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  1. L

    letters to the editor. shared copy/paste bank?

    Any interest in having a topic set aside for y'all to dump in your letters to the editor (or polititians)? I know that many of us are very eloquent in our writings. May be a good thing to post your letters here so that those less-skilled may copy/paste for their own use. An effective letter...
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    Denver's Webb to unveil Wall of Death 2/10/00

    From the MMM website reflector ... "Denver, CO Mayor Webb will unveil the "Wall of Death" which lists more than 3,100 names of people lost to gun violence in 100 cities since Columbine. It was put together by the US Conference of Mayors and is very dramatic. Thursday, February 10, 2000...
  3. L

    pretty good article - by a (former ?) Democrat

    Here or in Discussion - either way. Saw the Boulder "dateline" & was getting ready to /fume on ... was pleasantly surprised. Too, somewhere in my PC, I've a study by an Atlanta Dr. who states most emphatically that if it weren't for the gang-bangers killing each other, USA has a LOWER...
  4. L

    Colorado Protest - after action report

    Hoping for 200 - had twice as many easy. Crowd was riled, lotsa signs, lotsa yelling slogans. Newsies showed & I got a damned mike/camera stuffed in my face & probably blew it. Others did better I hear. All-in-all, far exceeded my expectations & I think we sent a message to the politicos...
  5. L

    Why can't we get along? What's with it with us?

    See #5k (whatever) post to thread Protest at CO Guv's House. I've about had it. Thread re the latest US Senate trying to do in the bankrupt law for gunowners - GOA's got an e-mail alert out PDQ - NRA = zip. We do a...
  6. L

    OK, here we go! The "new" Point & Shoot method

    Edited because I was too denigrating in my post. Sorry. OK, what's the deal with this "new" P&S method. Personally, I'm set with the old way. Anything to this? pluspinc, etc. you're correct in that we shouldn't discount something new. [This message has been edited by labgrade (edited...
  7. L

    Protest at CO Governor's Mansion 2/3/00

    Had some stuff typed in & when I hit the submit button - "we're down for maintenance" comes up. ;) I love computers! See next post for details. Forward to all who haven't TFL or 'net access. We've had it! & are gonna do a march/protest at the Colorado Governor's Manison. Sorry about the...
  8. L

    Starting to get sick - State of the Union Address

    System's slow for me tonight, but Der Slickmeister's on the tube. Gonna go throw up in the can or get it all over y'all. Lurp!
  9. L

    grass roots political acticvism - suggestions welcomed

    We're starting to get fiesty up here in N CO. On a bit of a roll after a MMM protest last night and want to maintain that momentum. Any/all suggestions to assist in getting the word out (phone trees, e-mail alerts, etc.), staging the event (guerilla theater, posters et al, or ?), maintaining...
  10. L

    Columbine parent speaks out (long)

    Got this through an e-mail 1/20. Can't verify authenticity but am working on the source. (lots of FWDs) Seems I heard about this quite a while back, but, again, can't verify anything other than what's presented as "heresay." AA "On Thursday, May 27, 1999, Darrell Scott, the father of Rachel...
  11. L

    Vote for the American GI!

    Just got this from my folks. Another grass-roots effort. I logged in, voted for the GI & we're at 1.27% Let's see if we can do a write-in candidtate for someone just a bit better than Elvis. "Forward this to every Active Duty, Reserve, Guard, or Retired person you can think of. Get the...
  12. L

    Question to LEOs re " War on Guns"

    Been putting off posting this thread because of its possibility to go flame-on in a real hurry. Still, I'd like to hear some opinions from LEOs & regular ol' folks. Let's do try to keep it civil. The "no-knock" thread got tempers pretty flared & I'd like to keep away from that. But, it did...
  13. L

    Colorado gun bills being posted has statrted posting new bills. Do a search for word = firearm. SB089 is particularly nasty = background checks for ALL firearm transfers, redefines assault weapon (& hey, it's just as stupid as CA's), changes ages to 21+, etc. It is supposedly in Judiciary...
  14. L

    Stand up - be counted! No more anonymous postings - pending Colorado legislation

    I appologize right off for the length of the attached but not for its content. It's time for each & everyone of us to stand up, be counted & no more deleted names, #s, etc. Maybe use this thread to post effective letters to the editor, electeds, whatever. ? Any comments to be more effective...
  15. L

    Native Americans - gun laws same as for everyone else?

    Had a lady ask me this question the other day & I didn't have a clue. So, since the US Govmint has all these treaties & Native Americans are "sovreign nations," what are the gun control implications regarding their unique status? Are they exempt or just as screwed as the rest of us?
  16. L

    "Office Politics" or can a gun control consensus ever be reached?

    A topic on AFN 3PM MST 12/29 1350AM .... The Wife is guest-host w/the topic de jour. Thrust is: To obtain those goal which you'd most like to in the "office environment," you give a little (maybe compromise - maybe not), build the consensus (preferably beforehand) by fomenting the question/s...
  17. L

    holsters for the ladies

    The Wife's 5' even & can't find a decent holster for her SW 2.5" bbl 66 that is suitable for her use. A high-rise type holster will put the stock up into her armpit. A lady's torso is much smaller for the same height man & as such is more difficult to properly fit a holster that works. Any...
  18. L

    Food for thought re our electeds

    Just for fun, try to identify this outfit of over 500 employees with the following statistics: 29 have been accused of spousal abuse 7 have been arrested for fraud 19 have been accused of writing bad checks 117 have bankrupted at least two businesses 3 have been arrested for assault 71...
  19. L

    Funniest /Stupidest military Commanders?

    Was a Selective Marksman (sniper/scout-type) on a military Tactical Team in a past life. After shooting varmits at long range w/a personally tricked .243WIN for ~15 yrs prior, I was sorely disappointed to be issued a stock M16 w/peep sight for long-range "OK, shoot the perp in the head while...
  20. L

    Colorado TFL get together

    Had some off-line talks with some & we want a get together. Got time to plan & too many other parties going on right now anyway. Would like to get a bunch up to the house & maybe talk a couple of "personalities" on over. Let's do it. Who's game?