Search results

  1. P

    MMM meets TRT in Seattle -- news coverage

    from -- please hit this link even if you read the story below, since we want to encourage this kind of coverage. Ms. Morris is a young woman who grew up in New Jersey and who is employed by one of the more liberal...
  2. P

    The Low Light House

    I went to a match this weekend (see and had a great time. It was a 'tactical handgun' match and I'd never done anything like it before. One of the scenarios took place in a low light house. The house itself was pretty neat...
  3. P

    (UT) Daily Background Checks for CCW Holders?

    From pax
  4. P

    Researcher discovers that gun nuts are people too!

    The entire article can be found at pax
  5. P

    "Hate Crime Prevention Unit"?

    Read the entire article here. Apparently preventing disgruntled customers from yelling at incompetent waiters in the fashionable West End is a worthy use of these officers' time, a more worthy use than doing something about the skyrocketing assault and home invasion rates over there. Sad part...
  6. P

    Liberal columnist given a clue ...

    Anyone remember this thread? It is the story of a clueless yellow-dog journalist in Detroit who claimed she was "still waiting to hear the story about a gun that has a happy ending." Well, here's her column this week, found at Bottom line...
  7. P

    "A Victim of the Gun Lobby"

    Found at
  8. P

    Shootout in Tampa

    From Some tidbits from further down in the article: Underwood, who attended King High School, has a criminal past that includes an arrest in January on charges of possession of cocaine and drug paraphernalia and petty...
  9. P

    This spell's trouble

    Found at
  10. P

    Books About Self-Defense

    What books about self defense are on your bookshelf? What one book or set of books would you recommend to a new CCW holder? pax
  11. P

    Washington state residents

    This just showed up on the WA-CCW email list. If anyone on TFL had a similar situation, let's hear about it. Also, now that I have your attention, please check Lock & Load about an area get-together in May. pax
  12. P

    A gun for my husband -- is P11 the right one?

    Hi all, It's time to buy a carry gun for my husband. He's a fairly new shooter and absolutely must not get 'made' while he is at work. He's been carrying an NAA mini but we finally have a little money to get him a real gun. So help us out here... The top of our short list right now is a...
  13. P

    add a link?

    I was just looking at the links page, and I think the Firearms Academy of Seattle should be added under "Training." It's run by Marty Hayes, who's an active member here or was the last time I checked. FAS hosts Ayoob, Cirillo, Chuck Taylor, and others as well as running their own classes here...
  14. P

    Pacific Northwest TFLers ...

    Is anyone interested in a get together in the Portland or Seattle area sometime this spring or summer? pax
  15. P

    Good news/Bad news

    Came across an interesting article which bemoaned the fact that congress hasn't passed any new gun control laws since 1996. That's the good news. The bad news? An excerpt: So I guess the NRA is feeling some pressure and they haven't, historically, been good at standing up to this kind of...
  16. P

    Poll -- "Is Tougher Gun Control Needed?"

    Poll -- "Is Tougher Gun Control Needed?" on Right now it's running Yes -- 45% No -- 55% 16069 votes total. Sidebar articles and a message board. pax
  17. P

    Israel -- Guns in School

    Good article found at Does anyone have a link to stats for Israel's drop in school violence? pax
  18. P

    He turned in a WHAT?!??

    from Read the rest of the article here. pax "The continuation of buyback programs is a triumph of wishful thinking over all the available evidence," said Garen Wintemute, director of the Violence Prevention Research Program at the...
  19. P

    new definitions on abbreviations page

    There's good advice on this thread and I'd like to second it. On a similar note, "Molon Labe" should also be on the glossary/abbreviations page. pax There is no problem which could not be solved if people would simply do as I advise. -- Gore Vidal
  20. P

    *Shudders* ... Check out this thread

    Check out the link below. It's a thread on the CCW forums. Read the first post only, consider what you would do, and post it below. Then after you have read the first post only and posted your response here, read the rest of the thread...