Search results

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    Harold Fish Not to be Retried

    From So, with a combination of the Appeals Court ruling and the new Self-Defense law, the prosecution doesn't feel they can get a conviction. Harold Fish may get out of prison, but he can now be civilly sued (assuming any Statute of Limitations has not run out). Um, O.J. redux.
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    Maloney v Rice : 2nd Circuit Cert Petition

    In the 2nd Circuit case of Maloney v. Rice (the 2nd Circuit nun-chuka case), cert was filed on June 26, 2009, exactly one year of the date of the Heller decision. Link to PDF. Maloney is pro se counsel of record. Until reading the cert, I was actually unaware of all that had transpired in this...
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    May 2009 Monthly Photo Contest

    The game is on for May! A reminder to all, that the rules for this contest can be read here. One picture, one post.
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    March 2009 Photo Contest Winner!

    Bud must be busier than usual. So here's the March 2009 winner! Congratulations, K-Loader. Really good picture.
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    A Few Words of Explanation - Updated

    Certain people seem to have taken extreme offense at the way certain threads are allowed and others are summarily closed. Here, in the Law and Civil Rights Forum at TFL, we have set some pretty strict guidelines as to what is acceptable and what is not. What has never been addressed, yet has...
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    2009 Idaho Legislative Session

    The Idaho Legislature is in session and is at it again. First, the good news. House bill, H0065, brings Idaho Code into compliance with federal code. I.C. 18-3314 will be revised to allow any resident to purchase rifles and shotguns from any state in the Union without going through an FFL...
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    TFL January Photo Contest Winner!

    Congratulations IdahoG36. 77% of the runoff vote went to this great photo.
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    January 2009 Photo Contest Run-Off

    So, we had a tie for the January Photo Contest, between IdahoG36 and benny27. We'll Start this run-off now, and close it on Saturday the 14th. Winner will be posted on Sunday the 15th.
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    February 2009 Photo Contest

    It's a short month, so let's get the February, 2009 contest started. The usual contest rules apply.
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    New Moderators for L&CR

    Please welcome Glenn Meyer and Mike Irwin. They will be helping out as mods to this forum.
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    New 4th Amendment case before SCOTUS

    The question presented: The case is Arizona v. Johnson, Docket No. 07-1122. Oral arguments were made yesterday, Dec. 9, 2008. Case filings may be downloaded here. This is an "Officer Safety" issue that may have far reaching implications on the reach of 4th amendment warrantless searches...
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    The October Winner Is....

    Bud is busy with his job, so I hope you don't mind my "taking over" this month. Congratulations to banditSRT8. After a tie in the original voting poll, the runoff showed his photograph was the overall favorite.
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    One to Watch: US v. Hayes

    U.S. v. Hayes Docket #07-608 Oral Arguments are set for Monday Nov. 10, 2008. All briefs may be found here. Question Presented: Section 922(g)(9) of Title 18, United States Code, makes it a crime for any person convicted of a “misdemeanor crime of domestic violence” to possess a firearm. The...
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    Free Offer From the Heritage Foundation

    Many of the topics that are being discussed, or will be discussed, involve some knowledge of the Constitution. If you haven't read it lately, here's a great offer for you. The Heritage Foundation, is making available a free pocket-sized Declaration of Independence and US Constitution. They are...
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    Cooper Firearms Of Montana

    Let's get the rules about this thread right out into the open. This is about a very stupid (and possibly fatal) mistake made by the Owner and CEO of a gun manufacturer in Montana. It is not about who he gave campaign contributions to, so much as he did it to possibly (probably?) curry favor. So...
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    New Moderator for L&CR

    You know, Dave and I have been remiss in making this announcement. Don't quite know how this got overlooked. But, overlooked it has been. With my apologies to Gary, I would like everyone to welcome 44 AMP as a co-moderator to the L&CR forum. I'm sure many of you recognize him from his posts...
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    Checks, Balances and Constitutional Theory

    I'm still waiting for soemeone to tell me, under what legal theory does the Congress have the authority to "bail out" any private business. The only answer I get is the same one I got when I questioned about the Chrysler Corp. bail-out: The General Welfare Clause. That's as much hokem as how...
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    9th Circuit and 2A Incorporation

    From the "In case no one is watching Dept." After the flurry of cases filed in the aftermath of Heller, we all thought it would be a few more years before the matter of incorporation would reach any Circuit, let alone the SCOTUS. Well, we were all wrong. The following are the briefs filed in...
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    L&CR Forum Rules | Read First

    The mission and purpose of TheFiringLine has always been that of the Right to Keep and Bear Arms by promoting Responsible Firearms Ownership. The Challenge that Rich Lucibella has given us, has always been, "…that Internet Discussion Forums need not be 'Chat Rooms'; that spirited debate need...
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    Suggestions for Envigorating L&P

    Hammer4nc, offered a suggestion with this post. In that spirit, this thread is open to suggestions. Let me start off by saying that the Legal and Political forum, in all probability will not be resurrected, in its current form. Politics has always been somewhat of a bane to the forum. This has...