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  1. D

    What on earth happened?

    Due to restrictions at a range I frequent, I purchased a Beretta Storm 9mm carbine, mainly for a range toy ( we cant use full powered rifles on this range). Anyway, was shooting away. I guess I fired about 100 shots over a 45 minute period. Importantly, the barrel was hot but not smoldering...
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    Rebarrel on Steyr Mannlicher

    Quick question- has anyone ever rebarrelled a Steyr Mannlicher? I understand the barrel is pressed into the receiver and its a very hard job to do, if not impossible...anyone know is this can be done? Thanks.
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    Lahti L35 has arrived

    As a collector of all things Finnish, I was delighted to be able to pick up a series 4 Lahti. For the uninformed, there are 4 series of this pistol, and the series 4 was made by VKT ( Valmet) post war, I understand with pieces left over after the unpleasantness with the Russkis ended. I really...
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    Case Failure...What happened?

    Team, I have been racking my brain on this and just don't really know what caused this. I would be interested to see what you all think. The Rifle: Ruger 10/22, Whistlepig Barrel, Timney Trigger, BX 25 Magazine. The Ammo: Federal Bulk Pack Auto Match. The Situation: A girl I have been...
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    Mosin Minus shellac

    Here you go ( once I figured out how to upload a picture:
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    Mosin Minus shellac

    I saw an interesting Mosin. What the dude has done is: the cosmoline has been removed, along with the original shellac wood finish. the woodwork has been hand sanded, and multiple layers of boiled linseed oil have been applied to give it its superb look and finish as you can see in the photos...
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    Removing Varnish

    Hey guys- about to pick up a nice DWM 1914 Luger ( all matching save the magazine- there is a shock), regimental stamp, nice). At some stage of the past 100 years someone varnished the grips, which match. Aside from that the pistol is a good example. Is it worth trying to get the varnish off, or...
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    110 grain bullet in .30 Luger

    Hi all, I am having real problem in finding a load for this old girl. I have acquired a pile of 110 M1 carbine bullets which are cheap compared to other projectiles. Pretty much everywhere says that you can go up to 110 grains, but I cant seem to find a load that will function? Anyone had any luck?
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    Totally Stuck..Browning .22 Trombone

    I am stuck on this one. I have acquired a lovely little .22 Browning in near mint condition- apart from the 70 years of grime in the action. How on earth do you dissemble it? I cant find anything online, and have been at it for 2 hours, :mad:and just cant see how it is done. :( Has anyone ever...
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    M9 Drill- flicking decoker- safety while dealing with FTF

    Hi All, I love my M9, and it is a pistol I shoot very well with. Often, we will put some blanks in the magazines to train on a failure to eject, or a misfire. Much as I love the M9, it is quite easy to sweep the safety/decocker onto safe when doing such a drill. I was thinking "TAP-...
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    .308 from 7mm08 cases

    Guys, I can get a lot of 7mm08 cases for the best price- free. I plan to use this as field brass, so if it gets lost- big deal. Would it need a trim after necking up? I assume you are having a slightly thinner neck so your brass life is going to be reduced. This will be run through my TRG...
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    .308 168 grain loads for long range...

    Team, my Sako TRG 22 has arrived. Will be using for long range varminting and up too 1,000 metre matches. I will be using 165 grain sierra game kings on game and 168 grain match bullets for competition. I expect to be using the rifle in a wide range of ambient temperatures so want powder that...
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    Sako TRG 22 has arrived!

    Oh my, Sako make a nice long range rifle. Range report coming.
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    Why not an AUG?

    The AR craze has really gone off here too. I have had one for years, and now everyone has one. That, a a real desire for a change has got me thinking about selling an AR for an AUG. The issue ones I have carried are kinda worn, but how do the new series shoot? Any experiences with the new...
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    Internet Gun Guys

    There are a lot of gun videos on the error net. Some are good, some are horrendous. I won't comment on the ones I think are shabby, but any recommendations for you tube posters worth looking at?
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    Load for .44 magnum pistols and rifles

    Guys, I am looking for a load that will work in both my Mod 29 and Ruger Carbine. I have been using a mild load of 12 grains of unique, which is exceptionally accurate, but it will not cycle the Ruger. Has anyone got a suggestion for a start point for both guns? Thank you, I would be very...
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    Large Rifle/Pistol in .44 Magnum

    Lots of stuff on this issue online, but I just want to use the one load in the Smith and the Ruger .44. Can I get away with using either large pistol or large rifle in both, or is segregation prudent? Thanks guys.
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    Dropping that shot?

    I always shoot rather well with a .44 Magnum Revolver, but with my Kimber, am always shooting low, and slightly to the left ( its not the sights- I have ruled that out) to I change my stance to fix that? Thanks, any thought welcome.
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    Pro Gun "Celebrities"

    We all know about for example Tom Selleck and Ted Nugent, but do any other celebrities endorse guns or are shooters? Just curious.....
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    .416 Barrett

    Team, a chap I know is looking at getting a .416 barrett. He can afford this gun, and their are none of the hassles associated with .5BMG. Any experiences or thoughts? Thanks!