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  1. D

    A Political Chicken's Thread

    (I know I'm gonna regret this....) Attention, all those who cherish truth. We have drawn upon the sages of the ages to answer the eternal question: “Why did the chicken cross the road?” VICE PRESIDENT GORE: I fight for the chickens and I am fighting for the chickens right now. I will not...
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    Clinton - In Muddy Fields

    Now, as President, that “man” gains political mileage from the deaths of those who died to protect his freedom - which he spurned, betrayed, and reviled. I *SO* despise that man. Mere vulgarities fail me. I sit here choking back tears of guilt, sadness, and rage.... (quote - stress added)...
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    Antonement or warning?

    Antonement or warning? (from iWon; bold as original; footnotes by Dennis) (quote)----------------------- A Gesture Of Atonement November 10, 2000 9:15 am EST Govt. To Preserve Japanese-American Internment Sites (4) WASHINGTON, NOV. 9, 2000 (CBS News) - President Clinton announced a plan...
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    TFLers! Unite!

    Okay, folks. We let the forum policies slip during the actual debates over the candidates and the issues related to the elections. Whether we like it or not, our part in the elections is over. (I’m as upset and nervous about it all as are any of you! :) ) However, it is now time to return to...
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    Veterans Day - Saturday, Nov 11th

    Saturday is Veterans Day This Saturday, November 11th, is again Veterans Day. It is well and good to remember and thank those who are still around to thank; but let’s remember some others: - Let’s remember the vets who sit or lay in veterans hospitals across America. Many of these hospitals...
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    The People means The People - US Supreme Ct

    The following is an excerpt from the Supreme Court: U.S. Supreme Court UNITED STATES v. VERDUGO-URQUIDEZ, 494 U.S. 259 (1990) 494 U.S. 259 UNITED STATES v. VERDUGO-URQUIDEZ CERTIORARI TO THE UNITED STATES COURT OF APPEALS FOR THE NINTH CIRCUIT No. 88-1353. Argued November 7, 1989...
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    Where's the Staff?

    All, The question was raised over in Legal why Staff members have not been posting as often as in the past. It is felt that we are not as accessible as in the past and may have developed our own little clique in the Staff Forum. Here’s my personal opinion on the subject. - Rich has been up...
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    The lesser of two evils

    Taken from: quote Guns Governor Bush believes the best gun control measure is to vigorously prosecute those who illegally sell guns, those who illegally carry guns, and those who illegally commit crimes with guns. Governor Bush’s priority as President will be to...
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    DC will be off-line until further notice.

    A computer virus apparently has put DC off-line for the moment. Please hold on all e-mails to DC until she is back on-line (per her request). See a possibly related thread:
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    Open Meetings Act / Freedom of Information

    References for most (perhaps all) states can be found here: ------------------ Either you believe in the Second Amendment or you don't. Stick it to 'em! RKBA!
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    Consumer Federation of America

    Consumer Federation of America(CFA) is another “nanny” organization attempting to protect us from ourselves. They are virulently anti-gun. They are exceptionally dangerous to our RKBA because: - CFA has gained a remarkable reputation by finding dangerous consumer products and bringing about...
  12. D

    TFL returns to its mission

    There’s an old cowboy saying, “There’s a lot of things they didn’t tell me when I joined this outfit!” Members of TFL can not say that truthfully. Every TFL member has agreed to abide by the Forum Policies. We, the Staff of TFL, have been lax in enforcing some of these policies. The results...
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    Texas CHL Instructor Recert Class. Oct 2&3

    Anybody else going to this recertification class for Texas CHL Instructors? [This message has been edited by Dennis (edited September 05, 2000).]
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    TFL is not a pro-gun forum

    Disclaimer: The following opinions are mine - not necessarily those of the owner, Staff, or any member of The Firing Line. --------------------- “TFL is not a pro-gun forum.” That statement is inadequate and therefore controversial. To advance responsible firearms ownership, we must secure...
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    Questions from HelgeS, part 3

    Helge, “German Highschool gives everybody the equivalent of a US college degree,...” Do you mean everybody attends and finishes German High School? I was under the impression that many “less capable” students - so identified by the school authorities - are not permitted to go to German High...
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    Bad luck with gun

    Bad luck with gun may bring charges (San Antonio Express-News 7/20/00 Pg 1B) By Bonnie Pfister (<--- Really!! ) Laredo - A 26 y/o construction worker is recovering after accidentally shooting himself in the testicles earlier this week. Police said Genaro Hernandez was leaving his home on...
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    Bush-backer humor

    A little humor from a Bush-backer. Mr. David G. Walker from Marble Falls, TX, wrote this letter to the editor of the San Antonio Express-News: (quote) Dear George W. Bush: It’s time you stopped *****-footing around. Challenge Al Gore to a knock-down drag-out debate: in Miami, in San Antonio...
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    My wife is concerned that I am getting extreme, Pt 2

    Mrs. Bornman, There’s another way of looking at it. Perhaps we, as a country, have become too extreme in looking to our government resolve every controversy, pay for every bill, and to solve every problem. *If* that’s the case, then all we are doing here on TFL is recovering from the extreme...
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    Helge and the Use of Force

    Helge, Different states (in the USA) have differing laws. For example, in Texas the use of force is discussed in chapter 9 of the Texas Penal Code. In your example of robbery, the question occurs as to appropriate response. Inasmuch as you like unique examples, permit me to do likewise. I’m of...
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    TFL - a Libertarian Board?

    All, This seems to be a recurring theme; therefore it must be time, once again, to assure everyone that my views are mine - not the Staff’s. We have approximately twenty-five people on Staff at TFL. I would assume, given the nature of TFL, most Staff members believe in and support the...