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    seen at (Reason magazine), the following might interest some

    Gun Control On Trial: Inside the Supreme Court Battle over the Second Amendment By Brian Doherty With exclusive behind-the-scenes access, the book delves into the monumental Heller case—where the Supreme Court ruled that individual citizens have the constitutional right to possess guns—to...
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    From latest, re ammunition registration

    Posters Note: Questions of the preservation of baseball, the virginity/virtue of the girl next door, and apple pie aside, is anyone in the least surprised at the fact that the patent holding firm is a prime mover in pushing this baloney? I dodn't think so. Are states going to require serial...
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    Senate committee "grills" Eric Holder

    Join Date: 1999-06-07 Posts: 3,234 Eric Holder speaks, during today's Senate committee "grilling" During the course of the above, parts of which I heard this afternoon, Attorney General Nominee Holder mentioned that he agreed with President Elect Obama concerning "common sense gun laws", which...
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    from an NRA alert rec'd today

    Posters comment: Ladies and gentlemen: Absent ammunition, the Second Amendment amounts to your right to keep and bear a club of some sort. The enactment of such as is discussed below could well spell the end of ammunition availability. At the very least, it could create serious distribution...
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    an interesting read The material found at the above link is excerpted from a longer work. The ruling in Heller might not have "restored" The Second Amendment, this due to an overabundance of "weasel words" or "lawyer's talk" therein, however it did give a boost to The...
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    Kopel on Eric Holder, Obama's pick for AG

    From what I've read of Kopel on Gun Control and The Second Amendment, he is on our side. It would appear, from the following evaluation and comments that Mr. Holder isn't. Might this appointment be a good look in at what Obama's view of gun rights and The Second Amendment are? If it is, trouble...
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    this book might prove interesting

    Gun Control on Trial Inside the Supreme Court Battle over the Second Amendment "Gun Control on Trial is an essential history made up of equal parts legal theory and personal struggle, presented in page-turning fashion." -GLENN REYNOLDS Professor of Law, University of Tennessee Founder...
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    Re Eric Holder for Attorney General

    Interested persons might google Eric Holder on Gun Control. President-elect Obama might then be contacted, and of course, there are those who sit in the U.S. Senate, which confirms or not such presidential appointments.
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    re an old single barrel shotgun

    I've come upon a Wards Hercules Model 10, so stamped on the left side of the action. The barrel is stamped Proof Tested 12 Gauge, on it's left side, near the breach. The right side of barrel is stamped Selected Forged Steel. The shotgun is single barrel. Interestingly, the receiver/action is...
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    what to do, the election having been held

    What with the election decided, at least the president and vice president, presenting us with the election of a couple of avowed anti gunners, it strikes me that keeping in touch with congress (House and Senate) becomes even more important.
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    from NRA alert

    Bloomberg Anti-Gun Mayor Now A Felon: Kwame Kilpatrick, the now-former mayor of Detroit, and a member of New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg's anti-gun coalition, "Mayors Against Illegal Guns," pled guilty to felony charges of lying under oath and obstruction of justice, and pled no-contest...
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    Seen in the 15 Sept. issue of Gun Week

    Re House Democrats seek less-rigid Washington, DC, gun regulation, the article quotes Pittsburgh area congressman Jason Atmire as having noted "at least, we as people can go back home and talk about what we did on the issue", which leaves the writer wondering re exactly what Rep. Atmire and his...
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    Clayton E. Cramer on Obama from SGN

    One could certainly question Mr. Cramer, for instance speaking of Democrat Elitist's and their disdain for "the peasants"(ordinary working people), are Republican Elitists any different? I suspect not. In any event, in the following Cramer appears to pose some interesting questions, questions...
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    from 24 August Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, interesting perhaps.

    Personally speaking, I never fired rifles in caliber 22-250, though I've heard the round described as being accurate. Out to 600 yards, I did use the 7.62mm NATO (.308 Winchester round), which I found to be quite accurate in bolt guns, and out to 1000 yards, the 30-06 in both the old Garand as...
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    Reason Magazine on Obama's Second Amendment, posters comments too

    Obama's Toothless Second Amendment The senator defends the right to whatever arms the government decides to allow. Jacob Sullum | July 2, 2008 "What works in Chicago may not work in Cheyenne," Barack Obama said after the U.S. Supreme Court overturned the Washington, D.C., gun ban. The Illinois...
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    from latest Cato Daily Dispatch (, with poster's comments

    U.S. Citizens' Border Crossings Tracked "The federal government has been using its system of border checkpoints to greatly expand a database on travelers entering the country by collecting information on all U.S. citizens crossing by land, compiling data that will be stored for 15 years and may...
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    Jeff Knox in latest issue of Shotgun News. Posters comments too

    The Past Illuminates the Future by Jeff Knox (MANASSAS, VA, June 3) Now that all practical doubt has been removed as to who the Democrat and Republican candidates for President are going to be, let's look forward to what the future might hold. Is there doom and gloom on the horizon or is...
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    On Guns found in Reason (, the following articles might interest some

    Excuse Me While I Get My Gun Washington, D.C., defies the Supreme Court's Second Amendment ruling. Jacob Sullum Into the Thicket From habeas corpus to the Second Amendment, an activist Supreme Court just helped secure our rights Damon W. Root Armed and Dangerous? Why buying a gun is not a...
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    the following from might interest some

    What Next for D.C.'s Gun Laws by Robert A. Levy and David Kopel David B. Kopel is an associate policy analyst at the Cato Institute. Robert A. Levy is a senior fellow at Cato and was co-counsel to Dick Heller in District of Columbia v. Heller. Added to on August 8, 2008 This...
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    latest from Cato Institute ( re D.C. Gun Laws

    House to Vote on DC Gun Laws "Democratic leaders in the U.S. House of Representatives have agreed to allow a vote next month on a bill that would end local handgun control in the District, making it easier for D.C. residents to acquire pistols, including semiautomatics, while eliminating the...