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    (OH) Armed intruder fatally shot inside Columbus home

    Armed intruder fatally shot inside South Side home The man has not been charged in the shooting. Police said they think he acted in self-defense. Friday, June 8, 2001 Dean Narciso Columbus Dispatch Police Reporter Already sent this to Robert Waters (Bestdefense357).
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    (OH) Action Alert - Ohioans Need to Respond

    I just received this from Ohioans For Concealed Carry. I'm working on it right now.
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    Gun Control Article by a "Bleeding Heart Liberal" in Wash. Post

    Don't let my Subject line mislead you. Read this article for yourself, it's worth the time. Here's some excerpts from "Liberals: We've Forgotten the Other America" By Reed Karaim Sunday, April 22, 2001 All in all, it's one of the better articles that I have read from the anti-side of things...
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    Ohio CCW Bill Introduced

    I have just received notice that Rep. Tom Brinkman from Cincinnati has introduced his "Vermont-Style" Concealed Carry Bill in the Ohio House of Representatives today. The bill was introduced with 22 co-sponsors! Since the next scheduled legislative session isn't until next Tuesday, the bill...
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    "Teaching Responsible Gun Use" - Article in Philly Paper

    Teaching responsible gun use Sandy Bauers' e-mail address is: Let’s send her a couple of hundred "thank-you" emails!
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    Last 20 Years of Gun Studies are Flawed

    Source This article is full of good quotes. Let's be sure to spread this one around!
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    Robert Waters (bestdefense357) Article in The Detroit News

    This biased question was posed by The Detroit News:After a school shooting, do guns remain a problem? (This of course presupposes that guns are a problem at all.) The opposing viewpoint, "Yes: Easy availability of firearms creates a scourge that needs to be eradicated" can be found here...
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    Father Murphy and the Million Mom March

    I found this on Lew Rockwell's site. The rest of the article is a great comparison of 1798 Ireland and America today. Well worth the read. Here's the url again:
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    Bush to Propose Gun Control Laws

    The complete transcript of the White House Press Briefing from February 6 can be found here: I have edited the parts that have nothing to do with lawful firearm owner control laws with a <snip> Well, I guess I’ll be joining the...
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    Operation Self-Defense

    Operation Self-Defense is an ongoing effort to monitor online newspapers for stories of armed self-defense. These stories will be compiled by one of my favorite authors, Robert A. Waters, TFL's own bestdefense357. Many of our members already know of Robert's book, The Best Defense: True Stories...
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    Toledo, Ohio Gun Laws: The California of the North Coast

    This is infuriating! Proposed new laws in the City of Toledo would: Make it illegal to sell, trade or give away semi-automatic firearms with magazines larger than 10 rounds. You could inherit such a weapon as long as you dispose of it or render it inoperable within 60 days. Current owners of...
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    Ann Coulter: Two weeks till indictment! I love this woman, I really do. :)
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    Spreading The Word About The HCI Lawsuit

    Right now it seems that the best thing to do to help the cause, is to spread the word to as many media and Internet outlets as possible. Possibilities include: radio and TV hosts, newspaper editors, letters to the editors, discussion forums, etc. Let's keep a list of who we are contacting and...
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    Online Article About One of TFL's Own - Oleg Volk

    Congratulations, Oleg. :) It is nice to see that you are appreciated elsewhere as much as you are here. Here is the article: For those of you not familiar with Oleg's work, check out his website. It is quite...
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    TFL Member's Letter in Guns & Ammo?

    Has anyone read the "Letters" section in the January 2001 issue of Guns & Ammo? There is a very good letter in there written by a man named Jim Keenan of Maryland. TFL member Jim Keenan also hails from Maryland. Coincidence? I was looking around on the Guns & Ammo magazine website so I...
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    Double Barreled Loss for Gore

    Two circuit judges in Seminole and Martin counties have found in favor of the Bush Campaign. All contested absentee ballots will remain counted. Gore had sought to have 25,000 ballots (mostly votes for Bush) thrown out on a technicality. More to come...
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    Another Executive Order From Clinton

    This one is fairly benign, as far as our cause goes, but it makes me wonder about the concept of the Executive Order (EO). Here’s the story: Clinton moves to protect Hawaiian coral What our leerless feeder has done is to create an 84-million-acre ecosystem reserve around the northwestern...
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    *Judicial Watch* gains access to disputed ballots

    Source Watchdog Group Wins Right to View Palm Beach Ballots By Ellen Nakashima Tuesday, November 28, 2000; Page A08 This is definitely good news. :) Judicial Watch will be able to report on what is really going on. The media and the democRATS have had enough time to spin it their way, now...
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    Bush cabinet will be... Bush to designate Gen. Colin Powell as secretary of state; Condoleezza Rice as national security adviser; economist Lawrence Lindsey a top economic job; Considers Montana Gov. Marc Racicot for Interior secretary or attorney general; Indianapolis Mayor Steve Goldsmith...
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    Welcome back!

    It is good to be back, but it was good to have a break, too. :) I would ask everyone to please look through the existing topics from last weekend and ask yourself the question, "Is this The High Road?" The Firing Line is all about Responsible Firearms Ownership. I hope we can all strive to...