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  1. G

    Why have a firearm? The TX Fires.

    I bought a copy of Texas Monthly latest issue. The reason was that it had an article on the 40 best breakfasts in TX. However, it had an article on the wave of terrible fires. The stories of survival are WOW! Trying to get an older women in a walker away from burning houses and exploding cars...
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    NYPD report on 2010 shooting incidents NYPD shooting reports. Of course, they don't directly transfer to civilian SD but still...
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    New Night Sights?

    Sigh - well - yesterday I am happily shooting my Glock 19 with TruGlo fiber optic tritium nights sights. They were a few years old. I noticed a bit ago that the front sight was getting dim. Oh - yesterday - I raise my sights and guess what, on the second stage of a match, the fiber optic tube...
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    Return of the derringer?

    Anybody see this? Two barrel 45 ACP - or 9mm. 14 oz. gun if I read it correctly. What's the advantage (slim I gues) over a pocket J frame?
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    Majority don't support gun control or AWBs Interesting poll - indicates that handgun control is not at all popular. 73 percent against as compared to 1959 with 60% in favor. 53% against laws to ban assault rifles (spare us the definition please - we all understand that here). Seen...
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    Interesting SD case Summary: 1. Battered woman - that defense is very controversial in legal and psychological circles. 2. She gets his revolver and shoots him when he points a Glock at her , if I read it...
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    What a Jam!

    This could be in competition also but ... So, I'm shooting my 2nd Gen Glock 19 in an IDPA match. Bang, bang, nada. What? Look down and an empty piece of brass has rotated 180 degrees and has the slide jamming the open mouth of the empty case into the back face of the slide where the firing pin...
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    Our Pax in Shooting Industry Nice write up, Pax and T and T Mod! The best source for the always popular question of what gun to buy for wife, daughter, mom, grandma! What NOT a 12 gauge pistol grip? Glenn
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    NPR and Gun Women Riding home last night, I was pleasantly surprised to hear a nice, factual and positive story about women and guns. Pointed out women chosing firearms to protect themselves. Indicated how the gun business has had...
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    Trijicon turn around

    Got a set of the fiber optic tritiums. The front sight is barely visible. I see they have a 12 warranty. What's the turn around experience? They say they give priority to military and LEO (no problem with that). Also, I don't have an exact purchase date. Sloppy old me - anyone with experience...
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    Surefire clips

    So for around the 4th time, the pocket clip on one of my Surefires just broke off. All I do is take them in and out of my pocket. They are pretty good at replacing them but it is annoying. Seems to me that the metal fatigues and then snaps.
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    Flying Backwards

    Being stuck at home for awhile, I watched Mythbusters rerun. It had a test of the idea that a shot will make you fly back. Might be old news to you if you saw the show before. So they had a human sized dummy with appropriate weight balanced lightly on a frame. They shot it with a 12 gauge and a...
  13. G

    Restoration of Gun Rights and Mental Health

    Interesting and long article in the NYTimes about mental health and gun rights. The core is that: 1. After VT and Cho, restricting guns to the truly dangerous was imperative. Cho was not correctly reported 2. So reporting was...
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    MIdway's Gun Stories

    New show on the Outdoor Channel. They did the 1911 yesterday. It was mildly interesting, knew most of it but that is not a critic of them. I might have likely some more techy stuff on the gun but that's ok. The only silly thing was some guy who said that a round in the pinky would spin you...
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    ASP derringer?

    Just read a mystery novel. A major point hinged on the victim being shot simultaneously with a 45 bullet and a 410 shot shell. Was it two shooters, blah, blah? Turns out the gun in the story was an ASP derringer that can fire both. As it was a book on a CD I couldn't catch more gun details...
  16. G

    Parking lots and Perry ! 06/17/2011 E Signed by the Governor :):) Took him a bit but I can't complain. Now, one will be able to have a firearm in your car at work. Sept. 1 is the start date. We still see some folks whining about the...
  17. G

    Expectation to Intervene with OC?

    Reading the OC thread about losing your gun, this thought came to me. I'm interested in the psychology of altruism. Why do you help others? It's a common gun thread - what would you do if you saw some bad thing - like a woman being beaten or someone robbing the Stop and Rob while you are in it...
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    Defensive Shotgun with Tom Givens

    Defensive Shotgun with Tom Givens of Rangemaster. (note, if there is a technical mistake, it is mine - not Tom's). I recently had the opportunity to take Tom Given’s ( Defensive Shotgun class. First, I’ve trained with a good number of instructors and Tom is one of the...
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    It's not concealed if you... If you have the gun sticking out of your jackedt pocket and you are wearing your underpants over your slacks. So this woman wanders around the lobby of the Waldorf with an unloaded...
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    AZ gun bill vetoed - campus Now, I haven't followed the AZ debate. The story indicates the initial bill was to allow carry on campus. But it was modified only to allow guns in cars and parking lots? While that is useful, it doesn't give much protection in buildings. It...