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    Dems Challenge Repubs to pass CCW in Ohio

    Press Release from Senator Robert Hagan and Senator Mike Shoemaker Let's make some phone calls and write some letters, Ohioans! It's pretty bad when we've got Democrats calling for CCW and the Republicans are sitting on their hands. :barf:
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    Presidents at the DMZ

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    Removing Surface Rust

    I recently picked up a used shotgun which has some surface rust on the barrel. I would like to remove this rust without destroying the blued finish. Is this possible, or is the finish already ruined if there is rust present? I've heard of an old trick of using a penny to scrape off the rust...
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    Writers block - Need legal term

    I am updating a web page and have been searching my mind (what's left of it) and the Internet for more than an hour now. I'm sure that someone hereabouts knows the answer. I need the legal term or terms that mean enforcing a law before it is broken is illegal. In other words, you can't be...
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    Students for the Second Amendment

    Have you seen their updated website? This is a great group of young people who have embraced freedom and have taken up the responsibility to defend it. They are looking for advisors in Texas to help guide them in their endeavors and in fund raising. I can think of a few...
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    Safety on M1 Garand

    I am very happy to have received an M1 Garand from Santa on Christmas this year. I have been reading up on the operation and functioning of the firearm and hope to get it to the range late Monday afternoon or early evening. (Falconer & 3gun: Are you listening?) ;) I was initially under the...
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    Clinton and Aides Discuss Keeping His Ideas Alive So... Whaddaya think? Can we help out the ol' ex-prez and compile a list of administrative accomplishments?
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    OBL update from CIA

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    Baltimore: Co-defendants in Self Defense Rally Support on the Web Since their web site is only a week old, I'm unable to find it using the usual search engines. Anybody know what the URL is? For anyone interested in supporting their cause, here are the contacts for...
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    CZ75B in the February Issue

    I see a Molon Labe hat on Page 35! I look to see who wrote the article, and it is none other than Oleg Volk! :) Could that be our own "runt" wearing the hat? Great article, Oleg.
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    Prominent Gun-control Advocate Shot to Death in Seattle I am saddened by this news and my heartfelt prayers go out to his family. This really is an unnecessary death. Still, I can't help but think that if Mr. Wales had been packing iron, he might have been able to defend himself. The police...
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    Supreme Court Allows Dismissal of Gun Maker Suit

    Another BIG loss for the antis. When will they stop wasting taxpayer money and give up this quixotic quest?
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    Florida's Katherine Harris to run for Congress An excerpt from the above link: I hope she makes it to Congress. Florida could do worse than have her as their representative.
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    Parody Web Sites

    I was just in the back room of TFL checking out some old threads. I found a few from late 2000 about TFLs lawsuit against HCI regarding the parody websites that John/az2 and El Jefe maintain. This set me to thinking (a dangerous pastime, I know) about parody websites in general, and parodies of...
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    Michigan CCW Opponents Give Up!

    Quicky summary: They were afraid that they would lose a ballot referendum to repeal the recent "shall-issue" law, so they just quit. Wussies! :p Congratulations to MCRGO and all Michiganders!
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    A Bridge to the Second Amendment - by Robert A. Waters

    I received this article from Robert Waters (BestDefense357) yesterday evening. Like all of Robert’s articles, I feel that it is worth sharing and discussing. This article in particular is important to me because it mentions two projects which are near and dear to me. The Firing Line and...
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    (OH) Boy Suspended for Turning in Gun It is obvious to me that the kid just forgot about the bb gun and tried to make the situation right as soon as he could. For this he gets suspended??? :mad: If you would like to let Superintendent Rusty Clifford know your thoughts about...
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    Compromise With The Antis? Not a Chance, Says Doctor!

    THE POISONED WELL by Dr. Michael S. Brown Doctors for Sensible Gun Laws August 29, 2001
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    Councilman has gun confiscated from his home

    Preliminary information: The State of Ohio has no registration for handguns. The city of Cleveland apparently does. All bold in the story is by me. First bold reference...
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    The Gun Deadlock (A Lifetime Documentary)

    Here's what the advance literature from Common Sense says: The pamphlet has four more pages outlining Common Sense's gun safety program. Kids and Guns in the Home, Safe Storage is Key, Talk with Your Kids, Talk with Your Neighbors. Here's what Lifetime says about it: The Lifetime description...