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  1. P

    Road rage scenario

    Awhile back I got rear-ended as I was turning into my driveway. In the van with me were three of my own children and our teenage babysitter. The nearest neighbor's home is over 1/4 mile away. It was mid-morning and neither of our nearest neighbors would have been home anyway. We live a...
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    (WI) Pewaukee gun registration?

    from <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR> Pewaukee police asked too much From the Journal Sentinel Last Updated: Sept. 24, 2000 Gun registration probably wasn't what the Village of Pewaukee Police...
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    President's Radio Address, Sept 23

    From <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Radio Address by the President to the Nation To: National Desk Contact: White House Press Office, 202-456-2580 WASHINGTON, September 23 /U.S. Newswire/...
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    (NM) Homeowner shoots goblin

    From <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR> Friday, September 15, 2000 Suspect Shot in Burglary Scuffle By Steve Shoup Journal Staff Writer A homeowner surprised a suspected burglar in the Northeast Heights...
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    (WA) Gun Deaths Down in King County

    Note for those out of state: King County means Seattle area. From <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR> Gun-related injuries, deaths dip over 5 years in King County Wednesday, September 13, 2000 By CAROL SMITH...
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    The right to bear arms

    From one of Jeff Cooper's Commentaries: <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Attorney William Burkett of the Oklahoma County Bar's education committee frequently speaks to school children about legal topics. When he addressed a class of fifth graders recently, he...
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    (surprise surprise) Biased News Article

    From <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR> Florida among top 10 states in gun shows, dealers PITTSBURGH -- (AP) -- This may be one list that the Keystone State does not want to be part of. A study by...
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    Washington Post Editorial -- fair use

    From <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR> Guns--and a Congress Unfazed Sunday, September 10, 2000; Page B06 THE 106th CONGRESS, nearing adjournment, has failed to pass a single gun control...
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    (NM) Unarmed LEOs in the public schools

    from <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR> Unarmed APS Officers Called Liability Risk By Jeff Jones and Rudi Keller Journal Staff Writers The Albuquerque Public Schools district is leaving itself open to huge...
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    Went to my first gun show today and had a great time. But something struck me as odd: more than half of the (few) women in the hall were redheads. This left me scratching my own strawberry-ish hair in puzzlement. Was it just a statistical burp? Or is there something about redheaded women...
  11. P

    This is TRUE

    Probably someone's already posted this link, but I just came across it. It's from Randy Cassingham's "This is TRUE" web site. The link is Interesting reading. pax ------------------ "Is there anything wrong with a woman preferring the dignity of an...
  12. P

    Recycling old brass

    What do you guys do with your used-up brass? I've got a big bag of brass I've shot the life out of and was wondering if I should just throw it away or if there was any value in recycling it somehow? pax ------------------ "Is there anything wrong with a woman preferring the dignity of an...
  13. P

    What was that cute little thing?

    Hi all, I stopped by a gun shop an hour or so away from my home a few days ago. Peering into the case I saw some really cute little wheel guns -- .22 magnum -- that couldn't have been more than four inches in overall length. I mean these things were tiny. Instead of reading the tag carefully...
  14. P

    Does your boyfriend own a gun? Are you sure?

    "Does your boyfriend own a gun? Are you sure?" That's the title of an article featured on the cover of the August 2000 issue of Mademoiselle magazine. A few select quotes ... <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>"For many women, finding a boyfriend's gun -- or...
  15. P

    wow oh WOW!

    Yesterday I tried out my new gun -- a Glock 26 that we named Miss Anne Thrope. This baby going to be my everyday carry weapon and I really love her. Shooting her is a blast! Got off 100 rounds and would've shot more if my time and budget would allow it. :) At the same time, our buddy Don...
  16. P

    new family member :)

    We brought home a Glock 26 yesterday. She's a cute little thang, just the right size for concealed carry and fits my hand like a dream. :) :) :) Haven't shot her yet, but that's on the schedule for later this afternoon. Her name? Miss Anne Thrope pax "Is there anything wrong with a...
  17. P

    Quote of the Week

    From a newspaper article about a one-eyed man who shot an armed intruder: <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>When asked whether his vision was an impediment in the gunfight, he [Harvey Faulk] answered, "I wasn't trying to see him clearly. What I was trying to do...
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    Gun death in Mexico City

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - A retiree who thought a Mexico City taxi driver was overcharging pulled out a gun and killed him, El Universal daily reported on Saturday. Vicente Casillas Velazquez, 71, was arrested as he tried to escape...
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    How many gun owners in America?

    I keep stumbling over news articles claiming there aren't that many, and RKBA sites claiming there are. Dunno and don't much care about the actual numbers, guess it depends who's spinning 'em. ("Lies, dam*ed lies, and statistics.") What I want to know is if anyone can give me a legitimate...
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    idiot in Idaho <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Charges pondered in shooting Accidental gunshot seriously injured sleeping neighbor, but intent key to additional charges Angie Gaddy - Staff writer POST...