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    Laser pistols at the Olympics What's this all about, news to me? So they just place a dot on target? Anybody expert on this?
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    Will competition get you killed? Police take Ron Avery has a pretty good take on this stuff (yes, I should know as I'm on the Internet). The article makes the point that most competitions are tactically unrealistic. However, he argues that the...
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    Shooting on the move Interesting article on the topic. It caught me eye as I have taken classes where we practice some of the moves that the author finds less than helpful. I have to admit that sometimes I don't shoot that well on the move, although...
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    Stupid MA / Boston Question

    So I'm listening to a Spenser novel (newest one - not by Parker) on the way to work. In this, Hawk and Spenser bust into a house and in a complicated (but incredibly stupid gun usage), Hawk shoots a BG with a pump Mossberg. The cops don't immediately arrest him. My question, what is the local...
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    The NY Times: has an article which seems to promote this technique. There is mention that the opposition cites expense and that it won't work. Major gun rights organization opposed it as would be...
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    Another NYC airport fiasco 1. The college president doesn't think to...
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    Lawsuit over hearing loss at range Elderly woman goes to the range - uses electronic muffs and gets ringing. Claims she wasn't informed that you have to turn...
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    Kentucky Supreme Court Says Campus Gun Ban Does Not Include Parked Cars

    Kentucky Supreme Court Says Campus Gun Ban Does Not Include Parked Cars April 26, 2012, 12:27 pm Kentucky universities can ban weapons on their campuses, but that authority does not extend to the parked cars of students and staff members, the Kentucky Supreme Court ruled today...
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    NAA - I want this!

    OK - NAA minirevolvers lack awesome stopping power but I like the little guys. There's a swing out - I missed the top break as it was too price (duh). This looks cool for the NAA fans. Yes, BTW - my EDC has more BOOM power. Glenn
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    Some crazy guns from the past After seeing the double barreled 1911 - here's some whacky handguns with multibarrels or other strange things. A nutty rifle also but mostly handguns. LeMats, duck foot, palm pistols, etc. Cracked is a...
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    Virginia Tech found negligent I don't know if you will be able to access it. Basically the jury found for some parents who wouldn't accept the settlement. The basis of the finding was...
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    Resisting the police This is an interesting bill out of Indiana. Can you resist an illegal police entry? Might be a bad idea from a tactical point of view. Seems it is a legislative reaction to a state supreme court decision. I don't know how this came about - if someone...
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    Campus carry prospects dim for TX Basically, they can't find a sponsor for the bill. The past players aren't interested or have flaws. Brady bunch are delighted that people are coming to their senses. I would like to thank Gov...
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    Firing rate of a semi

    Just for my curiousity. We know the cyclic rate of full auto guns. But, if you had superspeed, how fast could one fire something like a Glock, if you could pull the trigger as fast as necessary? What rate does the mechanics of the gun limit it too?
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    Price points on new guns at Shot

    Watching some videos - there are fun things but I don't understand pricing. For example, Kimber has a new micro 1911 380 - for > $700. The Sig 938 - which looks equally neat but same high price range. I can get a Glock 26 for the 450 range or a 642 for 380. I really don't think that the...
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    LCR-22 price check?

    Best price so far in San Antonio at the gun show was $385. Anybody see better? Looks like it might be fun and useful for beginners. NO, it's not an SD gun. I carry a Bofors L-70 40mm for that. :D
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    The NY Times - at it again The gist of the article is that out of the many folks who get permits, some do some bad things. Well, how about that - how many folks who run for president, become coaches, priests, CEOs, etc. - do...
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    Guns from India - some interesting models

    I recently checked out a book on modern India from the library as I'm a history buff. So bored, I googled Indian and guns. I came up with RKBA forums,etc. But this was neat - an Indian government gun factory and some models I've never seen. For instance...
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    Surefire 60 rounder mag

    Anybody have one? They are pricey. Might be fun for carbine matches. But they seem they would be a heavy thing. Oh, new gadgets. I don't think I'll need one for an ambush but it looks like fun.
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    A great article on CCW

    Thanks to our friend moderator at THR and contributor here for noting this fine article: Concealed-Carry Myths Many new concealed-carry permit holders subscribe to a variety of myths that could have potentially deadly...