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  1. G

    3D printer guns in Europe This is an interesting article - to summarize: The Europeans are worried that 3D print guns can be made. There are reported demonstrations that they would fire enough...
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    Price Check on Glock Gen 4 17s

    Been thinking about one (no I hate Glock, blah, blah - I have lots of them). I see Bud's for $525 but Academy down the road goes for $529 and no FFL fun and games. Thanks GEM
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    Modern Sporting AR vs. M-16 on TV?

    I recently watched a piece on one of the gun TV shows - maybe Guns and Ammo where the hosts compared a fully auto M-16 or M4 vs. an AR - making the point that the latter was a modern sporting rifle - a euphenism, etc. I looked for the clip casually on line but too much comes up. I think it was...
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    Cheese and Guns in the UK

    So, I'm watching a show where they go around the world checking out cheese ( Very interesting - Austin has great cheese stores. The host goes to look at farmhouse cheeses in England and the producer tells him that every once in awhile they get a big round one that is...
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    TX Firearms Legal Seminar

    Shameless plug but a great opportunity for legal types in TX: What Every Texas Lawyer Needs to Know About Firearms Law. This course has been approved by the Texas Board of Legal Specialization for CLE credit in Criminal, Criminal Appellate, Civil Trial, Juvenile, and Personal Injury Trial Law...
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    Kids and Trigger pull

    I'm going through a lot of literature at work as we are moving offices. I found this bit from a pediatric journal. 25% of 3 to 4 year olds 70% of 5 to 6 year olds 90% of 7 to 8 year olds have the strength to pull 10 lb trigger - esp. if using two fingers. I do recall some folks arguing that...
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    Grandma 357 on the tube Surprising on the tube. The older woman - my age - haha - hears and sees an intruder. She unlimbers what looks like a 686 and calls 911. Without panic, she gives strong and fierce verbal commands. Shoots at the guy...
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    Campus Carry in TX

    Truly dead - as from the NRA-ILA I had hints as to this way back when I testified. Perry has done this before. He talked the the carry talk but will not act. It makes the point that you cannot trust any politico of any ideological stripe as a guarantee for the RKBA.
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    Guns seized by the law or turned in

    This is an interesting piece: The Post is of course antigun but makes the point that current gun control...
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    Let's have a fake attack on Iron Man 3 These geniuses stage a fake commando like attack in Missouri. Luckily or was it - there weren't armed theatre goers. So if you were sitting there with your LCP - what to do? It's like that...
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    DOJ gun violence report Quick read Firearms-related homicides declined 39 percent between 1993 and 2011, the report said, while nonfatal...
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    List of states that allow 223 for deer

    Given the debate about EBRs, I was wondering about state restrictions on using 223 for hunting. Google gave me pages of discussion but not a comprehensive list. Might have missed it. Anyone know of such? Thanks Glenn
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    An antigun article based on someone's tragic incompetence This is a strange manipulation. The author then states that he suffers from various psychological maladies that he treats with drugs. Is this supposed to convince one that guns should be banned. One can come up with...
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    NJ joins the parade of new gun laws to be proposed Haven't seen the proposal yet, but didn't search in general. But the summary says Chris wants even tougher gun laws and banning evil guns. That seems to be a pattern in the...
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    A Modern Sporting Rifle Thought question and Boston

    In the debate over an AWB, folks have stewed over the term assault rifle and argued for making the AR platforms seem nice by calling them modern sporting rifles. They are for sport and hunting - they aren't full auto and thus somehow not so dangerous. Please let me keep mine. :o I always...
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    Saturday Night Live on Toomey/Manchin They nailed it (not that they are gun friendly): 1. Bill does nothing to control violence. 2. The provisions are stupid 3. It's a PR move as the items really wanted were replaced by platitudes. For example, it...
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    The Law on Civilian carry and AWB, etc. 15,000 LEOs answered: 91 % say no effect from AWB 91% support concealed carry 86% said concealed carrier would have helped at...
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    Run, hide, fight - NY Times This is an interesting piece that thought is changing that in rampages one must be more active than simply hiding. It mentions that folks have managed to tackle...
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    22 LR subsonics in Semis

    I'm seeing 22 LR subsonic ammo becoming available. Having little expertise in such but owning some - how do they function in semi rifles like a 10/22? While this is a rifle forum - same question for Buckmarks? Thanks Glenn
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    The Perils of Scalia

    We seemingly rejoiced over Heller. However, was it a definitive game changer? I know we have several AWB threads running but this is a different take. Shotgun Joe Biden has said this over the failure of the AWB this time: The NY and CO laws and others in the works are clearly playing Scalia...