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    Hightower v. Boston

    It's time for it's own thread. If you are not familiar with this case, I suggest you search the Current 2A Cases (#36 - post #3) thread (yes, you can search the individual threads): As I reported (in the linked thread, above), the opening...
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    Alert! New Method of Email Spam

    This note is a warning to all members of TFL, or any other website that uses vBulletin software. I received some spam via email the other day. Nothing new in that, right? It is when the sender used my Firing Line email addy as the receiver. This was a first! If you were to go and look at your...
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    4A Case - Unanimous Decision

    I think we are all aware that the 4A has been on "life-support" for some time now. This morning, the SCOTUS issued a 34 page 9-0 opinion that gave the 4A a much need transfusion! The case, U.S. v. Antione Jones (10-1259), was filed for certiorari on Feb 2, 2011. Cert was granted on Jun 27...
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    Yet Another Wrong Headed Lawsuit

    What is the offense of committing an affray? It is a form of disorderly conduct; it is a breach of the peace; it disturbs the peace of the community, often to the terror of the people. On or about Dec. 29th, 2010, Leonard Embody, went to a nature conserve (a public park) dressed in camo's and...
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    Kachalsky v. Cacase - NY Carry - Cert Filed

    We haven't had a separate thread on this case. In light of the opening brief to the 2nd Circuit (posted in the 2A Current Cases thread), I thought I would share some thoughts I have already posted to CalGunsNet and MDShooters (in slightly different forms). What I am about to say, is going to...
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    Color My Face Red!

    Earlier today, when I was home for lunch, I was attempting to edit the Current 2A Cases thread, by adding a new page to the list of cases, when I clicked on the wrong controls and ZAP! I had just hard deleted the entire thread. :o :( :mad: :o Nobodies fault but mine. Complacency, thy name is...
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    Lowery v. US - Cert Petition

    A law that the defendant was convicted of, was valid at the time of the arrest and subsequent conviction. In Lowery v. U.S., petition for certiorari, the SCOTUS has requested a response. The D.C. Circuit decision. On appeal, the rules had changed. Heller ensued and the 2A became a valid claim...
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    NRA & CRPA Foundation File Lawsuit Challenging Firearm Sales “Fees”

    The full announcement can be read here. The background of this lawsuit started a year ago, when the CA DOJ announced it intended to seek a regulatory decrease in its DROS fees by $5. It seems that there was a surplus in its funds (and still is), to the tune of several million dollars. To that...
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    Osterweil v. Bartlett, NY State

    Osterweil v. Bartlett is a case that I posted a couple of days ago (third post, item #57 in the Current 2A Cases thread). This is a peculiar case as it turns on a decidedly narrow interpretation of what a "home" is. The case was filed pro se (meaning Mr. Osterweil represented himself). Here's...
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    Masciandaro v. United States

    Since there isn't a specific thread on this case yet, I thought I had better create one. As announced in the Current 2A Cases thread, Mr. Masciandaro has petitioned for a Writ of Certiorari (see here). This case is very similar to the Williams case, but with notable differences. The thread on...
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    Wollschlaeger v. Florida

    This whole thing has been a long time in coming. Read the following very closley, please. The Case: Wollschlaeger et al v. Scott et al Case Number: 1:2011cv22026 Filed: June 6, 2011 Court: Florida Southern District Court Office: Miami Office The Plaintiffs: Bernd Wollschlaeger , Judith...
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    BIG New CA Lawsuit!

    Today, the SAF has sued California over its vague definition of Assault Weapons (and incidentally, the ban). Read the press release, here. Until I get it listed on PACER, you can read the complaint, here. Then it will be linked (as all the other cases), by name and docket in the Current 2A...
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    9th Circuit: U.S. v Sanchez

    U.S. v Sanchez (May 5, 2011) That's an interesting decision and only 11 pages! Sanchez was originally convicted of domestic violence under AZ law. Later, he was picked up carrying a firearm and ammo, in conflict with the the Lautenberg act. Maybe. AAR, he was indicted by a Federal Grand Jury...
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    SCOTUS Cert Filed: SAF and Gura: Lane v. Holder

    From the Second Amendment Foundation's FaceBook page, this announcement: I've entered the data into the main 2A Cases thread and I'll be updating it when the Court docket becomes available on PACER. As you may know, there is only a single FFL in D.C. He has lost his current lease and is...
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    April 2011 Monthly Photo Contest Winner

    And Doogle wins another one! Good layout!
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    May 2011 Monthly Photo Contest

    Hmmmm, I think Bud has gotten busy and forgot to post the May Photo Contest! :eek: The rules are here, let the fun begin!
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    Nordyke - Cert filed at SCOTUS

    Read the decision here. I've only skimmed it, but from what I'm seeing, it is a very bad decision. The panel has dismissed the 1A claim and while the case was vacated (as to the 2A claim) and remanded, it was in such a way that the panel has given the district court a roadmap on how to dismiss...
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    Visiting Gun Owners Don't Need Illinois FOID: Supreme Court

    Just found this over at CalGuns.... Source: You can read the 15 page decision, here. Today, in the case of Illinois v. Holmes (from 2005), the Illinois Supreme Court ruled that if a visitor to...
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    New Border Patrol Policy from DHS

    Does any of this surprise any one else? Given that Deceased agent Brain Terry was rumored to have had only a bean bag gun....
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    2A March Madness

    Here is a preview of the upcoming events: Woollard v. Sheridan (MD CCW) SAF/Gura: Defendant response to SAF Motion for Summary Judgment due 03/07/2011. Muller v. Maenza, (NJ CCW) SAF: Defendants will submit a reply in support of their cross-motion no later than 03/09/11. Richards v. Prieto...