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  1. J

    Court: Videotaping police is constitutional act

    The court ruled that a citizen may videotape those who serve them in the course of their public duties. SOURCE From the decision: In addition, the Justice Department filed a "statement of interest" in the Sharp case which stated: We shall see where this goes now.
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    Neighbors sue over Doctor's private firing range

    My kinda neighbor. If his neighbors want to sue someone they should sue the developers for not telling them that there is a firing range next door. If they did know they should shut up or move away. They complain that their property values are depressed but that is more likely the fault of the...
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    An interview with the author of "Glock: The Rise of America's Gun"

    Here's one for all of you Glock fans. Fox News did an interview with the author of the new book on the Glock. VIDEO LINK Enjoy.
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    Wal-Mart firearms policy and customer satisfaction

    For all of you who dislike Wal-Mart, this may change your opinion somewhat. I work for Wal-Mart as a floor associate in the Sporting Goods Department. A man came into the store to buy a shotgun he had examined that morning, a Remington 870 12 ga pump. I got the paperwork started for the 4473...
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    A girl's guide to hunting

    Georgia Pelligrini, the author of "Girl Hunter: Revolutionizing the Way We Eat, One Hunt at a Time" Amazon Link is interviewed on Fox News. She started out as a Wall Street investment banker but left that to become a chef of wild game. She hunts, dresses and cooks what she kills. Now she has...
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    Anyone ever seen one of these?

    An antique Belgian revolver with three barrels which lobs three rounds with every shot. Must have one heckuva kick!
  7. J

    Anyone ever seen one of these?

    An antique Belgian revolver with three barrels which lobs three rounds with every shot. Must have one heckuva kick!
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    NY: Former Marine arrested for having a handgun in NYC

    This guy goes to NYC carrying $15,000 worth of gold and takes his handgun with him. He has a valid carry permit in his home state of IN. He went on a website and checked for reciprocation and the article shows the site. The site showed very clearly that reciprocation between IN and NY exists...
  9. J

    Japanese suicides top 30,000 -- again

    This from Japan Today. Once again, Japanese suicides exceed 30,000 for the fourteenth year in a row. This from the country which has some of the most stringent firearms laws on the face of the earth. They have 126,000,000 people, about 2/5 that of the United States, yet their suicide rate...
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    Gun control costs jobs

    Interesting article from the Washington Times. Richard Diamond makes the point that uncertainty in firearms regulation makes firearms manufacturers timid about expansion and hiring. SOURCE
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    States where you can own a silencer/suppressor

    Some good articles on silencer/suppressor ownership on EHOW. There are other articles as well on: How to Clean a Silencer; Firearms Silencer Laws; How to Get a Silencer for Your Handgun; and How to Make a Silencer for a .380 among others.
  12. J

    Newark mayor offers $1,000 cash for firearms information

    Okay, I searched for "Newark" and got nothing so if this is a duplicate thread ... The mayor of Newark, NJ has posted a video on TV telling everyone that they can earn $1,000 for calling a tip line for illegal firearms. The person is told to call the number and turn someone in. The officer on...
  13. J

    Will this turn into an anti-firearms hate-fest?

    Gabriel Giffords will attend a candlelight vigil on the anniversary of her, and several others, shooting. I can see this as a prime venue for the Brady Bunch, among others, to turn this into a firearms hate-fest. Hopefully, this incident has not turned her or her husband into Carolyn...
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    The Zen of shooting: What we already knew

    This from the Washington Times. It seems that they have "discovered" what we in the shooting sports have known for a long, long time. The Times piece is a synopsis of the CBS article. SYNOPSIS SOURCE CBS NEWS SOURCE The one picture of the woman with the pistol up to her ear with her finger...
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    Firearm sales way up

    Sales are way up over last year driven, they say, by Black Friday sales. The number of NICS checks done this year is up 32% over three years ago. There is a video at the source link. SOURCE
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    Russia Plans AK-47 Ammo Factory In Cuba

    Maybe this will mean more ammo to import here??? :D SOURCE
  17. J

    Former Arapahoe County, Colorado sheriff arrested

    He opposed concealed carry. He opposed military pattern semi-automatic firearms. Now he sits in the jail which is named after him charged with trading drugs for sex. He allegedly used his power to intimidate young boys and men and is also alleged to have HIV, which could cause additional...
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    Spartanburg County, SC Sheriff tells women to arm themselves

    After a woman was attacked this weekend the sheriff went on a rant that included telling the citizenry to arm themselves with concealed firearms. SOURCE
  19. J

    LAPD loses 21 MP-5s and 12 handguns

    Once again it seems that the authorities are supplying more high fire rate weapons to criminals than the public ever could. So how's that safe storage law working for all of you Californians? Now you know why the authorities are exempted from that law. SOURCE
  20. J

    Why your hand should never be used as a rest

    Ran across this while browsing the 'net. Maybe using the hand rest worked well in the old days while participating in a duel. Not so good nowadays. This guy uses his hand to rest the firearm and ends up shooting himself in the hand. I'm sure he will use a firm two-handed grip from now on -- if...