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    From Chicago With Love: Getting Paid for Civil Rights Litigation

    Anyone remember Alan Gura having to fight D.C. for money owed? The last conference for that case (the original Parker v. D.C. @ District Court) was Dec. 13, 2010. The last filing was a post conference supplemental brief (12-17-2010) by Gura. It's a short 6 pages and can be read, here. In other...
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    ATF Project Gunrunner

    What started out, and looked to be, some kind of Tin-Foil Hattery, or maybe just plain malicious rumor, has once again reminded me that truth is indeed stranger than fiction. David Codrea, the National Gun Rights Examiner, has the blow-by-blow account at, A journalist's guide to 'Project...
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    The Second Amendment Two-Step

    The Second Amendment Two-Step, as a legal defense against the carry outside of the home question A week ago (maybe 2), Patrick, over at, first gave voice to the type of defense we are seeing our opponents use. The Defense argument: 1a) The bearing of arms outside of the home is...
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    It was asked in another thread about what RECAP is and how it works. Here then, is a brief explanation. PACER - Public Access to Court Electronic Records - is the system by which us normal citizens can access various court documents. Attorneys and the Courts communicate, more and more, on a...
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    Idaho Student Sues UI for RKBA

    It was bound to happen. Back in the 2009 Idaho legislative session, the State adopted a law that in no uncertain terms let all Idaho governments and agencies know that the legislature occupied the entire spectrum of firearms law within the State. However, in the debate of this law, the Idaho...
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    R.I.P. - Aaron Zelman

    Aaron Zelman, Executive Director of the Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership (JPFO) passed away on Dec. 21, 2010. Just reported by Ammoland, here. Like him or not, he helped to lead the fight for RKBA.
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    NJ Carry: Drake v. Filko (Muller v. Maenz)

    Last Monday (Dec. 20th), the plaintiffs filed a Motion for Summary Judgment. See this PDF document. What makes this different than all the other challenges that the SAF has used, prior to filing this case, is that this is a facial challenge to a specific portion of the law. the "lawsuit...
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    Illinois - Under the RADAR

    Here's a case, by the NRA and ISRA, that started sometime in 2008 (before Heller), I believe. The case is a challenge to the Illinois Cook County (i.e. Chicago) Assault Weapons Ban. On Sept. 29, 2010 the following order was issued by the Illinois Supreme Court: The above can be found at the...
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    Peruta v. San Diego

    The last we heard, on 10-04-2010, Defendant Sheriff Gore filed a cross MSJ; an amicus brief was filed by the Brady Center; a declaration was filed by anti-gun Prof. Zimring; a declaration was filed by the manager of CCW, Pelowitz. There it pretty much stood until the 18th of October. Last...
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    Nordyke III

    Nordyke (III) orals were yesterday, audio is here. The first thing the court did was to ask Don Kilmer what he wanted the court to do. Remembering that the original District Court did not allow an amended complaint to include a 2A component (which was moot within the 9th Circuit at that time)...
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    SCOTUS Cert filed: Schrader, et al v. Holder, et al

    The case of Schrader v. Holder is a particularly endangering case, should the actions of the FBI be upheld (see the Current 2A Cases thread for links and other details). In July of 1968, Jefferson Schrader got into a fistfight with another man. Schrader was observed by a Annapolis, MD LEO, who...
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    Woollard v. Sheridan: Cert Denied - see pg 14

    This is the case that challenges Maryland's Carry permit law that requires applicants demonstrate "good and substantial reasons." Filed 28 July, 2010 in the U.S. District Court for the District of Maryland. It is an SAF/Alan Gura case. In the initial complaint, there are 2 claims. First, that...
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    Sheriff Parker v. CA

    Sheriff Clay Parker (Tehama County), et al v. State of California, et al At the above link, you will find an article by Chuck Michel on how this case was assembled and what made it "secret" enough, not to disclose until now. Also at the link above, you will find most of the filings by Parker...
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    Ezell v. Chicago (SAF/Gura)

    In case everyone missed it, there are happenings in the SAF/Gura case, Ezell v. Chicago (Alan Gura's challenge to the Chicago gun range ban). Gura attempted to get a Temporary Restraining Order (TRO) against Chicago from implimenting any law or rule against banning gun ranges. The original...
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    The Newest NRA Lawsuits - Texas

    From the NRA-ILA, we have this announcement: There is a companion case to this. Perhaps the NRA-ILA saved the additional announcement for its Texas members. Regardless, the companion case is D'Cruz v. McCraw, and seeks to invalidate the Texas statutes that prohibit an adult aged 18-20 from...
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    More on the Nordyke Case (CA - 9th Circuit)

    Of the 19 cases (so far) listed in the Current 2A Cases thread, the following cases are supported by the SAF, CRPAF (CA Rifle and Pistol Assoc. Foundation), CalGuns Foundation or some combination of the foregoing: Nordyke v. King Palmer v. District of Columbia Pena v Cid Sykes v. McGinness...
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    Baker v. Biaggi, Nevada RKBA Case

    Over at Only Guns and Money Blog, there is an article on the case, Baker v. Biaggi. Filed in the U.S. District Court for Nevada, Northern District, July 13, 2010. Read the article and the complaint, here. James Manley, of the Mountain States Legal Foundation is the lead attorney with Robert...
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    Current 2A Cases

    A brief note of explanation on the format I am now using. All cases being tracked are of national importance, as they define the parameters (scope) of the Second Amendment after Heller and McDonald. These cases ultimately become citable precedent to the various courts and persuasive precedent...
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    Nordyke en banc Dismissed and Remanded - Update!

    From CalGuns Foundation: The Nordyke en-banc is remanded back to the original panel: Judges Gould, O’Scannlain and Alarcón. The order is here. This means that the panel will no longer be addressing the incorporation issue. That is now settled fact. What they will do is to visit the "sensitive...
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    June 2010 Photo Contest Winner

    We have a winner for the June contest. Congratulations, ClemBert!