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    Russians to bring US EP-3 from China

    Russians To Fly US Spy Plane Home Associated Press June 09, 2001 MOSCOW (AP) - A Russian air cargo company said Saturday it has been picked to fly a dismantled US navy spy plane out of China. Leonid Shirobokov, a...
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    Feds to take over education

    Children who remain unaware of our Rights and Freedoms in a Republic grow to adulthood as federalist serfs. If we are to slow our slide into subservience, if we are to have any chance of restoring Constitutional Law in America, our children must be taught about our Constitution and the Bill of...
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    "Why Dumb Americans are the Best"

    (QUOTE) This is a WorldNetDaily printer-friendly version of the article which follows. To view this item online, visit Wednesday, March 14, 2001 Why dumb Americans are the best By Walter Williams © 2001 It's generally...
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    Million Mom March - Austin 5/13/2001

    Actually it wasn't even a Thousand Mom March. Well, okay, it wasn't even a Five Hundred Mom March. The size of their crowd varied during the day but reached a peak, by my estimate, of 200-250 people (counting children). (The local news said 300 MMMers came and went during the day.) The...
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    Globalism v. Patriotism

    Globalism v. Patriotism (long) We (I include myself) frequently note the foolish and tyrannical acts of today’s British and Australian governments. We thoughtlessly assume the governments of those countries represent the will of the governed and wonder why so few resist, why so many passively...
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    Doctor says PC corrupts medicine

    From Medscape (a password-protected site) (quote - somewhat re-paragraphed for clarity; bold added by Dennis) Medscape General Medicine Book Review PC, M.D.: How Political Correctness Is Corrupting Medicine By Sally Satel, MD Basic Books (Perseus Books Group) Copyright 2000; 256 pages ISBN...
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    U.S. Constitution - Null & Void by UN Treaty?

    U.S. Constitution, Article II, Section 2 consists of three paragraphs. The first sentence of the second paragraph gives the President several powers. Here is an excerpt of the first sentence: “He shall have Power, by and with the Advice and Consent of the Senate, to make Treaties, provided two...
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    Teach Your Children Well

    From time to time an article bothers me. This article explains in the best manner I have seen how good, intelligent people become sheeple. Frankly, it frightens me. ================= (Quote) Teach Your Children Well I was raised in an average American family. We were neither wealthy nor...
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    2d Amendment Foundation MasterCard

    The Firing Line, the Staff, the Membership and I are not sponsoring, supporting, or recommending this offer. On a personal basis, I am merely informing you that I have found a pro-gun organization involved with a MasterCard. This is a strictly personal post for information and possible mutual...
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    Preserving the Inalienable Right....

    World Net Daily is advertising a book entitled, The Second Amendment: Preserving the Inalienable Right of Individual Self-Protection by David Barton For $5.95 it might be a good read. (?)
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    Group Pressure Bush Electors

    (Just when you thought it was safe to watch the news again....) To view this item online, visit up_trie.shtml Friday, December 15, 2000 ELECTION 2000 Group tries to dissuade Bush electors Claims thousands of e-mails sent to...
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    Investigations of Voter Fraud (long)

    All, I can't resist putting this under the heading, "Reverend Jesse Jackson! Be careful what you wish for!" :D ========================= To view this item online, visit Friday, December 15, 2000 ELECTION 2000...
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    VA Alert on Biowar Tests

    Once again, honorable men serve dishonorable leaders. Defenders of our country used as guinea pigs. :mad: ------- (Quote - bold by Dennis) VA Alert On Biowar Tests December 8, 2000 2:15 pm EST Hospitals Told To Evaluate Veterans For Signs Of Exposure LOS ANGELES, DEC. 7, 2000 (CBS News) -...
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    Clinton - a man of honor (long)

    No, no, GEORGE Clinton! Antifederalist No. 14 (quoted, complete, stress added by Dennis) EXTENT OF TERRITORY UNDER CONSOLIDATED GOVERNMENT TOO LARGE TO PRESERVE LIBERTY OR PROTECT PROPERTY George Clinton, Governor of New York, was an adversary of the Constitution. He composed several...
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    Drug Checkpoints Unconstitutional - SCOTUS

    If this url does not work, research Reuters News Service:,11746,62266|top|11- 28-2000::12:43|reuters,00.html (quote - stress added by Dennis) U.S. Supreme Court Strikes Down Drug Roadblocks November 28, 2000 12:44 pm EST By James Vicini...
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    1st Amendment Infringed by Supreme Court

    If this url does not work, then research Reuters News Service:,11746,76841|top|11-27-20 00::21:33|reuters,00.html (quote - stress added by Dennis) US High Court Won't Allow TV Cover of Election Case November 27, 2000 9:24 pm EST WASHINGTON...
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    More Desperate, More Ugly - Thomas Sowell

    This post by Jeff Thomas was attached to a thread in the General Forum - apparently by a software glitch. -- Dennis --------------------------------- In case the link dies ... quote: Thomas Sowell More desperate, more ugly IT WAS ONLY a few words among the millions that have been...
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    Gulf War Illness - a fact!

    Gulf War Veterans served with honor and integrity. When many veterans complained of illnesses, when many veterans parented children with severe birth defects, our government abandoned and ridiculed these veterans, denied their medical signs and symptoms, and stated categorically that there was...
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    Bush Wins

    Bush 2,912,790 Gore 2,912,253
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    Restrain Your Language - But Never Forget!

    All, I have a photo for you. Here is the caption for the photo from Reuters: (quote) President Clinton accompanied by Dave Evert (L) and Dan Evert (R), sons of former fighter pilot Captain Lawrence Evert, survey the Joint Task Force-Full Accounting excavation site in the village of Tien Chau...