Search results

  1. J

    So, How Does the Media's Reputation Fare in this Debacle?

    Curious as to your opinions regarding the long term effects upon the mainstream media's reputations in this election debacle. Certainly, most of the criticism will probably be directed towards obsolete voting systems. However, I have to admit, I'm not sanguine about using computer to vote...
  2. J

    Is it time to literally shun liberals?

    This is an emotional time for all of us. And, I'm generally keeping my public comments (with friends, family, business associates) fairly tame. But I wonder ... have we finally reached the point where the liberal mindset is so plain and so corrupt that we should shun them? I have a family...
  3. J

    So, What the Heck is up with Oregon?!

    At this moment, we have 246 electoral votes for Bush, and 260 for Gore. All attention is on Florida, and for good reason - that will decide the final result. But, I find the situation in Oregon interesting as well. Not a word. See the web sites below...
  4. J

    Voter Fraud! Brought to you by ... CA Democrats

    Boy, you really have to hate these Democrats. What scum. <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Voter fraud, again! © 2000 Stop the presses! I mean it. Stop the...
  5. J

    Trijicon Sight for AR - Which One?

    I've always admired Trijicon gunsights, and I recently checked out a compact ACOG at a local gun store. These things are expensive, but very handy. But, which to buy? They have the ACOG, Compact ACOG, Reflex and Reflex II sights. I'd want a handle mount, so I can switch to iron sights if...
  6. J

    Gun Show Initiative Scam, By J. Lott, Jr.

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Independence Institute Feature Syndicate Opinion-Editorial For Immediate Release Oct. 19, 2000 GUN SHOW INITIATIVE SCAM By John R. Lott, Jr. Who could possibly oppose closing the "gun show loophole"? Preventing criminals...
  7. J

    The Washington Post admits Liberal Bias? Wow.

    I can only say that I am astonished the Post would have this much honesty. Astonished. Perhaps there are still some journalists in America ... <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Slanted to...
  8. J

    What I, and You, can learn from First Monday

    Friends, I just returned from the main 'First Monday' event in Phoenix today. It was held at our main public library in Phoenix, and the most notable attendees were Arizona Attorney General Janet Napolitano and Phoenix Police Chief Harold Hurtt. As reported elsewhere on TFL, the organizer of...
  9. J

    Anti-Self Defense Movement Turns to Closed Meetings in AZ

    The anti-self defense movement has taken their tactics to a new level ... closed meetings. At last ... a bit more honesty on their part. Fascism is so much easier to develop in private. Note, Napolitano is the AZ Attorney General <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana...
  10. J

    GRPC - Gun Rights Policy Conference ... not going?

    I'm curious about how many TFLer's are going to this conference (see ). I get the impression it is very few. If so, why aren't you going? I recognize it is not cheap for travel and a hotel room, but the conference is free. And, for people concerned with the RKBA, it is a very...
  11. J

    GRPC - Slick & Wesson is a sponsor? My lord!

    A friend passed along the tentative agenda for the Gun Rights Policy Conference (see ). This is a wonderful affair, and you should really attempt to go if you have the opportunity. Many fine people, great information ... a terrific experience. With one exception. Take a look at...
  12. J

    Make Headline News - Take the Arizona Women's Presidential Survey!

    Another missive, being sent around by the Million Misinformed Mommies: <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR> ----- Original Message ----- From: MMM Sent: Tuesday, September 19, 2000 8:30 PM Subject: Take the Arizona Women's Presidential Survey! > We can make our...
  13. J

    More cleaning questions ...

    A couple questions, please ... Up to now, I've used 12 gauge shotgun patches to wipe down the frame, bolts, etc. on firearms I'm cleaning. And, I went to buy patches today, and began to wonder if there is a cheaper way. (1) Would cotton diapers or some other fabric be a cheaper way to go when...
  14. J

    Now YOU can help HCI! Send a message to Oprah!

    The following is being sent by HCI to the MMM, and from MMM to its members and contacts: <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>----- Original Message ----- From: Michael O'Neill <> To: MMM Sent: Monday, September 18, 2000 2:54 PM Subject: Action...
  15. J

    Nice plug for Mothers Arms in HuntingDigest.Com ;)

    Looks like all of our freedom-loving ladies are getting the press they deserve this month. Regards from AZ <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Mothers Arms, Taking a Stand on Self-Defense As the...
  16. J

    Kobra / Cobra sights and mounts for AK's

    Anyone have any experience with these, good or bad?: The folks at AK.Net seem quite enamored of them, but I'm curious about thoughts here at TFL. Application would be Chinese, Bulgarian, Egyptian Maadi or Romanian AK. Cost is $143 for the sight...
  17. J

    First Defense concept

    When I was a Boy Scout (no, this isn't another one of those discussions ;) ), first aid was a very important skill. It was quite simple ... a wise and capable individual should have some basic medical training so they can keep another person alive until the professionals arrive to assist...
  18. J

    News from the Million Moron March

    The Million Morons are at it again. Regarding their poll, I think I might agree with them for once ... I'd love for Gore to go down his litany of 'reasonable gun control' ... at this point, I think it may hurt him more than help him. What are your feelings? Regards from AZ...
  19. J

    Keyholing .... a few questions, please

    First, if you see a hole that is not a clean, round hole in your target, is that obviously keyholing? And, I gather any rifle or pistol can 'keyhole'. Is it always the fault of the barrel? Can the shooter induce this effect? Any other suggestions if one has a firearm that keyholes? Thanks...
  20. J

    Which Garand?

    Got a call from a collector friend who may be interested in parting with an M-1 Garand. He has three: 1. H&R, with new wood. 2. International Harvester, with new barrel from 1965. 3. Springfield Armory, from 1943. I've done a search on TFL, and can't seem to locate any info regarding the...