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  1. R

    Good Idea?

    I had another thread going about a dog confrontation I had recently. Before I post my idea here, I want to ask all of you a big favor. Please do not get this thread shut down. I don't want to start a dog-debate. I just want feedback on an idea I have. I have an older .22 rimfire, High Standard...
  2. R

    28 Hunters

    How many of you hunt with a 28 gauge? How well do you do with it compared to other gauges that you may use?
  3. R

    Close Call

    There is a field across the street from me. It has a ditch and dirt path that goes all around its edge. I take my dogs for a walk there everyday. I open-carry a handgun when I go. The other day I was half way down the first leg of the walk. About one hundred feet in front of us a dog emerged...
  4. R

    New Year's Resolutions(Gun Related)

    Well Happy New Year's to all of you. Many people choose to make resolutions to bring in the new year. Stop smoking, loose a few pounds, save money, these are some of the more common ones. What about gun and/or hunting resolutions? I have two. I am going to take out some of my guns that I...
  5. R

    Coyote Plan?

    There are some creatures that we plenty of around here. One of them is the coyote. I see one on the way from work everyday. He is standing in the middle of this large field. The field is a big, flat, snow-covered area. Two roads run along its edges. There are dirt roads that criss-cross it. He...
  6. R

    Old School or New Fangled

    I just read a gun article. The author said that most shooters can be placed in one of two categories. One is Old School. These are are hunters/shooters that use guns and gear that they have had since they started in the sports. Their deer rifle might be some old beat-up lever action, with a...
  7. R

    Christmas Wish List

    No, this is not for things that you want for Christmas, but things you wish manufacturers of guns and related shooting equipment would make. It could be an existing rifle chambered for a cartridge you like. It could be a scope made slightly different or hunting clothing that you have designed...
  8. R

    Biggest Bang For The Buck!

    What is the best gun purchase you ever made for the least amount of money you spent? This could be a gun you found at a store, a show, or in the paper. The price was so good that you thought that the gun can't be good, but you were surprised when you shot it.
  9. R

    Got The Brass

    My friend recently returned from a big gun show in Arizona. He picked up some .32 H&R magnum cases for me. These are for a Ruger Single Six. Anyone here have a decent "pet" load for this cartridge?
  10. R

    Extreme Cold

    Well we have finally hit a cold spell around here. The other day it was double digit below zero. This morning I am giddy because the temperature reading is at seven degrees above zero. This leads to my question. I know that temperature extremes can effect rifle and handgun reloading. Does this...
  11. R

    Reflections and Changes

    In less then twenty-four hours I will officially hit the half-century mark. I have spent the last few days reflecting how my hunting and shooting have changed over the years. I am definitely not the same sportman I was many moons ago when I first got into these things. The guns I like and want...
  12. R

    Not for sale

    Does anyone here have a gun that they would not sell for any price? It could be a gun you inherited from your dad. The gun isn't fancy, or even worth much on the market, but it has such sentimental value that no amount of money will make you part with it. What if you were offered enough to pay...
  13. R

    State Guns

    Nevada's state bird is the Mountain Bluebird. We have state colors and even state rocks. We don't have a state gun. I was wondering which firearm(s) would best represent the Spirit of Nevada. Most of this state is wide-open desert type landscape. It does have a "cowboy" feel to it. It is not...
  14. R

    Different Ammo In Semi-Autos

    I have an 11-87. It seems to cycle different factory ammo differently. I am talking about upland type loads. Wichester shells barely cycle the gun. The hulls end up a few feet away. If the gun hasn't been cleaned in awhile, they don't cycle at all. At the other end of the spectrum is Fiocchi...
  15. R

    Statement, Do You Agree?

    I once heard someone utter these words. Too much rifle shooting can negatively effect your shotgunning, but too much shotgunning won't negatively effect your rifle shooting. What do you all think of this statement? Any truth to it?
  16. R

    Blackhawk Collectors

    As some of you might know from a previous thread, I recently purchased a Ruger Single Six in .32 Magnum. This has become my go-to gun for desert adventures. The shop I bought this from must have every variant and chambering of this gun. I want to start collecting Blackhawks. I'll probably...
  17. R

    Local Land Owners

    Instead of hi-jacking another thread, I decided to start a new one based on an idea from the other one. In general, how are the private landowners in your area? Do they say yes to most people that ask? Do they say yes to some people? Or do you save time and just don't even ask because they...
  18. R

    Honesty Does Not Pay!

    I was at the local doughnut shop the other morning. The ususl crowd was there, thus discussions quickly became about hunting and shooting. One of our local hunters got into hot water with our game department. He had an antlerless deer tag and went to get one. He inadvertently killed a deer with...
  19. R

    28 Gauge to 20 Gauge

    About a year ago I purchased MEC Jr. to reload for my 28. I love the machine and the product it produces. I know MEC makes conversion kits for this machine, one being in 20ga. Has anyone here done the switch? How easy is it? Would I be better off buying another Jr. in 20 Gauge?
  20. R

    Stock Up On Shells!!! Check out the bird video. Imagine that coming overhead and you have a shotgun and lots of shells.