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  1. R

    Larger Rimfire

    I made a comment on another thread here about having a rimfire, 25 caliber round brought out in a mdern configuration in a modern gun. Someone posted that I should start a thread on this. So here it is. ( I did have a similar thread started many years ago, I want to make the folks that get upset...
  2. R

    .44 magnum vs. .357 magnum

    No, I'm not trying to be silly. I am not trying to compare these cartridges on power alone, we know which one would win. I wonder which round do you think is a more useful, all-around cartridge. My vote would go to the .44 magnum. I am refering to revolvers that are not compact or meant for...
  3. R

    Why Not The Magnum?

    I went to a gun show today. Several vendors had Ruger Blackhawks chambered in .44 Special. I do realize that it is a good round and the ballistics can be increased with reloading. My question is this, why not buy the gun in .44 magnum? You can shoot Specials out of it and really crank it up when...
  4. R

    Tikka versus Savage

    I have been eyeing Savage rifles for awhile. One of these days I am going to take the plunge and get one. However, I have been hearing great feedback on Tikka rifles. They even come with an accuracy guarantee. I want to hear from shooters that have experience with one or both of these rifles. I...
  5. R

    Emotional Ties?

    Why do we have emotional ties to our firearms? They are not living things, in fact they are really nothing more then tools. A hammer is a tool as is a lawn mower. Yet, lawnmowers and hammers don't give us the warm fuzzies that guns do. Why is that? I go into a gun store or a gun show and see a...
  6. R

    My Imagination?

    I was In Reno today and decided to stop at one of the gun shops. These guys have many of their rifles displayed out on the floor for customers to look at and handle. I was looking through the Ruger Bolt Action Section. I was looking at the sales tags to see the chamberings and the prices. One...
  7. R

    Missing Link

    I have a shotgun in 12 gauge, one in 16, one in 20 and one in 28 gauge. I don't have a .410 or a 10 gauge. I have never owned or even fired a 10 before. I have owned several .410's, they were all "cheapie" break-open single shots. I end up giving them away to some relative or friend that needs a...
  8. R

    Type Of Reloader?

    I have a friend here that has a reloading output that is closer to Federal's then to the average person. In his garage, he has several Dillons. Each one is dedicated to one cartridge. He has also added various things to each press to make it more automated. This guy is a master mechanic type...
  9. R

    Perfect Record?

    How many folks here have never had an accidental or negligent firearm discharge? You never had a gun go off that you did not mean to? I am far from perfect. I have been involved in traffic accidents. I have accidentaly hit my thumb with a hammer. I have accidently bit into food that was a bit...
  10. R

    Small Semi's

    I want to buy a small semi auto pistol. I want it as a carry gun. But, I also want one that is accurate enough to do informal plinking and even short range vermin control. When I go to the gun store, they have a case full of various models of small pistols. They are usually chambered in...
  11. R

    Same Dies

    I currently reload for the .32 S&W long and the .32 H&R magnum using the same dies. Can these dies be used to reload the .327 magnum? I ask just in case I buy one.
  12. R

    International Gun Laws

    I found this interesting site. I found this link to be not only interesting but educational as well. The way you hear some people talk you would think that outside of the United States, people don't have guns. You get the impression that guns are pretty much banned...
  13. R

    Fair Chase?

    I spent most of this afternoon in the house. It is just too hot to go outside. I decided to watch some hunting shows. I watched a few minutes of one show. They were bow hunting somewhere in the midwest. They kept talking about how all their hunts are fair chase. Then I saw the hunters in tree...
  14. R

    Texas Alert!

    Check this out. Have any of you guys in Texas ever seen one of these creatures? It doesn't look like an animal that would require too big of a round to kill. Maybe even a well placed .22 long rifle at close range would do. If you ever saw a strange...
  15. R

    Shooting Friendly States

    There is another thread here about gun-friendly states. There are some states that have bettter gun laws then others. If purchasing guns and being allowed to carry is difficult, then quality of life is diminished as far as I am concerned. But just being able to have a gun is only half of the...
  16. R

    Super 38?'s

    I visited a gun store the other day. They had a Rock Island, 1911, in .38 Super for sale. It is a used gun, but it looks to be in excellent shape. It is nickel finished. The "out-the-door" price is about four hundred. I would like to hear opinions on this particular firearm and/or cartridge. I...
  17. R

    Rimfire Accuacy Testing

    I own several rimfire handguns. They are my favorite carry weapons. Cheap to shoot, accurate enough, and just plain fun. I have begun accuracy testing them. I have purchased a dozen different brands and styles of cartridges. I am shooting paper targets set at 25 yards. Sandbags are the method of...
  18. R

    Lever : .357 vs. .44 vs. 45

    I am going to buy a lever action carbine. I live in the Nevada high desert, I can't think of a gun that fits the image of this place better. I guess I watched one too many episodes of Bonanza as a kid. Anyway, it would go well with my single action revolver. The main purpose of this gun is to...
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    Morbid Curiosity!

    The other day they executed someone is Utah. They used the good old-fashioned firing squad. I am curious about something about this. Call it morbid or call it crazy, but I need to know. Does anyone here know what weapon they use for this? Also, what type of bullet is used? I have searched the...
  20. R

    Law and Order!

    Lets be honest here. How close do you follow hunting regulations? Do read the laws pertaining to the type of hunting you are going to do and then follow them religiously? If hunting time starts at 6:30am, and you see a dream trophy deer twenty yards away five minutes before that, do you fudge...