Search results

  1. R

    Brass ID?

    I found a couple of dozen .223 cases at the range. I need help figuring out their make. The bottoms have the letters WCC stamped on them. There are also the digits "0" and "8", I can't tell if it is suppose to be 08 or 80. There is also a figure stamped on them, it is a circle with cross bars...
  2. R


    Check this out. Read the third paragraph. Now I know why the .45-70 is so effective on game. I almost find it difficult to believe that it can penetrate nearly six feet of wet paper. The bullet can definately make its way into the vitals of most...
  3. R

    Which Gun?

    Lets say you are walking around in the woods with a .22 rifle doing some informal plinking and vermin control. You also have a .357 magnum revolver on your hip in case you encounter something that needs more attention then a rimfire can give. You are walking along and you notice someone...
  4. R

    Coyote Ethics?

    My cousin lives near here. He is a hunter like me, except, he won't shoot coyotes. His philosophy is that animals that are not going to be eaten shouldn't be killed. Here in Nevada, coyotes have little legal protection. They can be shot all year and their isn't a limit on them. Some of the...
  5. R

    Varget Fans?

    How many of you are Varget fans? I reload for half a dozen or so rifle cartridges. I can use Varget for all but one of them. It might not be the best powder for the other rounds, but it ain't the worse. For two of my rifles it is the most acurate powder I have tried.
  6. R

    Oldies But Goodies

    I have an old lever action rifle chambered in .25-35 Winchester. That has become one of my favorite "old" cartridges. It is low recoiling and not bad in the accuracy department. While it ain't no T-Rex slayer, it is quite effective on its intended game. It does a number on ??? ( the name of the...
  7. R


    Yesterday one of our employees was released. I think I am going to celebrate this weekend. If I was younger I would be doing cartwheels across the yard. If there was a Nobel Prize given for bragging, he would win hands-down. No matter what hunting or shooting exploits you brought up around him...
  8. R

    Most At One Time

    What is most rounds of ammo you have reloaded in one sitting? It could be shotgun, rifle or handgun. How long did it take?
  9. R

    Elephant versus Grizzly

    I realize this thread might fall under the "bizzare" category, but please humor me. There are certain critters that are no doubt dangerous to hunt. Elephants and Grizzly Bears are two of them. Either animal can put a serious hurt on any human. That made me wonder which of these two animals...
  10. R


    I just returned from our doughnut shop. I met this guy that owns an alfalfa ranch nearby. He was complaining about ground squirrels doing a number on his property. I introduced myself and offered to help rid him of his vermin problem with some judicial use of high-speed lead poison. He gave me...
  11. R

    How Easy?

    In the next few weeks I am going to go through a CCW course. I have finally decided to enjoy the freedom the Silver State offers. There are several instructors in the area that offer CCW classes. Having talked to folks that have taken them, it seems like there is a big difference regarding...
  12. R


    Do you remember the first cartridge you ever reloaded for? Do you remember the components you used, the equipment that was used, and the results? I do. The first cartridge I reloaded for was the .30-30 Winchester. I used a LeeLoader to make the rounds. Here are the components I used. Cases...
  13. R

    Crow Eating?

    I take my dogs for a walk around this field across the street almost everyday. The last couple of days there have been dozens of crows hanging around these trees in the back part. I found this curious. They would all depart as approached. I was thinking they had found some food source back...
  14. R

    Deep Concealment Help

    This Thursday I am scheduled to undergo a medical procedure. I have to have a colonoscopy, something that I am not looking forward to. I especially am not looking forward to going unarmed. The facility that will do this procedure has NO WEAPONS ALLOWED signs posted at all the entrances. I am...
  15. R

    Deceptive Deadliness

    One of these days I am going to get some sort of EBR. Until then, I'll have to shoot what my friends have. The other day one of them let me shoot some rounds through one of his AR's. I used muffs for hearing protection. With the sound muffled, you swear that the rifle can not be deadly. There...
  16. R

    Range Preferences

    We have a small outdoor shooting range located at the edge of town. It is split into two sections, one for handgun and one for rifles. The main difference is the berm location. The rifle side has the berm at 300 yards, and the the handgun side has it at 50 yards. There are cement tables covered...
  17. R

    How Often?

    How often to you shoot a gun, any gun for any purpose? It could be a shotgun for popping ducks, a rifle for target shooting, a rimfire for pest control, or a handgun for plinking. Do you wish you had more shooting time?
  18. R

    Sound Of Silence

    We have had this administration for just over a year. Congress is under control of a certain political party. They are doing things that I feel are not good for the country, but those are topics that don't belong here. Topics about gun laws do. That is the point I am making here. I have not...
  19. R

    Critical Mass

    I started another thread the other day about handgun shooting. I mentioned a certain target I hit to indicate how well my shooting with a certain handugn was going. The creature I shot was fully legal as far as the state of Nevada is concerned. There are certain animals I will not hunt for...
  20. R

    Best Shooter?

    To say that I am not a great handgun shooter would be an understatement. However I enjoy shooting them. I always take a sidearm when I go exploring around here. Shooting at impromptu targets is something I take great joy at. I do have one handgun that I am getting better with. It is an old...