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    rifles in the biathalon

    I noticed, re the shooting portion of this event, the use of straight pull rifles, with turned down bolt handles. Browning made a 22 caliber straight pull rifle, they weren't "target rifles" though and they had straight handles. Anyone know who produced the rifles used in the Olympics? Just...
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    Smith & ?Wesson, Ruger withdraw from Calif., will others follow?

    In my view, the above mentioned are to be complimented re their business decision, will they withdraw from LE sales too, is a question not yet answered, it seems. I wonder as to whether other gun makers will join Ruger, S & W in their decision, and actions. Law suits to overturn this Calif...
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    interesting article in a JPFO alert

    The headline reads as follows: "If Gun Controllers Read The Other Amendments Like They Do The 2nd", and is a commentary on semantics games that are or might be played by the Anti Gun crowd. The article is not overly long, and if I may, I submit that it is interesting and worthwhile reading...
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    On the debunking of a fairy tale, Obama's Support For The Second Amendment

    See December 2013 issue of The American Rifleman, page 96 "Obama Cites UK and Australia As Gun Control Models, Signs ATT", actually The Secretary of State, former senator Kerry signed the thing, acting on instructions from, and with the support of the president. Think anyone out there still...
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    the upset at Guns & Amm, December issue

    I reference an artickle in 10 November edition of the Pittsburgh Posdt-Gazette, main section, pasge A-6, likely covered in other venues too. If this matter has already beern discussed, pardon me. I have not read this particular article, not do I rergularly read Guns & Ammo, so I will make only...
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    On the rush to legislate and it's display in CT.

    Source: The 15 July National Review on-line, likely in their hard copy too. July 15, 2013 4:00 AM Rush to Gun Control In the wake of Sandy Hook, Connecticut follows the Pelosi rule. By Katherine Connell "One problem with the Connecticut gun-control law that went into effect earlier this year...
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    Assault Weapons Ban proposal pulled

    FYI: Saw in my local paper, The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, also heard several times on radio news broadcasts, that the current Assault Weapons Ban, so-called has been removed from proposals passed by The Judiciary Committee of The U.S. Senate. Of course, it could return as an amendment, and it...
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    recommended reading, or so it strikes me

    Have a look at the 11 February issue of National Review, paying particular attention to two articles. One of these is entitled The Right To Bear Arms And Popular Sovereignty, by Charles C.W. Cooke, formerly of the UK. Among other points raised by Mr. Cooke is the following, re the possession...
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    First time I didn't believe my eyes

    Re First time I didn't believe my eyes, posted earlier: The Blake article appeared in The Washington Post for 17 January, and tells the truth about this "assault rifles/assault weapons""foolishness, including naming names. "The article's title is Is it fair... The...
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    First time, I didn't believe my eyes

    Is it fair to call them ‘assault weapons’? Posted by Aaron Blake on January 17, 2013 at 10:00 am Browsing through the Washington Post web site the other day, I came on the Blake article. Needless to say, given the editorial position of the Post, as well as the knowing and deliberate misuse of...
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    On Gun Control and other matters of interest

    I sent the following to U.S.S. Bob Casey. You might wish to consider the attitudes of your "congress critters" on these matters, also the position/attitudes of your local paper. Note to moderators: The following seems appropriate to me. Should you disagree, please advise. I strongly urge that...
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    an interesting article, I submit

    December 18, 2012 Mises Daily Tyranny and the Monopoly of Arms by Stephen P. Halbrook on December 18, 2012 [Originally ran as "Gun Laws" on October 15, 1970 in The Libertarian Forum.] Received the above referenced today via The Internet. While some of the material in this article is...
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    Pennsylvanians in particular

    Received the following from FOAC Firerms Owners Against Crime the other day. Kim Stolfer, FOAC chairman is seriously ill, liver problems of some sort. Additional information at the FOAC web site. ( Firearms Owners Against Crime Special Update: A Liver for Kim Friday, 30 November 2012...
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    an interesting read

    Got the following from JPFO today. The piecse by Jeff Knox strikes me as, to say the least, interesting reading. ITEM OF INTEREST September 4th 2012 Attention Lamestream Media I Am The Gun Lobby and I Don’t Advocate Arming Anyone By Jeff Knox The text can be viewed at
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    so speath Time magazine

    Have a look at Time magazines cover story about how gun control lost. Start with the "semiautomatic assault rifle" depicted on the cover, but wait, it gets better, as with the following. "smokeless powder is a variation on black powder". funny thing, I had always thought that black powder was...
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    Regarding Operation Fast and Furious

    There have been lots of posts on this subject, a matter if significant concern to people here, I would assume. Re that, might I add the following. The April 2012 edition of Judicial Watch's Verdict, JW's monthly newsletter contains a number of comments/articles not germane to discussions here...
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    Magazines for the P-83

    Anyone know the whereabouts of or a source for magazines for the Polish Radom P-83 pistol. Magazines are 8 round capacity, single stack, for the 9 x 18 mm Makarov round. Thanks. Alan
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    read in January 2012 issue of The American Rifleman

    Wayne LaPierre, speaking personally, is not my favorite person, I never really cared for his "background checks for everyone, no exceptions", but that’s what we ended up with, and the sky hasn't fallen, in-so-far as one might notice. That having been said, and again referencing the January 2012...
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    "Blago" convicted on most counts

    The jury in his retrial, having heard the evidence, having deliberated, found the former Illinois governor and Chicago area congressman guilty on most counts, which brings to mind the following. It's been a while since I've seen or heard anything about it, but at one time there was a fair...
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    curious re the following: 9mm Luger reloads

    I've used many, many of the above mentioned in an old Browning Hi-Power, no longer shot much, a Star Model 30M ad a CZ-75-B, the decocker model. At a recent IPSC match, I had several jams, it was 3 as I recall, caused by the following. In front of the extractor groove, the cases of the rounds...