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    Oligarchy - 1) government by the few; 2) a government in which a small group exercises control especially for corrupt and selfish purposes. (from Webster’s Ninth New Collegiate Dictionary) ------- From the San Antonio Express-News; 12/12/99, pg 2AA (excerpts): Bradley turning to Republicans...
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    Conn. Law Disarms Gun Owners May Become Nationl

    This thread has been moved to the Legal/Political Forum.
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    The Twelfth Man - Texas A&M Bonfire Tragedy

    A fine young Texan sent me this article in reference to the tragedy at Texas A&M. The Twelfth Man The twelve young people who died were truly remarkable kids. They were scholars, student athletes, active in Boy Scouts, 4-H, Church groups, they were leaders. If you had to chose a dozen...
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    .32 ACP Pistol Opinions

    This thread has been moved to the Handguns and Pistolcraft Forum.
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    Oh! Rosie!

    Did you read that on Halloween, the children who came to "trick or treat" at Rosie's were met at the gate by Rosie's security forces! Parents and other adults were forced to wait at the street! Only "children" were permitted by Rosie's security people to approach the Hallowed Hall of Heftiness...
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    Man in Ca. defies state registration, #2

    CassidyGT makes two good points. 1) “We have been begging and pleading for our rights for years now and we are met with little more than a sneer and a derisive snort. ... “ I agree 100%! 2) Cassidy’s conclusion is, “My God people, the system WILL NOT WORK!! When will we collectively wake up...
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    Wide thread

    Ref: C.A.N. thread in General Forum. 1) What makes a thread become too wide for the computer screen? 2) How do I find it? 3) How do I correct it? 4) Look at...
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    Recommendations for Elec. Hearing Protection

    This thread has been moved to Gear and Accessories. GOOD thread! Simply needs to be in the correct forum.
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    Helpful Phrases for Travel in the New Amerika

    Here are some helpful phrases you may soon need in Amerika. Papiere, bitte. (Papers, please.) Jobstep heraus, bitte. or Austeigen, bitte. (Please get out (of a vehicle).) Senken Sie Sie keuchen, gefallen. or Die Hosen fallen lassen, bitte. (Take your pants down, please.) Verbiegen Sie...
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    Guns of the North

    Some time ago we discussed whether registration leads to confiscation. I gave an example where it did so - hears one you can verify: (Quote) The National Firearms Association, a Canadian gun owners' group, has a slogan: "registration means confiscation." That's a cynical take on the law, some...
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    It happened again #2

    Relating to George's "meeting" with a Tongan gentleman who robbed him but lost the encounter (and related stories/comments).
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    Alan Keyes - The Dark Horse Candidate?

    Alan Keyes - the dark horse? Cactus, Rigby, and other Republican supporters: If you want to re-vitalize the Republican Party, return it to truly American values, and win the support of Americans rather than Socialists, you might consider Alan Keyes as your candidate. I know, I know. He’s not...
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    A Memory of Desert Storm

    Brigadier General Mark Welsh (USAF) is the Commandant of Cadets at the Air Force Academy in Colorado Springs. On August 26, 1999, Gen. Welsh spoke to the Corps of Cadets. I received a partial transcript of that speech from an Army officer I consider a friend. However, the photographic slides...
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    Country not ready for third party!!! (?) #2

    Deanf notes (on part one): Gun owners are “between a rock and hard place. I find the options of voting third party (Libertarian) and thus possibly assisting the enemy, or voting Republican (which is a vote against the Constitution) equally unappealing.” ------- That is the crux of the...
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    Hitler ist Deutschland!

    When Adolf Hitler consolidated his power over Germany, he *became* Germany in the minds of many Germans. This was exemplified in a speech where the speaker screamed dramatically, “Hitler ist Deutschland!” (Pause, wild applause!) “Deutschland ist Hitler!” (Hitler is Germany. Germany is Hitler.)...
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    2d Amendment - Do you believe?

    A valid question has been asked: “When is the last time that a Republican congress has PROPOSED a tough gun law?” 1) Good question! One could make the question even more favorable to Republicans by asking, “What was the last Republican gun control proposal that became law without being...
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    Two Gun Polls

    Sun, Oct 10, 1999 J.D. Tuccille - your Guide to: Civil Liberties ======================================== Current Gun Ban Poll: Should privately owned firearms be banned? - Yes, that would reduce the rate of violence - No, that accomplishes nothing and violates individual rights...
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    Alan Keyes, Republican Pres. Nominee

    The National Federation of Republican Assemblies held a straw poll today (10/9/99) in Kansas City, Missouri. The vote totals are as follows: Steve Forbes 308 Pat Buchanan 172 Alan Keyes 149 Gary Bauer 86 George W. Bush 35 Disallowed votes 5 John McCain 3 Liddy Dole 2 Orin Hatch 0 760 total...
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    Republican Gun Control

    Are these the Republicans who will preserve our Second Amendment? --------------------- ((quote: Bold for stress added by Dennis)) WASHINGTON (AP) - House Judiciary Committee Chairman Henry Hyde said Thursday that negotiators were close to agreement on legislation...