Search results

  1. D

    MEC 600 vs MEC 650

    Buying a second relaoding press for 12 gauge and .410. Which is the better press of the two ( yes, I know that there is not a great deal of dough to be saved in reloading most shotshell applications, except I will be reloading buckshot and slugs for practical shooting- then it is well worth it!)
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    Happy 25th Anniversary!

    OK, it takes a wee while for the magazine to hit New zealand, but I do want to wish you all and the staff all the ( belated) best, and another sucessful 25 years of the best shootist magazine in the world.
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    870/1100 interchangabilty

    WHat bits from a 870 and 1100 can you mix 'n match? Some bits, like the recivers are just too alike....
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    Vang Comp- AWESOME- must read.

    Lads, I put a Vang barrel on my 870 after a mate returned from Gunsite and brought me one. I took it out for a night shoot, shooting rabbits. As you know, we do tend to blast a few rabbits in these parts and short barrel , pump action, large magazine "hoses of death" are your usual choice. I...
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    Refurbishing a rifle stock?

    I wish to refurbish my fathers Anchutze rifle. How do I go about this?
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    Another 870 question- slings in fact

    Where is the best spot to mount a sling swivel on the butt? Is it OK to start drilling in the plastic of the stock?
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    870 Dismantling-help!

    Got my extended safety for my 870, (Plus a Vang Barrel, nice). I am struggling to remove the safety, which is one of those horrid lockable ones. Vang has helpfully said " place a finger over the detent spring hole and push the pin out". I am assuming this is detent which is about half an inch...
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    Why Winchester went belly up.

    Fellas, the story that follows I would normally find VERY hard to belive, but for the fact I know the buyer, the gunsmith and the dealer and they all have independently verified this story. My mate, a decent sort of chap who is an infantry officer, on returning from Afghanistan decided a model...
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    .410 slugs

    Picked up a few boxes the other day. Can anyone tell me the point of these, apart from "a bit of a hoot"?:confused:
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    17 HMR- Buy one!

    Well, a few weeks after getting back from yet another overseas trip courtesy of the New Zealand Army ( 16 current overseas operations, and growing!) I decided that a new rifle was the go. I went into see my gunsmith and he offered me a BRNO 611 which he had rechambered for 17HMR with a Walther...
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    Colt Delta Elite in 10mm

    Thoughts? Comments? Nice gun , NIB, good price, 2 magazines.
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    Non Fiction books about guns......

    Any recomendations? I feel like something light weight, pulpy, with lots of guns inside. Can I recommend anything by Stephen Hunter particularly "Point of Imoact" which has a wonderful Cameo wih a thinly disguised Jeff Cooper- and a long discussion about the Model 70 Winchester, and "Pale Horse...
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    Why I dont shoot blackpowder....

    This is not original, but still.... Why I Don't Shoot Blackpowder! Understand that from the time I could put together a rational thought, I've been fascinated by guns. My mother used to prop me in front of the little round picture box as a baby so I could watch men on horseback shooting at...
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    Help! Ar 15 problem!

    I am having the devils own job taking the handguard off the Colt. IT is tight- very tight and they just wont come off. Any tips on how to get them off?
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    Why I dont shoot blackpowder.

    This is not original, but still.... Why I Don't Shoot Blackpowder! Understand that from the time I could put together a rational thought, I've been fascinated by guns. My mother used to prop me in front of the little round picture box as a baby so I could watch men on horseback shooting at...
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    AR 15 fore end with rail- recommendations please.

    Lads, I want to get a new railed fore end for my AR. I want to be able to mount an aimpoint or similier, without hacking off the carry handle. I have seen a variety that puts the aimpoint on par with the peep sight. Can anyone suggest a variety?
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    A sad AR story.

    So. I picked up my COlt HBAR AR15. Very , very tidy, virtually new. No external wear, gun closed like a bank vault. I should add that Ar15's were banned from import in the early '90s. Its a bit of a long story, but they are quite pricey in NZ as there is only a limited number avalible. ( I had...
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    "Slam Fire" on AR, AUG or G36...possible?

    As we all know, a shooter with a "floating" ( I think that is the proper term) firing pin will leave a small dent on the primer of a chambered, and unfired round. Has anyone, ever, struck a round that has been repeatedly chambered, but not fired, discharging after repeated loading? The reason I...
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    I have joined the ranks of the .410'ers!

    1960's Miruku, hand engraved, very tidy, closes like a bank vault. GOt it for the Boy. He's only 2, but still.....
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    Colt HBAR

    As an aisde, what is the difference between and HBAR and normal AR15? Is it JUST the barrel weight, or do they tend to be better shooters?