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    SCOTUS Decides Ohio GOP Voter Challenge This should allow all those illegally registered voters in Ohio (Thanks ACORN! :barf:) to cast votes for Obama. That said, let's try to keep the...
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    ACLU Lawsuit Against BATF Proceeds in Florida An audio file of the 911 call can be found here: <-- WARNING: 10.9MB File! A PDF copy of the Order on Summary Judgment can be viewed here...
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    SCOTUS Heller Update 6/23/08 - Is There a Decision?

    This thread is for up-to-the-minute reports from the SCOTUS on the Heller vs. DC case.
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    Ohio - Castle Doctrine to Become Law! An excellent synopsis of the changes to Ohio law can be found here: The Act will become law on September 8, 2008. Please call Governor Strickland at 614-466-3555 to thank him for his support.
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    Hate speech or free speech? Showdown in Canada

    The following is about a third of the entire article. Well worth the read. There are some really good points on both sides, but I have to align myself solidly with the free speech crowd. The author of the article sums it up well, "The...
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    Huckabee: "A Deadlocked Convention is My Goal" Unfortunately, I can see McCain getting enough delegates for the nomination before the convention. I'm just hoping that Huckabee will have enough to steer the platform in the right direction a little...
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    Peggy Noonan: Clintons, Bush tearing their parties apart Another great article. Some highlights for discussion: - - - - - - - - - That last quote is a real haymaker. And anyone who uses the word "anathematized" gets a triple word score in my game of scrabble. Clinton, Bill *is* an embarrassment...
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    Discussion Thread for New L&P Rules

    Have at it folks. :) The staff feels that it is time to raise the bar. This forum hasn't been much of a "positive face" for gun owners for a long time. We aim to change that, your aim will help. ;) -Dave
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    New Rules for Legal and Political

    To All TFL Members who post in Legal and Political, The presidential elections are more than 14 months away and the tone of many of the posts in L&P is getting increasingly strident. This does not reflect well on The Firing Line or on gun owners in general. The staff of TFL will not allow this...
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    House Republicans Walk Out - Accuse Democrats of Cheating on Vote Here's the link to the House of Representatives Roll Call Votes: Anyone have any links to this story other than the "gossip page" I got this from? I am so sick of these people...
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    Why we are in Iraq

    I wrote this more than two years ago, but I find that it still holds true.
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    Supreme Court loosens restrictions of McCain-Feingold campaign finance law A step in the right direction, IMO, and more proof of the importance of electing someone who will appoint conservative justices to the SCOTUS. -Dave
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    University of Nevada considers arming staff members I can't believe that they're actually considering this. The board of regents plan as far as training is a little excessive, IMO, but certainly a step in the right direction. Like many state CCW laws, they need to get it...
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    Guns banned from Tennessee neighborhood This is the most asinine paragraph in the entire article: Some residents at Nashboro Village have campaigned for better lighting and more security but if they can't get either they at least want their Second Amendment rights upheld. Makes it...
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    New CCW Law Takes Effect 3/14 (OHIO) So now we don't have to carry concealed by carrying openly any more. :rolleyes: :confused: Glad this law is finally on the books. CCW is much easier in Ohio now.:) -Dave
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    A Fool-Proof Way Around the Warrant Requirement? After reading the facts presented in the unpublished opinion, it looks like the court made the right decision. Nonetheless, it is clear that law enforcement officers now have a new loophole around the warrant process. They can create exigent circumstances...
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    Bob Barr Bolts I hope he is successful in his efforts. Though I believe that reforming the GOP from the inside is the better course to take. The LP is too polarizing a party to ever make an impact on a national scale. JMHO. :) -Dave
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    Ohio Statewide Preemption & CCW Reform Goes to the Governor

    Taft is a lame duck. What are the chances he'll sign it. For what it's worth, the incoming governor of Ohio, Ted Strickland(D) has an 'A' rating from the NRA and has been a supporter of gun rights much more so than Bob Taft(R).
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    Is the Right Losing the Internet? YouTube Blocks Conservative Videos see also: It is a very interesting point. If liberals "own" the major clearinghouses of Internet information (Google...
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    Lieberman: Out! - McKinney: Out! I'm ambivalent about the Lieberman result - Probably puts him in a better position to run for POTUS probably with McCain. McKinney - Good riddance! Like a bad penny, she'll turn up again, though.