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  1. J

    Exploding targets banned in federal forest areas

    Today, the Forest Service declared all exploding targets, such as Tannerite, to be illegal on all federal forest service lands in Colorado. They held a news conference in Denver to announce this and it affects five states -- Colorado, Wyoming, Kansas, Nebraska, and South Dakota. The main...
  2. J

    Restating the obvious ...

    that all of us in the firearms hobby already knew; and those without a modicum of firearms knowledge didn't. As many as twenty million new citizens will be transformed from firearms restricted to firearms permitted persons overnight. The same politicians who are so hot to trot for illegal...
  3. J

    The continuing militarization of the police starting to gain press attention

    While civil libertarians and activists have noted the rise of the militarization of the police, the phenomenon has been largely ignored by the mainstream media (MSM). The subject has garnered no small amount of attention on these boards as the subject has been discussed in numerous threads...
  4. J

    Are there any unintended consequences to the new laws in Colorado? You betcha!

    It seems that this anti firearms group wants to have a "buyback" but the new laws on transfers prevent them from doing so without a licensed FFL to make the transfers for each and every transaction. That would break their bank in background check fees alone. So now they are bemoaning the law...
  5. J

    There's a new manufacturer in town

    An Illinois company has gone from producing specialized parts for caterpillar, Allison, etc. to producing AR-15s. They soon plan to design and produce a semi-auto pistol. The recession slammed their business so they decided they would go with a proven winner; and with a national sales force...
  6. J

    Decades old egg fight conviction causes rewrite of state law

    This guy, named James Gorham, got into an egg fight in 1971, got arrested, paid a $10 fine, and that was that ... until January of this year. Over the decades he has owned numerous firearms, is an avid target shooter, and has had his handgun permits renewed on numerous occasions. It was when he...
  7. J

    Does having security guards at schools prevent attacks?

    It sure does in Thailand. Although this happened in March, the significance of having armed security is clearly shown. Twelve masked men armed with knives attacked an all-girls school and were immediately driven off by one security guard with a handgun. If it hadn't been for this man there...
  8. J

    The British want their handguns back

    According to THIS ARTICLE the Telegraph ran a (non-scientific) poll which pitted several things against each other on what the public would like to see introduced as a Private Member's Bill. Those were: Term limits for Prime Ministers; A flat tax; A law to encourage the 'greening' of public...
  9. J

    What would the legalities of this be?

    The Rac-Em-Bac Bow Mag – Bullet tipped arrow. ARTICLE IN ACTION (VIDEO) So what would be the ramifications of turning your arrow into a firearm? How would that sit with local laws on archery season? BATFE? The video shows the device being used on a wild pig which is nuisance game in many...
  10. J

    The "Why would you do that?" column

    This guy gets attacked by a bear and his wife rescues him with a firearm -- by clubbing the bear over the head with it. :eek: It seems that he failed to ever teach his wife how to load or fire the weapon which begs the question "Why would you do that?" :confused: The sheriff took 45 minutes to...
  11. J

    Fox News goes to Gunsite Academy

    Fox News reporter Katie Pavlich went to Gunsite for a week-long training session. The report from her experience is here: VIDEO LINK It was an overall good report and covered the full range of defensive firearms use with interviews with students and the owner. It did not cover the costs...
  12. J

    I reiterate

    When TFL restarted years ago I posted this to remind everyone why we are here and what this fight is all about. I titled it "A kick in the pants to kick start TFL" Perhaps it is time to post it again.
  13. J

    Firearms confiscation has started in New York

    SOURCE There is an interview with the attorney, Jim Tresmond, HERE. There is a longer interview with Jim Tresmond the following day (29:31) HERE. I can't believe this has not yet been addressed on TFL. A search turned up nothing. This validates my question on the current rush to relieve...
  14. J

    FM Hi-Power magazine disconnect removal

    I want to remove the mag disconnect on my FM and I know how to do it myself, as I have seen it done, but I have one question: From which side of the firearm do I drive out the pin that is installed in the trigger or does that matter?
  15. J

    More states passing laws to nullify federal firearms laws

    It seems that this is a growing trend. Ohio, Kentucky, Idaho, Louisiana, Oklahoma, Texas, Kansas, Arizona, Michigan, and Washington have all introduced or passed laws which will take the teeth out of federal firearms laws. In most of them the state seeks to prevent the laws from being enforced...
  16. J

    Isn't this what we have been saying for years?

    It seems that Adam Lanza had a score sheet -- the words of the investigating police -- that was 4 x 7 feet using 9 point fonts that he used to track infamous killers. That score sheet had ~500 killers listed. But here's the rub ... The police believe that Lanza was using the list as a score...
  17. J

    Another gun save

    Too bad that more of these successes are not posted in the press. They are usually ignored. Perhaps, in the current atmosphere, we will see more positive news about firearms and their use for good as opposed to evil. There is an accompanying video at the site. SOURCE
  18. J

    Tell Your Friends GirlsJustWannaHaveGuns.Com is Giving Away An AR-15!

    Well, that's what the headline says. It seems that there are lots of places to enter a contest/raffle for an AR-15 these days. Even Joe the Plumber is giving one away. You must enter before midnight 3-31-13. The girlsjustwannahaveguns raffle ends 3-31-13. Enter HERE.
  19. J

    Youth Baseball Team Raffling AR-15 Rifle

    Yep, you read that right. A local shop donated the firearm and is running the raffle for them. I'm sure the antis have their shorts in a wad over this. SOURCE For more information on the raffle, click here.
  20. J

    Gun ownership down across the board

    This study merely shows that the population is growing faster than the number of firearms. Most of that growth is likely in population centers -- such as New York and California --where firearms ownership is most restricted. In those places people find the hassle of trying to own a firearm just...