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    The Atlantic Article This is an excellent pro-gun article in the Atlantic. It is a major political and high end magazine. The author clearly lays out the self-defense case and the futility of the most gun control...
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    Some shopping observations

    I've been stopping by local sporting goods stores and also Bass Pro. Not to be in a panic but looking for bargains on other stuff (like socks) as I have the time off. At the gun counters, I've noticed: 1. The EBRs are gone. Bolt guns are there and interestingly, tactical type shotguns. 2...
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    Preparation and Training at Cabelas - Buda, TX 2013 Suburban Dad Survivalist Preparedness Conference A touch of self-promotion. KRtraining is put on a preparedness seminar at the Cabelas in Buda, TX on Jan. 5. Among the topics will be two relevant firearms sessions...
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    LaPierre on a Stick! I don't know if you can see this but I'll explain. A history professor at the University of Rhode Island said that he would want Wayne's head on a stick...
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    10/22 question

    I have a 10/22 with the synthetic stock and stainless. Don't have a sling for it. I don't see sling attachment points. Missed them - duh? Suggestions, folks. I think I want to shoot it in some carbine matches to save a buck and grins. I have the Ruger 25 round mags. Thanks.
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    Clue me in on SW J frame sights.

    Help an old mod's eyes. I have a 327 Mag J frame with adjustable sights and a pinned front (like a Model 60). However, the old eyes don't like black on black with a gap. I'm thinking about a rear sight with the white U and a front fiber optic. SW seems to sell them. Opinions? Experience...
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    Interesting long guns at the carbine match

    We had an IDPA pistol or carbine match. Shoot pistol or rifle (I shot my 1911). The majority of guns were 223s - AR-15, M4s. Some AR pattern 9mms. A few AK pattern of different kinds. Interestingly some folks shot 10/22s in standard patterns with extended mags. I have to try that. I have one...
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    A good book - Guns in American Society

    Guns in American Society: An Encyclopedia of History, Politics, Culture, and the Law, Second Edition Gregg Lee Carter, Editor 05/04/2012 ABC-CLIO Quote: . --- I have several articles in the set: Colleges and Gun Violence Ergonomics and Firearm Design Intervention Effects Legal...
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    Would they drop the tea cup grip on TV?

    Just a rant. Watching some cop shows last night (dramas) and all the officers looking tough as nails with war faces on - use the silly tea cup grip on their Glocks. Don't they have an advisor? I see new shooters come to the range using it and then have problems. Well, what do I expect from TV?
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    More M-9s I guess the 9mm is still here to stay. One interesting note in the article is the comment on stopping power. Mentions that some units want 45s but there are problems...
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    Do Rampage response training videos teach rampagers how to do it?

    We have quite a few trained folks here. From another venue, it has been postulated that the current training videos for how to respond to a rampage, in fact, give hints and ideas to the a shooter on how to do it and awareness of countermeasures. We've seen planning from Cho, the Aurora...
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    Guns and Bears

    An often asked question on the Internet, but if you want a scientific view of the issue, look at: Efficacy of firearms for bear deterrence in Alaska† Interesting read, not much difference between long arms and handguns but also...
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    We support the Russian gun industry!

    How times have changed! Basically the old AK factories are making a living selling Saigas to us and others. The market for military guns has dried up. The ban on Chinese guns...
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    Nice episode of Bizarre Foods

    Andrew goes to New Mexico, shoots prairie dogs and comments on how he likes to shoot guns with clips of nice big guns! Then he shoots an dog with a neat AR. Later he uses a bolt gun for buffalo. The Food Channel is quite gun friendly. Alton Brown, Zimmern, Bourdain, Ming Tsai - all have...
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    Strobe glasses Congrats for winning the medal - but has anyone heard of such glasses being used for training? On the surface, I don't see the connection.
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    How Guns Won?,16641,20120806,00.html So I bought this. The article: 1. Makes the point that even horrors like Aurora cannot get reasonable gun control passed. 2. That is because the NRA and gun lobby is so strong after Clinton and Gore got clobbered by their antigun...
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    Critical Duty vs. Critical Defense

    So while shopping yesterday at the supermarket, tactically apple pieing each aisle in Condition Orange Juice, I see Guns and Ammo having an article about the two Hornady loads. I buy it. The gist is that CDuty will meet the FBI standards but has stout recoil and muzzle flash. That's so it will...
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    Totally Geekish Question - Dr. Who There is a trailer for the new season of Dr. Who. In the middle a guy racks a pump action something. Anybody know what that is? Glenn
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    Let's sue Glock! So this guy has a gun in the back seat which his kid could find and then shoots him. Shouldn't he be prosecuted for allowing a kid access to the gun? If the kid shot himself, won't prosecuting Daddy be...
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    Reloaders thank Mayor Bloomberg This has to make you laugh. NYC sells casings to Georgia Arms. Criticized Bloomers stands behind the sale. Because he is about crime control and not...