Search results

  1. P

    I wish I'd thought of this...

    Check out this link: Best line: "BEST OF ALL 100% of the profits will be used to buy up guns and ammunition, keeping them out of the hands of kids in schools!" :D Come to think of it, I could use a C.A.S.H. fund myself. pax
  2. P


    Got this in my email today: An old lady had always wanted to travel abroad. Now that she was getting on in years, she thought she would really like to do so before she died. But until now, she'd never even been out of the country. So she began by going in person to the Passport Office and...
  3. P

    How to make your wife/gf hate guns

    1. Insist that she goes to the range with you. Pout if she doesn't. 2. If she does go to the range with you, make sure that the first gun she ever shoots is a .357 or larger caliber. Better still if you neglect to show her how to hold it and her hand gets bloody. 3. Make sure she doesn't have...
  4. P

    automatic log out

    Hi Rich and all, I've got automatic login disabled on my system, since another TFL member often uses my computer to check the forum. After I've surfed for awhile, the forum automatically logs me out. This seems to happen whether or not I am actively using the forum at the time -- for...
  5. P

    Assault Weapons

    Assuming that this question comes from an older person whose opinion you value and whose respect you wish to keep, how would you answer the following statement? "I just don't see any need for those assault weapons. The NRA would sure get a lot more support for what they are doing if they would...
  6. P

    Heartwarming story

    From I suggest a letter to the editor or six. pax
  7. P

    How do you practice and why?

    Almost every time, I practice: Strong hand only. Weak hand only. Weaver, Chapman, Isoceles. Varying distances. Smooth, speedy presentation. Multiple shots -- double taps, triple taps. Timed if my buddy's timer is available. Snap caps mixed in -- malfunction drills and flinch check. Whenever...
  8. P

    You can't get a man with a gun...

    I went to my future sister-in-law's bridal shower this weekend. She's a great person and I think my brother is going to have a wonderful happy life with her. Some evidence: 1) She and several of the other women at her bridal shower had serious pocket knives in their purses (in California, no...
  9. P

    Michelle Malkin column -- Kids, Condoms, and Guns

    Read the rest of the article here. pax
  10. P

    (WA) generous, loving, caring man who wouldn't hurt nobody shot by racist cops

    From A few choice snippets: Translation: the guy tried to kill a cop. The cop's partner heroically saved the cop's life. Translation: stopping criminal activity is racist. Cops...
  11. P

    ex-LEO, honorable veteran denied purchase under Brady bill

    Found online at Newsmax.
  12. P

    Keep your finger off the trigger unless your sights are on target

    Found at
  13. P

    an amusing letter to the editor in KC Star

    Found this in the Letters to the Editor section of the Kansas City Star. I wonder if anyone has ever compiled a list of violent crimes that have taken place at gun shows and NRA conventions? Wouldn't that be a fun little bit of info for the TRT to hand out? pax Edited to fix link. - TBM...
  14. P

    Your Tax Dollars at Work

    Read the entire article at Why isn't this considered misuse of public funds? pax
  15. P

    Gun Collector Indicted after BATF raid

  16. P

    (NM) Albuquerque opting out of NM's new CCW law?

    Find the rest of the article here. It's long and interesting. pax
  17. P

    (Gag Alert) "Crime Guns" -- sellers market to criminals

    Found on the US Newswire at *sigh*
  18. P

    The "Ask, Tell" campaign

    Recently we've heard that anti-freedom groups are gearing up for a big campaign to encourage parents to ask other parents about guns in their homes -- presumably with the intention of prohibiting little Johnny from playing with those eeeeeeevil gun owners' children. After thinking about this...
  19. P

    What a perfect weekend!!

    This past weekend, I took FAS-2 from Firearms Academy of Seattle. The course was taught by Marty and Gila Hayes, both long-time firearms instructors, and was well worth the $195 instruction fee. As a fairly new shooter -- I've been shooting handguns for a little less than a year now -- I found...
  20. P

    What a perfect weekend!!

    This past weekend, I took FAS-2 from Firearms Academy of Seattle. The course was taught by Marty and Gila Hayes, both long-time firearms instructors, and was well worth the $195 instruction fee. As a fairly new shooter -- I've been shooting handguns for a little less than a year now -- I found...