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    items from 7 March Cato Daily Dispatch (

    D.C. Files Gun Ban Brief "D.C. Attorney General Peter J. Nickles said lawyers for the city filed their final brief with the Supreme Court in the city's effort to overturn a lower court ruling tossing out the District's 30-year-old ban on handguns," The Washington Times reports. "Mr. Nickels...
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    National Academy of Science pans Ballistic Imaging Anti-Gun Politicians, Are You Listening? NAS Says Ballistic Imaging Database "Should Not Be Established" Friday, March 07, 2008 On March 5, the National Academy of Sciences (NAS) released Ballistic Imaging, the report of a...
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    Interesting podcasts at Independence Institute

    Whom Should You and Your Gun Trust?: So you are a gun owner and you're wondering who you should support in the upcoming election. Well, you're in luck. I sat down with David Kopel, our expert on 2nd amendment issues the other day to discuss the three potential picks for the next president and...
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    More DOJ-BATFE hijinks? This from Washington Post no less.

    ATF Whistle-Blower Alleges Backlash By Dan Eggen Washington Post Staff Writer Tuesday, March 4, 2008; Page A17 Edgar A. Domenech says he thought Justice Department officials would welcome information about mismanagement at the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives. Instead...
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    Cato Pod Cast on prison population explosion, worth a thought

    "Prison Population Boom" featuring Timothy Lynch (Subscribe via iTunes) Go to, scroll down to pod cast, click on the link, having turned your speaker on first.
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    The NY Times speaks on gun control

    Posters Note: The following is excerpted from the Times editorial below:"But neither party’s leaders have shown any sign of stepping up their responsibilities." Does anyone think that the silence of "party leaders", their "failure to step up to their responsibilities" might possibly arise...
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    like or dislike NRA, the following is worthy of attention

    The following is excerpted from latest NRA Grassroots Alert REGISTER TO VOTE OR REGISTER YOUR GUNS-- The Choice Is Yours In 1994, a race for the U.S. House was decided by four votes. In 1998, a U.S. Senate race was decided by 400 votes out of 400,000 cast. In 2002, an anti-gun candidate won...
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    from 27 Feb Cato Daily Dispatch (, something to think on.

    Ready to Shoot by Ed Nowicki and David Kopel This article appeared in the Baltimore Sun on February 27, 2008. Taking handguns away from law-abiding civilians can endanger them - that's a familiar argument. What most people might not know is that many police organizations also oppose handgun...
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    3 interesting articles in 24 Feb Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

    The following articles appeared in 24 February Pittsburgh Post-Gazette ( First headlined A frame-up falls apart, page 1, main section. Second article headlined Complaints about agent date to start of his career. Both of these articles deal with drug prosecutions and what...
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    not firearms related, but still "interesting"

    Telecom Amnesty by Timothy B. Lee This article appeared in Slate on February 13, 2008. Republicans scored a victory yesterday—with the help of many Democrats and independent Joe Lieberman—with the Senate's spy bill. The legislation would give retroactive immunity to telecom companies who...
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    Independencse Institute Jon Caldara-Dave Kopel interview

    A Landmark Case: In the words of our own David Kopel, the upcoming District of Columbia v. Heller is "an enormous case." In the latest iVoices podcast, Kopel and I discuss this landmark second amendment Supreme Court case. It's been a whle since the Supreme Court took on a Second Amendment case...
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    Interesting podcat(surveliance cameras)at 14 Feb. Cato Daily Dispatch

    Today's Daily Podcast "I Only Have Eyes for You" featuring Jim Harper (Subscribe via iTunes) ------------------ There is that old saw about, If You Have Nothing To Hide, Why Worry, or words to that effect, which I never found anywhere near convincing, and still...
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    the usual suspects at it again, or still, according to NRA Alert.

    New Microstamping Legislation Introduced Friday, February 08, 2008 This week, Senator Edward M. Kennedy (D-MA) and Congressman Xavier Becerra (D-CA) introduced "microstamping" legislation titled the "National Crime Gun Identification Act of 2007." The bill is co-sponsored in the Senate...
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    from 8 Feb Cato Daily Dispatch ( Another Bush ploy?

    The Surveillance Scam by Timothy B. Lee This article appeared on Reason (Online) on February 7, 2008. In his State of the Union address, President Bush pressed Congress to quickly pass legislation to make permanent the sweeping spying powers that Congress granted last August. Those powers...
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    On party nominations and elections

    Looks like, unless the really unexpected/unforeseen comes to pass that the Democratic nominee for president well be either Senator Clinton or Senator Obama. Re this, the following comes to mind, the records, statements and positions taken by the above mentioned re guns, gun control and gun...
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    worth reading in 15 Feb Gun Week, page 4 article by Dave Workman/Alan Gottlieb

    The above mentioned piece comments, adversely in case anyone might be wondering, on the DOJ Brief submitted in Heller v. D.C. The more one sees of this bit of creative writing, the worse it seems.
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    a further attack on individual privacy? The following from JPFO

    Posters comment: The comments of L. Neil Smith are offputting to some. I've only skimmed through his comments on the subject legislation, H.R. 1955, he refers interested parties to for the bills text, however he does seem to perhaps raise an interesting point or two. The alert...
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    SAF's take on DOJ brief. Poster's comment/question.

    I have partially read this brief, which according to some is problematic in it's content. I'll therefore refrain from voicing an opinion not entirely formed, however referencing above mentioned questions, the following comes to mind, that being the president’s position, as well as that of his...
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    POSSIBLE conflict of interest mentioned, judge for yourself The above link will take readers to an article in today's Accuracfy In Media (AIM). The article raises question re the appearance of possible conflicts of interest vis-a-vis connections/relationships betweeen the Clintons (Bill and Hillary)...
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    random thoughts on "gun control" and some of it's aspects.

    Re the current furor over the existing DC ban on handguns, and their peculiar “storage regulations” concerning such long guns as the law abiding citizen might oh so generously be allowed to keep, the following comes to mind. Please bear with me regarding what might be the odd dumb question, as...