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  1. J

    British newsagent bans shooting magazines for kids under fourteen

    The joint is up in arms over this overreach. Newsagent WH Smith has placed a ban on under fourteen-year-olds from purchasing magazines featuring shooting sports or hunting. They came to this decision after being browbeaten by animal rights groups. The problem is they think this is "reasonable."...
  2. J

    Dem ad: "... ain't nobody gonna take them away."

    It seems there are still some democrats who are pro-firearms. This guy is NRA endorsed. SOURCE
  3. J

    Scared of a rusted, barnacle-encrusted, firearm

    This guy reels in a firearm that is hardly recognizable as a firearm and he is scared of it. He found it to be a ""upsetting and scary" catch." He also thought it was particularly upsetting because he had his three-year-old son with him. :rolleyes: SOURCE
  4. J

    Another victim of an "unloaded" firearm

    This is always sad. I ALWAYS warn those I teach firearms handling that there is an order to the universe of automatic firearms. Drop the magazine THEN jack the slide. The reverse order can, and likely will, kill you or someone around you. The other rule is never point a firearm at anything you...
  5. J

    Doing this could get you jail time.

    Don't do this! SOURCE So what's wrong with this picture? This pharmacist could end up in jail, lose his license, and be denied all further firearms ownership. Unless the suspect is running away firing over his shoulder at you never, never, never shoot.
  6. J

    Traveling to California with a Beretta 92FS 9mm

    I have a small, lockable, metal box that will contain the slide, barrel, return spring, etc.; but the frame won't fit. I want to stay legal but that is always a challenge in Kali. Am I good with the slide and it's components locked up or will they claim that the frame, being the true "firearm"...
  7. J

    Colorado University to Segregate Dorm for Students with Gun Permits

    Politically correct segregation The University of Colorado Boulder and University of Colorado at Colorado Springs are going to set up dormitories that are strictly for CCW licensees. They will be segregated from the rest of the student body. All other dorms will be declared off limits to...
  8. J

    Cops expel CCW carriers from movie theater

    In Tennessee a theater employee noticed a man entering the theater who had a holstered firearm. When the cops showed up, they stopped the movie and asked for the armed person in the theater to please stand up. Three men rose. After it was ascertained that they were all legal CCW holders, they...
  9. J

    The calls for more gun control are already starting

    Piers Morgan, Mayor Bloomberg, and Salman Rushdie are already calling for more gun control due to last night's shooting. SOURCE SOURCE SOURCE
  10. J

    Daily caller giving away free firearms

    Absolutely true. Here's the rub, you have to "like" them on Facebook or you won't win; but what the hey it's a free firearm! I can live with that. I can unlike them later.
  11. J

    Chicago gun "buyback" this weekend

    In concert with 20 area churches the Chicago police will be having their annual firearms turn-in. They will give you a $100 gift card for any working firearm -- including those worth thousands of dollars -- and $10 for replicas and BB guns. So everyone get down there and take all of your $2...
  12. J

    An interesting pocket pistol

    A customer brought in a small pocket pistol tonight. It is a six shot revolver. The frame is chrome. The barrel and cylinder are black. The grips are white plastic and have a block letter B in quotes. The quotes are placed strangely around the B with the left on to the lower left of the B...
  13. J

    Ann Coulter: Blacks should buy guns and join the NRA

    Coulter, in her usual insightful style, wrote a column in which she suggested that Blacks, in the wake of the Martin/Zimmerman incident, arm themselves. Her take is if the Left leaning media are correct, and Martin was stalked and murdered solely because of his race, that all Blacks should arm...
  14. J

    great collection, wrong country

    I don't know when this video was uploaded to There is no date. This collection was placed on display after it was apparently discovered. Everything is in German. The guy was apparently just a collector and he had some really fine pieces. Hopefully they have survived to be added to...
  15. J

    AZ shooting is mirror image of Martin/Zimmerman shooting

    In this case the shooter was Black and the "victim" was a White Hispanic. The shooter is claiming self defense; and he has not been arrested. The dead guy's family is demanding justice. All that is is missing is the bounty on the shooter by a White supremacist group like the New Black Panther...
  16. J

    A new study on armed citizenry and the effect on crime and deterrence

    This paper -- entitled "Tough Targets: When Criminals Face Armed Resistance from Citizens" was published in January by Clayton Cramer and David Burnett by Cato Institute. It is a valuable weapon in the arsenal of firearms proponents in debating the value of firearms against those who believe...
  17. J

    Ammunition recall

    This came to Wal-Mart Sporting Goods dept. tonight. Some boxes of Federal .40 caliber pistol cartridges have 9mm Luger rounds in them. The control number on these boxes is A27T3. Return all boxes to the place of purchase. I am cross-posting this to the handgun and pistol forums.
  18. J

    A great day for firearms rights

    First, the Colorado Supreme Court upheld a lower court ruling that the colleges and universities in our state cannot restrict the carry of concealed firearms on campus. Both of the below are cut-n-paste from my e-mail notifications from RMGO and SAF. No copyright issue. Attribution given...
  19. J

    Coming to a country near you soon?

    In Canada, you can be arrested without warrant and your home searched on the mere speculation of your possessing a firearm. In this case, the speculation was based on a four-year-old drawing a crayon drawing of a man with a firearm. When her teacher asked her what the drawing was about, she...
  20. J

    Canadian long gun registry has gone the way of the Dodo

    Canada has repealed its long running long gun firearms registry. The boondoggle cost many times what its authors stated it would cost -- running into the billions instead of millions. They have finally awakened from their slumber and realized they were duped. SOURCE