Search results

  1. R

    Which Combo?

    Here is the deal, you plan on going on a nature hike. The main purpose is to explore. You decide to bring a couple of guns along, a handgun and a long gun. How would you pair them up? The main purpose of having a firearm is probably going to be for plinking and maybe a small rodent or two...
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    Your Choice

    This is a take-off of another thread. It is about the show Top Shot. In one of the competitions, two guys fired rifles at long range targets. They used rifles that were supplied by the show. Here is my question. If you were involved in some sort of long-range rifle contest that involved money...
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    Cruelty Conflict?

    I can not stand any cruelty to animals. When I see a dog that is tied up in a yard 24/7, I want to release the animal and put the owner in the same situation for a week. When I hear about kids that torture cats, I want to do the same to them. Once in awhile we have news reports of wounded wild...
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    Dented Brass

    I was out shooting the other day and found some brass. I found about one hundred pieces of .223 cases, mostly Remington and Federal. They looked once fired, but most of them had a strange dent in them. It is a small dent located right below the shoulder. All the cases with this dent have it in...
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    OCD Gun Cleaning

    I think I have gun cleaning OCD. Please help. If I take a gun out for any activity, even if I don't shoot it, I have to clean it as soon as I get home. I don't mean a patch through the barrel and a quick wipe of the outside, I mean take apart and completely clean it inside and out. If I don't...
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    Kill Thrill?

    Does anyone here actually enjoy killing? Years ago I read an article about African Lions. They studied there behaviors during the actual kill of prey. Evidence suggested to the researchers that the lions might actually get a thrill as they suffocate the life out of an animal. The females seemed...
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    50BMG AR's

    I was looking through a friends Shotgun News. There is an add for 50 BMG that converts an AR to that round. My question is, can the AR's frame handle it? Has anyone here played with one of these?
  8. R

    Carbine Feeding

    My M-1 Carbine only feeds round nose type bullets with any reliability. It even does fine with the Hornady half-jacketed bullets. Holow Points? Forget it! A friend of mine also has the same rifle. His feeds anything he runs through it. Those of you that reload for this rifle, do you have any...
  9. R

    Easiest Cartridge?

    What is the easiest round you reload for? I guess technically, at least the mechanics, are similar for reloading any cartridge. I am talking about a round that seems to shoot just about any combo of components well. My easiest round is the .45-70. I have tried many different powders, countless...
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    Back Problems

    Not too long ago I started a medically related thread that was a joke. This time it is for real. My lower back has been giving me trouble for many years. I had an MRI a couple of weeks back and the results are not good. I have also talked to three different MD's, they each said that the only...
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    Shoot On Sight

    I know a guy here that if he crosses paths with any snake and he happens to have any firearm on him, he shoots the creature. Forget trying to explain to him that gopher snakes not only eat rodents, but rattlesnakes too, to him the only good snake is a dead snake. The only animal that I will...
  12. R

    More Than Enough?

    From where I am seated right now, I can see most of my guns. I might not have as many of them as some of you, but I probably have more then most. This made wonder why? Why do I have so many firearms? My wife asks the same question all the time.;) I have several shotguns. I do a little bit of...
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    Tactical versus Field

    I do keep a shotgun at the ready for "just in case". However, the shotgun is a field-grade 12 gauge pump. The same shotgun can be used for dove or ducks. I notice that many folks that picture their defensive shotgun here use shotguns that don't quite look like mine. They are shorter, have...
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    Ever Try Ramshot powder?

    Has anyone here tried Ramshot powder? I saw several cans of it at a local gun store. This is one powder that I haven't tried. I am curious as to how it compares with some of the more "common" powders.
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    Red Fox?

    Yesterday I was exploring some scrub area with my dogs. A canine-type creature crossed my path no more then forty feet away. At first I thought it was my younger dog because of the size, but then I saw the face wasn't right. Then I thought it might be a young coyote, but the coat was reddish. So...
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    I was just visiting one of the powder company websites. I was looking at their page of safety tips. One warning got my attention, it said to never vacuum spilled powder. I have been doing that for years, using a shop-vac for post reloading clean up. Is there some "real" danger to this? Have I...
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    I was a gun shop yesterday looking at several small autos in .380ACP. The one that caught my eyes was the Bersa Thunder 380. I liked its looks and the way it felt in my hands. Now my questions. Who here has one? What are your thoughts on this pistol?
  18. R

    What's Wrong With Franchi?

    Many makes of shotguns are mentioned here. Someone is looking for a shotgun and mentions of Remingtons, Mossbergs, Berettas, and Brownings quickly appear in the replies. Mentions of Franchi shotguns are not too common around here. Is there any reason they are not mentioned too often? Just curious!
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    Penetration versus Expansion

    A couple of other current threads made me decide to start this one. My basic question is this, which factor is more important when shooting bullets into animals, expansion or penetration? Does the species that is being shot affect which is more critical? If you had to loose some of one to gain...
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    Typical Savage?

    A fellow worker showed up with a target he shot over the weekend at the range. He used his new rifle. It was one of those Savage "package" deals, you know the rifle and scope combos. His is chambered in .223 Remington. I couldn't believe the groupings. Five shot groups at or under an inch. I...