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    Welcome to the Newest Moderator at The Firing Line

    It is with pleasure that I welcome Spats McGee as or newest TFL moderator. Spats has agreed to help out in the L&CR forum, but will also function wherever he wanders in the halls of TFL. Please give him a warm welcome. Hey Spats! I stickied this thread. That makes it invisible and no one else...
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    Congress May Place a Tether On The EPA

    As many of you may be aware, several environmental groups have, once again, petitioned the EPA to ban ammunition and fishing tackle that contains lead as a component of the sport. What hasn't been reported is that while the EPA has delined that part of the petition that includes ammo (as being...
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    Thomas Sowell On Gun Control

    Do Gun-Control Laws Control Guns? The "other side" has framed this debate, which we need to stop anwering. We need to debate on equal ground... That is, we need to frame the debate ourselves, whether the "other side" likes it or not (and be assured, they won't like it one iota)! Larry Correia...
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    The Opposition to Obama and Gun-Control is Rapidly Growing.

    Jay Blackwell, one of the civil rights reporters has taken on the task of reporting the national opposition to the Obama Administrations efforts to create new gun-bans in the wake of the horrific Sandy Hook shooting. The list below is taken from; Sheriffs will not enforce Obama gun...
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    Using the CDC for Firearms Reseach

    While we're waiting for the actual text of this (and other) EO(s), it appears that some think the CDC is relatively unbiased in all their approaches. They are not. In the case of firearms and so-called gun violence, they heavily influenced by the AMA, the AP(ediatric)A, and the AP(sychiatric)A...
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    World-wide, Gun Bans Breed Defiance

    I have always pretty much figured that if it actually came to registration, or heavens forbid, confiscation, that most in the US would roll over. It appears I may be wrong. According to an article by J.D. Tuccille, world-wide, and even here in the US, defiance of radical gun restrictions are...
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    New Moderator in town!

    While we are all saddened by the passing of Dave McCracken, life still goes on. The Staff at TFL would like you all to give hogdogs a hearty welcome, as the new moderator of this forum.
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    The Brady's and LCAV's Makeovers

    You may or maynot be aware that the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence is doing a makeover (to preserve their relevance). You can see the results at We Are Better Than This! This occured in mid-August. Now, the Legal Community Against Violence (LCAV - a San Francisico attorney group) has...
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    CA: Orange County Sheriff sued over carry permits

    This just in from CA: In addition to the source at Michel & Associates, the case has been recapped. The Docket and associated filings are here: Docket The lead attorneys are Carl (Chuck) Michel, Glenn McRoberts and Sean Brady (a member of TFL), all attorneys for Michel & Assoc. Filed on Sept...
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    The Decision in NFIB v. Sebelius

    What This Thread Is Not This thread is not about President Obama's Health Care Mandates. It is not about Health Care. It is not about Medicaid. It is not about Health Insurance. It is not about the state of health care in the US vs the world. Those topics are not now and never were valid...
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    Teixeira v. County of Alameda

    A new case has been filed: Teixeira et al v. County of Alameda et al The plaintiffs are John Teixeira, Steve Nobriga, Gary Gamaza, Calguns Foundation (CGF), Inc., Second Amendment Foundation (SAF), Inc. and the California Association of Federal Firearms Licensees (Cal-FFL). The defendants are...
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    Gowder v. Chicago

    The case is Gowder v. City of Chicago, et al. The case was filed a little over a year ago and has been speedily concluded... At this stage. I fully expect that Chicago will appeal and motion for a stay at the same time. The amended complaint may be read here...
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    Where Are We With The 2A Cases?

    Here is a wrap-up of where things stand. The links of each case refer back to the Internet Archive, as that's where the final determination will mostly be made, as most circuit courts will remand. Richards v. Prieto (was Sykes v. McGinness) Filed, May 5th, 2009. Alan Gura and Donald Kilmer are...
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    CGF/SAF sues CA DOJ, San Francisco and Oakland

    So we have a new CA case to be added to the list! Press Release The actual claims are violations of the 2A (Right to Arms), 4A (Unreasonable Seizure), 5A (Taking without Compensation), 14A (Due Process), and Conversion (State Law = Theft of Property). The docket is...
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    SAF sues New Mexico over legal resident alien CCW permits

    Hot on the heels of their win in MA, the SAF has announced that they have filed suit in New Mexico to have those portions of their CCW law ruled unconstitutional, as they pertain to legal resident aliens. The SAF news release is here. I'll add the case to the list as soon as I can find it...
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    McMillan Manufacturing and the BofA

    Yesterday (Thurs. Apr. 19th) Kelly McMillan wrote on his companies FaceBook page: Today it was picked up by Bob Owens writing for PJ Media...
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    IL: Winbigler v. Warren County Housing Authority.

    SAF Press release: I've already recapped the docket and the complaint. The Docket is listed in Post #5, Item #70 of the Current 2A Cases thread. the Complaint is here: You can take note that David Sigale...
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    Jarvis v. Village Vault: MA Due Process Firearms Forfeiture Violations

    The MA group, Comm2A is at it again! Best to let them describe the suit in their own words. Seems straightforward and simple enough, yes? As we've seen, not with firearms.
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    Gura: Force of Nature

    Some of you may be familiar with Attorney Donald Kilmer. He is the lead attorney in the Nordyke case; lead attorney in other CA 2A cases and co-counsel with Alan Gura in a couple more. Monday Afternoon, Don started a thread at CalGuns with the same title as this thread. What he says, coming...
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    Where we are, after McDonald

    Of the 68 cases listed in the Current 2A Cases thread, the following are at the Circuit Court of Appeals: 1st CCA 36. Hightower v. Boston - Briefing Stage. USCA1 11-2281. Is carry (in whatever form) for self defense, public or private, the core of the right? 2nd CCA 58. Osterweil v. Bartlett -...