Search results

  1. J

    Television Shows for Firearms

    I've seen American Shooter a few times, via channel surfing. Finally decided to determine when it is on, and watch it regularly. Looks as though it is only on Sunday evenings at 7:30pm in Phoenix, on Cox Cable. Are there any other quality shooting shows? I've seen a hunting show from time to...
  2. J

    Best sources for Kydex holsters?

    A friend showed me the holster he uses for his Glock. Very nice quality, but the foolish company didn't put their logo or name on the holster anywhere to be found (I find that absolutely inane, BTW). It is an IWB style, and has a neat 'loop' on the belt clip that slips under the belt. That...
  3. J

    Psychotropic Drugs - Any Serious Investigation??

    Neal Knox raises the issue that the Wakefield murderer was also on psychotropic drugs. We've heard this about one of the shooters at Columbine, and many other shooters in the various school incidents. Other than some discussion here and there, I really don't recall seeing any serious...
  4. J

    Sighting In ... More Questions

    Most of this will relate to rifles, but I put this thread in General Discussion because I believe the same lessons will aid for sighting in pistols and shotguns (with slugs). I don't remember the term, but I do remember that the choice of range for sighting in seems to depend upon intended...
  5. J

    Marlin 15-YN rear sight

    I took my youngest boy out shooting his new .22. He did well, but the rear sight on this rifle is a bit odd, IMHO. Instead of being flat on top, with the characteristic notch in the middle, it has what I'll call 'ears' on either side of the rear sight. So, my boy has a tendency to be...
  6. J

    Greater Gun-Rights Threat from Bush than Gore!

    Interesting perspective from Alan Korwin at - he makes some good points. As usual, we won't be able to let our guard down. My hope would be that Dick Cheney, Condoleeza Rice and others on Bush's team would help see to it that GW keeps his perspective. We'll see, on all...
  7. J

    .22 phone guns have deadly ring

    Now, for something completely different ... Regards from AZ
  8. J

    Is the 5th Circuit Ever Going to Give a Ruling to us on Emerson?

    The last I heard of this case, the rumor was that this federal appeals court would wait until after the election to announce its decision. Well, the election is over from a standpoint of voting. Is the 5th waiting for a slow news day? ;) No kidding ... what is the hold up here, or is this...
  9. J

    Muzzle Flash from .223 / AR

    In testing at the range the other day, I noted the extreme muzzle flash from .223 PMC. I don't think the S&B was much better. This is a post-ban Bushie, and therefore, no flashhider. Any self defense use of this rifle is very unlikely and not expected. However, one of its various uses is...
  10. J

    How Do You Hold Your Firearm During Cleaning?

    Up to now, I've just held a firearm in my hands during cleaning. I look like a contortionist as I try to keep the barrel down, protect the crown, carefully clean the bore, etc. And, I think I've just about had it with this amateurish method. I've seen various devices sold which hold the gun...
  11. J

    AR15 / M16 Stripper Clips??

    Just noticed this ad at : 'This auction is for 50 AR15/M16 10 round stripper clips and one stripper clip guide, these are once used and are in great shape ...' I've never heard of stripper clips for an AR. Why, and how would you use...
  12. J

    Yes! U.S. Supreme Court to Hear Bush Appeal

    See This is getting real interesting now ... Regards from AZ
  13. J

    Gun Buybacks Are Back In Style

    Lots of 'logic' to discuss here ... ;) Regards from AZ
  14. J

    Wow ... Those 100 Yard Shots

    Here I sit, with MOA envy ... ;) Yesterday we went out to the range to sight in a couple of rifles. The AR was the most accurate (expected), but still ... how do you guys do it? I don't mean the sighting in process - followed the 'book', sighted in at 25 yards, and then tested at 100 yards...
  15. J

    Over the Top? Shooting Campaign Signs ....

    OK, call me a radical ... ;) I've picked up some Gore / Lieberman campaign signs from the local Democrat HQ. They asked why I wanted them, I told them I wanted to use them in a demonstration, and they said they 'supported the right of everyone to express his / her opinion'. Perfect. I do...
  16. J

    Same post, multiple forums

    Usually this is done by a new member, ignorant of TFL rules and courtesies. However, one recent example is clearly a guy who is unconcerned about courtesy. I would think the moderators don't appreciate these folks, and I'm sure many members would also prefer to avoid the waste of time in...
  17. J

    NEA's Gun Control Petition Making the Rounds

    FYI. See some of the NEA's perspective at . I'm trying to find the actual petition (I know we've discussed this before on TFL ...), but so far, no cigar. The NEA is an enemy of freedom, and I certainly no longer see them as even a friend to children...
  18. J

    The American Freedom Essay Contest !!

    Have you been frustrated with a feeling that there is nothing you can do about the loss of freedoms in America? Well .... this is something you can do right now! Make a difference in a school near you. Help teach kids that freedom is of critical importance in our country. And, help give the...
  19. J

    OK, I'll Say It ... We're Getting President Gore

    I'm absolutely disgusted, but my gut is giving me a clear message ... we're going to be getting President Gore. But, I swear I will never recognize the basta*d as President. Why? The Democrats will successfully get manual recounts in heavily Democratic counties. The logical pickup in Gore...
  20. J

    Do Florida Voters Realize How Stupid They Appear?

    I'm watching a CNN show that has a group of Palm Beach voters being interviewed in a gymnasium. This is sad. One woman talks about how they have a lot of elderly, illiterate, and yes, even dyslexic voters who have a lot of trouble voting. One brave (?) soul even offered that some of the...