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    DC sticks it's thumb in the eye of USSC via it's "emergency legislation"

    One supposes that those who run DC's government were less than happy with USSC's ruling in DC v. Heller, poor thing that some describe this ruling as being, ergo their enactment of "emergency legislation" above mentioned. Interestingly, The Congress has the power and authority to repeal or toss...
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    Len Savage interviewed by Aaron Zelman again

    The link found below will take interested parties to the above mentioned interview. You might find the 22 plus minutes the interview runs a worthy expenditure of time. If you so find, you might want to share it with your elected things, and possibly with the editor of your local newspaper too...
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    seems as if the message didn't get through

    Another trip to grandma's house via the federal courts? I wonder as to whether the courts might hold D.C. government in contempt, possibly going so far as to actually levy penalties against that body? Of course, this possibility would depend on how the courts rule on additional litigation. NEWS...
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    Senator Obama and the anti gun Joyce Foundation

    Will the real Senator Obama please rise and be recognized. Senator Obama claims to "greatly respect the right of Americans to bear arms ...". Is this the same Barack H. Obama who served for 8 years as a director of the anti gun Joyce Foundation, see page 3, Second Amendment Foundation Reporter...
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    more from 15 May Gun Week, pay particular attention to Bloomberg Admissions

    Wal-Mart, largest gun retailer, to videotape all transactions by Joseph P. Tartaro Executive Editor Wal-Mart, the nation’s largest seller of firearms, announced on Apr. 14 that it will adopt new rules for gun sales, from storing videotaped records of purchases to creating an internal log of...
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    from 15 May issue of Gun Week

    Last man standing: Defiant Georgia gun dealer facing Bloomberg in court by Dave Workman Senior Editor Other firearms dealers targeted by the questionable private gun “sting” operation mounted by New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg have folded against the financial pressure, and one has even...
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    Pennsylvania gun owners pay attention, article from Pgh P-G

    Poster's note: Re comment from Mayor Nutter, he mentioned "machineguns", I do not recall any mention in the public press of such, and I suspect that there would have been mention, lots of mention, had any been used. As to the SKS Mayor Nutter mentioned, it is simply a SEMI-AUTOMATIC...
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    In 25 May Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, page A-6, from New York Times

    The sub head is Gun dealer (Jay Wallace) and mayor (Bloomberg) face showdown. Bloomberg to testify, it seems, in U.S. District Court suit, Judge Jack Weinstein presiding. This case could prove interesting, to say the least.
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    Dave Kopel on Clinton & Obama in Wall Street Journal

    The Democrats and Gun Control By DAVID KOPEL April 17, 2008; Page A19 Imagine an election race of Pat Robertson versus James Dobson, each of them appearing at organic grocery stores and Starbucks throughout Massachusetts, with each candidate insisting that he alone deserves the vote of...
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    item from today's Cato Daily Dispatch ( Pot Calls Kettle Black?

    Senate Committee Criticizes DHS for REAL ID Pressure "Members of the Senate Judiciary Committee criticized the Department of Homeland Security yesterday for pressuring reluctant states to adopt new federally approved driver's licenses, with one accusing Secretary Michael Chertoff of 'bullying'...
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    Links to Rick Stanley case from JPFO

    Hadn't heard anything about Mr. Stanley in a while. People might find the video and or accompanying press release interesting, the video runs less than 10 minutes. A Free Speech Issue, arising from the carriage of arms. for a video presentation, and read...
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    Another anti gun pol stepped in it

    Correct me if my memory has failed but wasn't Detroit Mayor Kwame M. Kilpatrick prominent in the anti gun/anti gun rights movement? Will he join such luminaries, all right, former luminaries as U.S. Attorney and Illinois Governor Otto Kerner, former New York Congressman Mario Biaggi, former...
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    seen in latest issue of SGN

    The above referenced contained an article about upgrading that CMP Garands that many have come to own in recent years. Prominent mention was made of the value of spending some money on sight upgrades. That aside, I came upon the following reference, "hundreds of M-14 rifles are being rebuilt...
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    from NRA Alert dated 19 March

    Listen to the audio recording of the oral arguments (RealPlayer required) View the transcript (PDF format) A viewer of this alert can read the oral arguments in PDF format or listen to them, take your pick.
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    CATO's Robert Levy on D.C. v Heller, oral arguments heard 18 March

    Fighting for Our Right to Bear Arms by Robert A. Levy This article appeared in the Boston Globe on March 18, 2008. Does the Constitution's Second Amendment give individuals the right to bear arms or is that right reserved exclusively for members of a "well-regulated militia"? That is the...
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    USSC oral arguments in D.C. v Heler

    For those who might be unaware, audio of orals can be found via the following. Running time is 1:37. Go to dcgun .Then click on C-SPAN . In March 18 2008 by admin click on Supreme Court under Featured Topics. When you get there, scroll down to Supreme Court Oral Argument, and listen a...
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    pod casts at Independence Institute The above link will take you to a listing of referenced audios.The first of four features an interview between John Caldera of Independence Institute and Dave Kopel, who will be sitting in on the oral arguments of 18 March, Heller v D.C. The fourth audio is entitled An...
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    FBI misuses authority according to DOJ IG Glen Fine and Washington Post

    FBI Found to Misuse Security Letters 2003-06 Audit Cites Probes of Citizens By Dan Eggen Washington Post Staff Writer Friday, March 14, 2008; A03 The FBI has increasingly used administrative orders to obtain the personal records of U.S. citizens rather than foreigners implicated in terrorism...
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    Link from JPFO deals with Heller v. D.C., and USSC. The above link from a JPFO alert, features an interview between Aaron Zelman and Attorney Edwin Vieira Jr. on the possible down sides, for the pro gun cause of Heler v. D.C., oral arguments scheduled for 18 March. The interview runs about 30...
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    U.S. News & World Report excerpts and comments on Heller amicus briefs, longish Above link from JPFO Excerpts From Friend-of-Court Briefs The D.C. gun case exposes strange bedfellows and internal rifts in the administration By Emma Schwartz Posted March 7, 2008 Dozens of...