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  1. J

    Project Veritas shows police telling the questioner "You're on your own"

    Some of the responses in this video are simply tragicomic. They tell the questioner that they need to leave their home, get some bleach or ammonia, let the perp see you on the phone, etc. When asked how long it would take to get a firearm he is told that it will be three months to a year. When...
  2. J

    Operation Mountain Standard

    In an effort to flood my state with pre-ban (proposed) magazines, RMGO is sponsoring a magazine program to get as many into the state ahead of any ban as possible. If you have any extra magazines to donate we will be more than happy to accept them. The address is here...
  3. J

    Living proof of the inefficacy of magazine capacity legislation.

    Since I can't find any reference to THIS VIDEO anywhere on the board after numerous searches I will post it now. Boone County, Indiana, Sheriff Ken Campbell illustrates though live fire exercises the inefficacy of magazine capacity legislation. He first has a professional shooter fire rounds...
  4. J

    Has anyone else seen anything on this?

    My BS meter is at about half staff on this one. SOURCE This author states that the VA is sending out letters to vets telling them that if the VA deems them to be physically or mentally incompetent that they will be disallowed the ownership of firearms. As the article notes: I was simply...
  5. J

    Comcast pulls all firearms related advertising

    In a shocking move to those who have advertised on Comcast Cable the company has suddenly, and irreversibly, rendered all firearms related advertising verboten. The story with accompanying video is at the source link. SOURCE
  6. J

    Massad Ayoob interview on KOA Denver, CO

    Massad Ayoob was on 850 KOA with Mike Rosen yesterday 2-12-13 for a two hour interview. Well worth the time to listen. I have included direct links to the .mp3 audio files. HOUR ONE HOUR TWO The audio files are downloadable for your archives.
  7. J

    The weapon of choice employed again?

    I started a thread in the old L&P forum back in August of 2001 about how fire seems to be the new weapon of choice being employed against barricaded suspects. In the Dorner standoff yesterday officers can be heard calling for the torching...
  8. J

    Kid threatens to kill 23 students and a teacher

    So the kid threatens the school in an e-mail which they traced back to him. They then went to his house and searched and confiscated several firearms of various type. SOURCE Here is the relevant part that I found curious: The conundrum: WHY DID THEY CONFISCATE THE FIREARMS???
  9. J

    How many here have seen this video?

    With 1,764 views I would guess not many. When you click the link, make sure you are sitting down so you won't fall down. If you are at a desk, sit back so your jaw won't hit the table top. Above all else, leave a clear path to the vomitorium! This is the finest exhibition of lunacy I have...
  10. J

    Emily Miller is at it again

    She hits the proverbial nail right on the head in her four part series on firearms and gun control myths. As usual, they are an entertaining read that all of us should enjoy and use in our debates. Here are the links to the four parts: The assault weapon myth The high-capacity magazine myth...
  11. J

    Why it is useless to debate anti-firearms legislators

    This virulently anti-firearms Maryland State Senator chose to play video games rather than listen to testimony which opposed his position on firearms. Your government in action. How can this legislator protect our constitutional rights when he won't even pay attention to his constituents and...
  12. J

    El Paso County, CO Sheriff will not enforce new firearms laws

    In an interview on the Mike Rosen Show on radio station KOA Denver, Sheriff Terry Maketa declared that he will not enforce new federal firearms laws. The interview audio is HERE
  13. J

    Media prevarication: Sandy Hook father heckled at firearms hearing

    The media is saying that this father of one of the victims of Sandy hook was "heckled" during his testimony. Fox News has the full clip of the video where the man actually calls for an answer from those in attendance and then decries the lack of a response from them. It is at that point that...
  14. J

    This is completely new information to me

    SOURCE I was reading an article by Jorge Amselle entitled "The AR-15, you don’t need one and they are too dangerous to own" when I read this interesting paragraph. That does not even include the fact that the AR is the single most versatile rifle available. It can be converted to a muzzle...
  15. J

    The best video you will see today

    It seems that this repeat thief repeated one too many times so the home owner took him down at the point of a shotgun. The cops came and took him away. They had been looking for him anyway so this guy did their legwork for them. SOURCE
  16. J

    HOAX ALERT: Walmart stops selling ammo

    There is a hoax being perpetrated on firearms owners and Walmart. It is being said that Walmart has stopped ordering, stocking and selling ammo. THIS IS FALSE. I work for Walmart and I spoke to corporate today. They say that this is a hoax. They are still ordering, stocking, and selling ammo...
  17. J

    Montpelier, Ohio school district votes to allow custodians at schools to be armed

    On the heels of the parents of Newtown, CT demanding the schools CONTINUE TO BE STAFFED BY POLICE, and FALL RIVER, MA FOLLOWING SUIT, we have this from Montpelier, OH. SOURCE EDIT: for those who have not lived in MA the statement by the one guy who said ... might not make any sense. When I...
  18. J

    Need a flu shot? Just turn in your firearm.

    Worcester, MA is giving a free flu shot and a gift card to anyone who turns in a firearm. They require it to be "unloaded and wrapped in a bag" which violates MA concealed firearm law. SOURCE
  19. J

    My body, my choice (Article)

    This woman has it all together. She makes her points lucidly and factually. More women need to think like her. SOURCE
  20. J

    Twelve-year-old shoots bad guy during burglary.

    Came down as a home invasion but there was only one perp. More likely a burglary and he didn't know two things: 1. The home was occupied. 2. The occupant was armed and willing to shoot him. She managed to wound him when he started to open the door where she was hiding. SOURCE