Search results

  1. J

    Gun safe organization?

    Sounds foolish I suppose, but how do you folks organize a gun safe? For example, do you store ammunition in the safe as well? In the case of a fire, does this simply raise the odds you'll destroy a collection of firearms? How about magazines? They're certainly fairly pricey these days. With...
  2. J

    Care of wooden stock, and leather sling

    I don't have much experience caring for the more natural materials used in firearms. What is the best care I can give a brand new walnut stock? And, with a new leather sling (rough on one side, smooth on the other), that is also unfinished (that is, it is not dyed, just 'flesh' colored, so to...
  3. J

    Politically Corrected Glossary (long, but worth it)

    From time to time, here on TFL, we have discussed the importance of terms and semantics in this debate. And, we have noted the anti-self defense movements use of language to bludgeon the Bill of Rights. Well, it is time for payback. Alan Korwin, author of various gun law books (...
  4. J

    Aw c'mon - give Citibank another chance!

    Heard from a friend yesterday, and he suggests we give Citibank another chance. A trial, so to speak. ;) It appears that Citibank has an online bank and they're offering $100 to anyone who opens an account with them by 6/30. That's right - read that again. Citibank will give you $100. The...
  5. J

    Night sights on Beretta 92FS?

    While reading the Beretta catalog I got the impression that one cannot install night sights on the 92FS. And, when I look at the front site, I can't tell for sure, but it either doesn't look like it has a dove tail. Also, the front part of the slide doesn't look meaty enough for any front...
  6. J

    Good source for mouse pads and more

    I've looked for RKBA-related mouse pads from time to time, but now luck. Today at Crossroads ... voila! Got one I like, and you can too. Check out . Also has a great poster and t-shirts. Regards from AZ
  7. J

    Lobbying by governments and agencies

    I've become more aware of a troubling political issue impacting firearms, and I seek your opinions and knowledge. It is clear that local governments and state agencies spend a fair amount of time and money lobbying our state legislature in Arizona. (I'm sure it goes further, but this is the...
  8. J

    Open Primaries - I Honestly Don't Get It

    OK - let me drop my 'drawers' for a moment here. I am ignorant of the open primary system. I recall debates about this years ago, but being a Libertarian / libertarian, I tend to ignore most of this BS. However, now it is getting interesting, if not laughable. As I remember, the concept was...
  9. J

    Immoral Chiefs of Police - Arizona Preemption HB2095

    Yesterday I heard testimony at an Arizona Senate hearing regarding our preemption bill, HB 2095. Various Chiefs and Assistant Chiefs of Police were there to testify against the bill. No rank and file LEO's were there. One Assistant Chief, from Tucson, was selected to testify on their behalf...
  10. J

    How many mag's do you suggest?

    With the costs high and rising, how many magazines do you want to have for your pistols? I would think, if possible, one would be wise to purchase a number of full capacity mag's while it remains feasible. I've heard four (4) should be the minimum? Your thoughts? Thanks. Regards from AZ
  11. J

    Beretta! Wow - what service!!

    Bought a used 92FS, but knew it had some problems. Seller discounted the price so I could get it repaired as necessary. While at the SHOT Show in Vegas I discussed what to do with a Beretta rep. He gave me their phone number, and suggested I send it back to the factory. Sent it UPS, next day...
  12. J

    Count 'government' stories on the TV news

    OK, this will get you going. Next time you watch the news, count up how many stories involve government agencies. To make it more fun, you can even leave out those that simply involve local LEO's and fire departments. Notice how many involve the FAA, EPA, FCC, SEC, DEA, IRS, the President and...
  13. J

    AZ Preemption Passes the House!!

    Gun Owners of America E-Mail/FAX Alert 8001 Forbes Place, Suite 102, Springfield, VA 22151 Phone: 703-321-8585 / FAX: 703-321-8408 Arizona legislative alert -- February 9, 2000 To all GOA activists in Arizona: You are doing great work! The pressure you have brought...
  14. J

    Best web sites for gun statistics?

    I need to write another letter to the editor, and I need to do it later today. It is in response to a gun bigot reporter, and I need to make sure I've got solid citations. What are your favorite 'third party' sites for solid gun statistics (to the extent they exist)? I'm talking about sites...
  15. J

    TFL Brain Trust: need ideas for self-defense award(s)

    Mothers Arms ( ) is considering the creation of one or more awards to recognize the bravery and courage of women who defend themselves, their families and innocent others. We need your ideas, seriously. What might we call the award(s), and what might we provide...
  16. J

    Placement of Self Defense Articles in Newspapers

    Now, this subject really chaps my hide, but my feelings are based upon impressions - not anything akin to a scientific study. Please tell me if I'm off base, or if your impressions are the same. Especially, please tell me if you've seen any studies or other evidence bearing on this issue. In...
  17. J

    Where is Providence LEO shooting thread???

    Sorry, but I give up. Tried the search function a few times, but no cigar. There was an interesting thread on TFL about a tragic Providence RI shooting incident, early morning outside a cafe, where 2 LEO's mistakenly shot a third. Has this thing disappeared, or am I now officially blind? Thanks.
  18. J

    Handgun shipping by consumer - now I'm confused

    We've talked about UPS, FedEx, etc. becoming unreasonable about shipping firearms, and failing to take responsibility for their own security problems. And, it has been suggested elsewhere (e.g. ) that we use the U.S. Postal Service for shipping...
  19. J

    Wow! Russians free to buy AR-15's?!?!

    Received from an RKBA list I'm on - now I really am getting depressed: "FW: russky_ad...AR-15's now for sale in Russia, but not in California. Clearly illustrating that Russia may really on the road to freedom despite what you hear in the mainstream press, this add illustrates one area of...
  20. J

    Unintended Consequences - one more time

    A related thread (Kalifornia Lunacy) caused me to pause, and then decide to bring this up, one more time. Yes, I know it has been out since 1996, but I've just gotten around to reading John Ross's book, 'Unintended Consequences'. I'm almost finished, and I'm impressed by a number of things...