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    10% of Americans own 80% of guns?

    From First-Time Gun Buyers The Exception 10% Of Americans Own 80% of Guns WASHINGTON (CBS News) - When it comes to guns in America, in theory there are enough for every adult to own at least one. But, as CBS News Correspondent Jim Stewart reports, they don't, because as it...
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    Today Tobacco. Tomorrow Guns?

    Here’s a glimpse of what our RKBA is in for once tobacco is “vanquished”. (Quote bold added for stress) This page is from iWon Web site: =,11746,211877|top|07-04-2 000::08:15|cbs,00.html]clickhere Is Too Truthful? July 4...
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    Armed - and caught at it.

    Yesterday I bought two new tires and had them put on my wife’s car. At the tire shop, I met a Deputy Sheriff I’ve know for years. As we waited for our cars, we passed the time in pleasant conversation. We were standing apart from the other customers in the waiting room when suddenly he...
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    Bill of Rights - a Status Report

    The following was posted by Norkakn, 6/4/2000 01:05AM, in the Ms.Magazine Politics Forum. I quote the article with no comment at this time. (QUOTE) Feel free to copy this article far and wide, but please keep my name and this sentence on it. The Bill of...
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    Why do you have guns -- Part 3

    Dear Folkbabe, Are you snowed under yet? The quantity of replies will *cover* you if you're not careful! I need some help here, folks! In Olde New England ( ), some minister stated that refusing to protect yourself was a form of suicide - or something similar. He was *very* strong on the...
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    It's MY property!

    Yesterday I was reprimanded for cutting down a tree in my yard. The representative from the Property Owners’ Association threatened to have me arrested by the local Constable and also to sue me in court. Then he addressed my possession of guns. I lost it, folks! :mad: My exact response to...
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    MMM San Antonio

    Last Monday I attended my second and last MMM meeting. (Read about the first meeting at: ) The meeting started late because all the “wheels” were in another meeting. I tried to cement my relationship with the two POMC...
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    Children die in ball pits

    This is NOT gun-related, nor is this information confirmed. But it is too important NOT to post. I just received the following e-mail from my daughter and son-in-law. THIS INFORMATION IS *NOT* CONFIRMED! but it seems rational enough to warrant immediate notification! I have dropped the...
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    Arizona is prepared to Secede !

    All, Some states seem to know who’s in charge! Salute to some real Americans in Arizona who are trying to put the brakes on the runaway federal train of abuses. (quote - - bold added for stress) AZ: Secession Resolution Survives Committee Vote Sierra Times Exclusive By...
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    Libertarians on the March!

    More and more people are getting sick of the big #1 party, the Republocrats, and their pretense that they are two separate parties! When “opposing” Presidential candidates such as Bradley (D) and McCain (R) help each other with political campaign funding, how can ANYone pretend these are two...
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    LawDog's Auto Accident, Part 2

    Latest word is that LawDog is recovering well, though in pain. Currently he is expected to be in the hospital another week or a little more. Let's swamp him with cards. (None by Hallmark.)
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    Shooter's License... Pro or Con, Part 2

    Hawkgt said, “From reading the posts, and other topics it sounds like we all agree that convicted criminals, of violent crimes ( murders,etc ) loose their right to bear arms? Agree? The unfortunate reality is that they will be released back onto the streets, unreformed and more determined not to...
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    Congress Ignores e-mail?

    Most members of Congress ignore e-mail. (Quote-bold added for stress) Three Words Congressional Offices Hate to Hear: You’ve Got Mail BY ALICIA AULT AND KATHY JONES While tens of millions of Americans happily digest a daily diet of "you've got mail," a small group of citizens remains wary of...
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    New News Service

    There’s a new news service on the net - This service apparently is owned and operated by J. J. Johnson. He appears to be very sensitive to what he considers Constitutional issues; however, his writing seems to me to be very emotional. I have no idea what, if any...
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    Republican Party, Gingrich, and the NWO

    “Contract with America” or “Contract with the United Nations”? Thanks to the TFL member who sent me the article, “Third Way Contract; Gingrich and Toffler” by Diane Alden and Steve Farrell (12/9/99). The authors reveal the unseen power behind the...
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    Use of Force, #2

    Hey, Hard Ball, I don't know that anyone has done this before. Let's start with your well-known statement and work backwards. - "I'd rather be tried by twelve than carried by six." - I'd rather be no-billed than tried. - I'd rather be commended than charged. - I'd rather chase him off...
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    Poll - NFRA

    The NFRA (National Federation of Republican Assemblies) has a poll for Republican candidates. Alan Keyes is WAY out front at the moment. Please take a second to show the Republicans we don't want the gun control offered by Bush, McCain, etc. (quote) ...Please take the time to go and register...
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    The White Rose

    There are times when we may feel alone in our yearning for freedom. Then we remember our families, our ancestors, and even our Founding Fathers. But freedom is bigger than any one of us. It is bigger than our families, ancestors, or even our country. People who yearn for freedom may be...