Search results

  1. P

    Lesson from an old guy

    Roughly three or four years after I first began learning to shoot, I met an older gentleman – Jim – who had a profound influence on my shooting development. Jim bounced into the room on the first day of a shooting class I was taking, and he was loudly enthusiastic about another class he’d taken...
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    Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced?

    Do you consider yourself a beginning, intermediate, or advanced shooter? Edited to add the followup question: What criteria did you use when you chose your category? Why or how did you choose those factors? pax
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    Which handgun does your husband use for a house gun?

    Just looking for ideas what guns a man might use for home defense. pax
  4. P

    Public apology

    During my presentation at the Tactical Conference this year, I made a *bad* but absolutely unintentional mistake – I left Lynn Givens’ name out of my speech when I was talking about female role models and trainers! She was in my notes, but … I goofed during the speech. For those who do not know...
  5. P

    Trainers: Post Links to Newsletters and Current Blog Posts HERE!

    To avoid having your newsletters, informational articles, or blog posts lost in the general forum shuffle, please put them in this thread. Special thread rules 1) TFL's usual "Drive-by post" rules do not apply this THIS THREAD ONLY. All other TFL Forum Rules do apply, and will be enforced...
  6. P

    Open carry – slight victory in Washington state

    In December 2011, a man was walking his dog peacefully in the park here in Washington state when he was approached by a police officer who demanded to see his identification because he was open carrying. The man offered to show the law-enforcement officer the state law, whereupon the LEO drew...
  7. P

    Fess up -- ND & AD stories, please!

    Hi everyone, Did you ever fire a gun unintentionally? What were the circumstances and how did it happen? In addition to hearing your own stories, I'd appreciate some links. I'm looking for first hand accounts (not news stories) about unintentional discharges, of whatever flavor. Video links...
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    Does your husband carry?

    I'm looking for a gun for a guy. What kind of gun does your husband prefer? pax
  9. P

    Instructor Ethics 101: Would you bet your life on that?

    From my blog at Thought I'd share it here, too. When you look for a teacher, look for someone who understands this. When you become a teacher, become the sort of person who understands this and lives it. Don't shortchange your students. ***...
  10. P

    Competition Skills

    Hi guys and gals, For reasons of my own, I'm compiling a list of competition-specific skills you need if you're going to win or even do well at gun games. To keep this clear, let's make USPSA the game in question (that's not one I've played, other than very casually and occasionally). I'm...
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    Hunting Skills

    Hi guys, For reasons of my own, I'd like to make a list of the skills a deer hunter needs & uses on a successful hunt. Obviously, being able to hit where you aim is one part of the skills you guys use, but equally obviously, that's not all there is to it (or every beginning hunter would fill...
  12. P

    Negligent or unintentional discharges - dry fire stories, please!

    Anyone here ever shoot the TV or through a wall while dry firing? What were the circumstances and how did it happen? Thanks, pax Edited to add: Also, eyewitness accounts of someone else's mistake. Not rumors, but stuff you've seen yourself.
  13. P

    Good books: Train your Brain

    Everyone watches videos now. But books are still good. They convey a lot more information than you can get in a video, and in more depth. Plus, you can always set the book down to think deeply about something the author wrote -- something we rarely or never do with information that comes in...
  14. P

    What do you look for in an instructor?

    I recently posted an article on the Cornered Cat website about becoming a firearms instructor. You can read the article here: How to Become a Firearms Instructor An excerpt, to whet your appetite (read the whole thing!): In that article, I suggested that a professional defensive firearms...
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    Cooper's color codes

    Lots of misunderstandings about Cooper's color codes online these days. Here's what Cooper himself had to say about the codes, from his Commentaries (vol 13, no 7): One nuance that's often lost on people who haven't made a study of this, is that the codes do not indicate an external level of...
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    Shotgun locking storage

    Hi guys, I'm looking for products that allow you to securely lock up a home-defense shotgun but still allow fast access. What's your favorite? pax
  17. P

    Favorite fast-access storage method?

    Crowd-sourcing a little research here: what's your favorite fast-access way to store a defensive handgun or shotgun? I need product names and links wherever possible. (And yes -- I keep my handgun on my hip at home too, but I'm specifically looking for safe storage products that allow you to...
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    Why teach women-only classes?

    Please forgive the shameless bit of self promotion here, but I've just published an article that I'd really like to hear your feedback on. It's titled, "Why Women's Classes?" and you can find it at It used to be that everyone you met at the range, in the...
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    New toy! S&W 66-5

    Today I picked up a sweet little pre-lock S&W 66-5 with a 3.25" barrel and Hi Viz sights. Can't wait to get it up to the range for a workout. Serial number starts with CEK. What can you all tell me about this gun? Any interesting bits of history I should know? Also: it's not enough to have...
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    WA state GOAL Post 3-17-12: "State schools superintendent ignored safety training"

    Posting this in its entirety per the copyright rules at the bottom. I have bolded the section below I'd like to draw your attention to. Okay... see that bolded bit? I'd like to know more about it. Who can give me some background and info on SJM 8009? I'd like to get a little buzz going about...