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    What is Tactical AR 22 LR ammo?

    So I'm scouting the web for ammo and find at Bass Pro a selection for CCI Tactical AR 22 LR ammo. What's that? It's not in stock but is it special for the AR 22 clones? Would it run in my tactical 10/22 - it does have a rail and red dot and looks somewhat tacky? :D Glenn
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    No right to conceal 10 th Circuit - says no. Does this run right into Posner's decision - and thus guarantee a SCOTUS look? Got to go, so can't say more. Glenn
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    College violates the law over gun permits - Iowa Under FERPA - a privacy act - information about students is protected unless the student signs a waiver. I live with it...
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    International gun deaths Check out the list of countries. While we made be more violent than the developed world - look at the list.
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    NY Mag article on guns Surprisingly rational article on firearms and why folks want them. Note for us positive presentations by nonconservatives on gun ownership - pointing out the NY'er that they are not the universe. Also, reasonable presentation of the LA...
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    One shot targets at competitions

    Given the shortage of ammo - I wonder if that will discourage folks to compete at venues like IDPA. USPSA folks love to hose away but IDPA you usually shoot two and maybe three at a target - supposedly duplicating the real world (yes, I know :rolleyes:). But what about this - at a local match...
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    VT gun range, police and VT law The gist is that a local gun range is prohibiting police practice as the Burlington city council is considering a ban on guess what? I thought that a local city in VT couldn't override state law and that...
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    Markings on military Beretta 92's , M-9s

    I'm reading a mystery. I think the give away is that a murder weapon is a military Beretta as compared to a civilian model. However, are the service guns marked in a manner to indicate such? I could google it but prefer to play guess the plot point.
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    Two Pinocchio's for the 40% The claim was that 40% of gun purchases occur without background checks. The Washington...
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    The Gun Show was Bed, Bath and Beyond

    There was a gun show on the drive path of my chores today so I thought I'd waste the seven bucks - was I correct! I think of all the tables only about three were classic gun tables. This is the first time I saw a giant table full of Egyptian cotton sheets! Mister Pen was there. Tons of cheap...
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    Give Stephen King 99 cents to find out he doesn't like guns Stephen King has a bit on Amazon that you can buy. In it, he denounces gun violence, the NRA, etc. He dances around that he write violent books. The Slate piece...
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    The difference between the USA and Australia The article discusses how Australia instituted a gun ban regime after the Port Arthur rampage. The ex - Prime Minister discusses how he did it and why. I don't think, ya think, that he gets the...
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    So what looks good at the Shot Show 2013

    So far: 1. I like the Ruger SR45 2. I like the Glock 30S 3. The new Mossberg 20 Gauge shotguns for SD look promising for those who are recoil shy. See a new wave of 20 gauge SD ammo? That's what caught my eye so far.
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    SR45 Ruger?

    That looks really nice - anybody see one? Tried it out. It's new but maybe you have. Here's a report: If it's $529 - that's a nice price but prices today are meaningless.
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    The 4 rules apply to cannons

    Treat your cannon as if it was always loaded. You just have to laugh. It was a revolutionary war British cannon and when they went to clean it - it was loaded and ready to go. Obviously, no one should...
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    Gun control threats damage police training Here's the unintended consequence. Since ammo is vanishing due to increased civilian sales, police training has to be curtailed. Civilian demand has tried up supplies. Given that we...
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    British Army and The Glock

    While this may seem a semi forum issue - I thought I would put it here as a general commentary on the UK.|topnews|text|FRONTPAGE 4th Gen - Glock 17s. Replacing the HPs. How...
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    Guns in Church, SCOTUS gives it a pass for no guns. Georgia has banned guns in church and it was challenged. Issue went up to SCOTUS after the ban...
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    The Language of Mental Illness in Gun Debates

    Just an observation - in some threads, I see folks throwing around psychological or psychiatric terms that are misused, obsolete or misinterpreted. If you want to claim someone is phobic - know what that means. If you want to use the term neurotic - that's quite out of style. If you want to...
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    Use guns to save the elephants. The basic story is how Kenyan civilians, some on their own and some with government help, are forming militias to protect wildlife and the associated tourism business. There are local groups...