threads in this forum, we hear of people warning aboiut the perils of dry firing a shotgun. When we enpty a shotgun of course, unless we are counting shots, you will pull the trigger on an empty chamber. Why is it that dry firing is considered bad for the gun...
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    Easter Bunny Shoot

    One of the highlight of the years shooting is the annual easter bunny shoot competition held in the bottom half of the South Island in a tiny town called Alexandra. The idea of the competition is have 30 teams of no more than 12 shooters who are assigned balloted blocks of rabbit infested land...
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    Cleaning Butler Creek 10/22 Mags

    Lads, I made the mistake of shooting some rather older .22 ammo through my butler creek magazines and they are not feeding as well. Does anyone have any handy hints to get the gunge out of these things?
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    Coming soon- Saiga 12 gauge field test

    Lads, over the weekend we have our annual Easter Bunny shoot, which is a competition to see which team of 12 can shoot the most rabbits in a weekend. My local gun shop has very kindy loaned me a Saiga semi auto 12 gauge ( basically an AK shotgun) to try out and see how it goes, as I expect to...
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    A great weekends shooting

    Team- I had a blast this weekend. I was defending my mates vineyard against a feathered onslaught, and shot 15 rabbits, 4 pigeons and literally dozens and dozens of starlings and blackbirds. I fired off 450 rounds of 12 gauge, and at one stage had to give it a break as the heat haze from the...
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    Blaze Orange- A good thing?

    Here, you are not required to wear balze orange when hunting. Having said that, I have just bought some blaze gear, as I am getting tired of stray shotgun pellets going my way on a morning rabbit shoot. Do you guys wear it? Does it really help? I have heard that light blue is a bit better, but I...