Search results

  1. T

    HELP! - I Need a Wall Mount Gun Safe

    I am looking for a wall safe that will hold one or two handguns. I saw a link to the company that makes them once, but now cannot find it. I have done tons of searches, but cannot find the one I saw. Let me describe what I am looking for. A wall-mounted gun safe that fits between the studs...
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    Mental Illness and Gun Ownership/Right to Carry

    The Link: <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Mental Disorders Go Untreated, U.S. Report Finds By Maggie Fox, Health and Science Correspondent WASHINGTON (Reuters) - As many as 20 percent of all...
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    School Shooting in Oklahoma

    Here's another tragedy for the bannits to exploit, just in time for the holidays. Link: Story: Three Students Shot, Wounded in Oklahoma School Updated 10:32 AM ET December 6, 1999 OKLAHOMA CITY (Reuters) - Three students were shot...
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    Rep. Paul Trying to Restrict the Power of The President!

    From the Office of Representative Ron Paul, R-TX FOR RELEASE: October 22, 1999 Paul legislation to receive hearing Measure restricts power of president to legislate with pen WASHINGTON, DC -- Next week, a subcommittee of the House of Representatives will hold a hearing on legislation...
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    Ohio School Superintendent says Teachers need guns!

    The Link: The Article: <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Superintendent Says Teachers Need Guns...
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    Your pistol reflects your personality - just for fun!

    I saw the following posting on another thread and thought it deserved a thread of it’s own. This was from Mike H on the Monty Python in Iraq thread and it cracked me up. <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>They say that people have dogs that fit their own...
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    RPS will not ship handguns at all!

    I received an e-mail recently informing me that RPS (Formerly Roadway Package Service, now a subsidiary of the parent company of FedEx) would no longer handle handguns at all. I decided to get it right from the horses mouth and sent this e-mail to them. "UPS recently changed their policy in...
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    What YOU can do about UPS - (long but worth it)

    There is an informational thread on this subject started by RWK here: but I thought this was different enough to warrant it's own thread. I received this via e-mail and thought it would be a good thing to pass along. The...
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    Purchasing a used Ruger at a gun show - what should I look for?

    I will be going to the Medina Gun Show this weekend here in Ohio and am in the market for a Ruger handgun, specifically a P90 (.45 ACP) or a P94 (.40 S&W). I have two questions related to this possible purchase. 1. What should I look for as far as wear & tear on the gun prior to purchasing. Is...
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    Another School Shooting - kid with .22 shoots Asst. Principal

    Here's the link to the article: Here's the article: <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Assistant Principal Wounded In School Shooting...
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    Yet another way to Pi$$ off HCI - deplete their funds

    I received this e-mail today and think it is worth passing on to as many people as possible. Please post it on other gun-boards as well. All it costs you is two stamps. <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Date: Sun, 19 Sep 1999 15:15:29 -0400 From: AGC Legislative...
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    Clinton's $15 Million gun folly

    This editorial, by Edmund McGarrell, appeared yesterday in The Washington Times. Here is the link: Here is an excerpt: <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>The horrendous crimes in Columbine, Atlanta, Los Angeles, and...
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    Here is the HCI Dictionary

    WARNING...This site is a FARCE! It is meant to be funny and poke fun at the antis Unfortunately, I also think that HCI believes most of these definitions. Here are a few samplings: <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana...
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    Second Amendment Positions of the Presidential Candidates

    Here is the link: They cover the positions of the following candidates: Bill Bradley, Al Gore, Gary Bauer, Pat Buchanan, George W. Bush, Elizabeth Dole, Steve Forbes, Orrin Hatch, Alan Keyes, John McCain and Dan...
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    Canadian Writer bashes Americans

    Americans give up every right except the one that's most deadly I'm just glad this guy doesn't live in our country. One less anti for the fight. The problem is American Newspapers importing his bull$*!t. Take your BP medicine before reading. (You've been warned!) Here's the link...
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    FINALLY! - Some good press

    Violators of gun purchase law seldom prosecuted by federal authorities Here is the article: Here is an excerpt: <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Every day, a computer at the sprawling FBI crime...
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    CCW, coming soon to Ohio...With your help.

    Saw this web site in fellow TFL'er Hal's signature line. The link was bad, but I went there manually and found a great site. All of us from Ohio should get involved with this group and help the cause. Ohioans for Concealed Carry, Inc. If anyone from any other states with...
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    LA Police Under Fire For Excessive Force...again!

    For the complete story, go here: Here’s an excerpt from the story. - - - - - - - - - LA Police Under Fire For Excessive Force In Death Updated 1:21 AM ET August 27, 1999 By Jill Serjeant LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - Los Angeles-area...
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    Look what they've done in Kalifornia now...

    DC is going to have a s*it fit over this! ;) ---------- Los Angeles Bans Gun Sales On County Property Updated 8:51 PM ET August 24, 1999 By Dan Whitcomb LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - Two weeks after an alleged white supremacist shooting spree left five people wounded and one man dead...
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    Hey we reached 2000! I wonder who Member 2000 is? It's amazing how fast this site grows. ------------------ "Rights are liable to be perverted to wrongs when we are incapable of rightly exercising them." - Sarah Josepha Hale