Search results

  1. J

    Gun Control Poll for Arizona Women

    The survey below is being emailed to all Million Mom March supporters. Please disseminate this widely so that women who support the Bill of Rights can also participate. The response email is . PLEASE do NOT respond unless you are a woman ... it won't help our cause to...
  2. J

    Korwin on NICS computer 'outage'

    Good read. IMHO, the solution to this is one or more FFL's with big juevos who are willing to incur the wrath of the BATF and take them on in court. ********************************************* Gun Sales Stopped 4 Days For Immediate Release BLOOMFIELD PRESS "We publish the gun laws" May...
  3. J

    Picket signs - favorite slogans, and construction

    OK, I'm off to Home Depot today to create signs for tomorrows's events. Anyone have any suggestions for constructing the signs, and for great slogans? Thanks. Regards from AZ
  4. J

    Window War ... 'breaking' news ;) [long]

    Just received this link, regarding a fictional story about resolving our Second Amendment debate. I think you'll like it. And, I would expect more civil disobedience regarding the RKBA. ********************************************* The link...
  5. J

    'Range' forum? ... am I losing it?

    Could have sworn we had some kind of 'Range ...' forum, and there was a fellow on there who had posted about a Maadi-Griffin .50 BMG kit rifle. But ... now I can't find it. Did a search, but no cigar. Did we drop a forum, or am I just behind on my med's? ;) Thanks. Regards from AZ
  6. J

    Hillary's new book ... ;)

    Perhaps this has been posted elsewhere, but I haven't seen it ... and, it is too good to miss. Passed on to me by my wife: "Do you know why we haven't heard much from Hillary Clinton lately? Well, she's working on her new book ... 'It Takes a SWAT Team'!" ;) Regards from AZ
  7. J

    Associated Press (AP) - what do we know about this co.?

    Many of us have recently noted that the AP story about Elian's seizure referred to the H&K MP5's as 'rifles'. A good friend pointed out to me the other day that nearly 75% of our newspaper is made up of AP stories. Does anyone on TFL know much about AP, and / or Reuters for that matter? There...
  8. J

    Billboard ideas ... need your help

    Tonight a few of us discussed renting a billboard or two for Phoenix area pro-self defense messages. The first idea is 'Stop violence ... buy a gun!', perhaps with a woman and child, and perhaps in Spanish. Various reasons behind all of this. Have you seen, or can you suggest other...
  9. J

    'Good' gun buyback - help me brainstorm this ...

    I want to help a new charitable organization - Mothers Arms - . Here is one idea: We hold a gun 'buyback' ... for the honest folks. A local business, like a grocery store or ???? contributes gift certificates for $25 or $50, to be used in exchange for firearms. We...
  10. J

    Source for used firearms books?

    I'm trying to locate 'The AK47 Story' by Ezell. It is apparently out of print. I've tried to locate used firearms books before, and it has always been a hit or miss proposition. Gun shows are one source, but pretty time-consuming. Anyone had any luck finding a more efficient way to locate...
  11. J

    Quoting all of someone else's post

    Minor pet peeve - we have a few, newer members lately who have a habit of quoting another member's post, in its entirety, and usually doing so with bold font. I don't understand why they do this. Sometimes it is helpful and appropriate to quote some of an earlier post, but many of these folks...
  12. J

    More Cleaning Questions

    I swear, the more I learn, the dumber I get. ;) And, the more I clean firearms, the more I wonder if I'm really doing the best I can. I've got a number of questions, please: 1. Wool swabs - I don't understand the purpose of these. Seems like you'd use it once, for either cleaning, oil or...
  13. J

    Different uppers for AR-15 ... confusion

    I know one of the great attributes of AR-15's / M-16's is their adaptability, especially by using different uppers. I'm still left with some confusion. [Most of my questions relate to Bushmasters, but I assume the answers would apply to all AR's?] 1. Besides the normal .223 configuration, I...
  14. J

    Gain twist?

    Spoke to a fellow the other day who said he once worked for a company in Flagstaff, AZ (sorry, but I've forgotten the name) that produced unusual rifles. Their barrels would start off with 1 in 14 twist at the breech, and increase to, say, 1 in 9 twist towards the muzzle. He said this...
  15. J

    Anger, and thyroid conditions

    This subject came up in another thread, with MusclesMcGee. That thread is understandably locked, but I do want to mention this ... it might help someone. While not a real common condition, it is also not uncommon for men and women to have thyroid problems. If you have a quick temper, rapid...
  16. J

    Brill's Content - read this magazine! Here is how Brill begins when he explains his publication: "Q: Name the industry that, when it comes to power, lack of accountability, arrogance and the making of money in the name of sacred constitutional rights, actually makes lawyers look good.... A: Media."...
  17. J

    Letters to the editor - send more, and send often!

    I have a friend who has encouraged me to broaden my horizons. I think he's right, and I want to pass the same suggestion on to all of my TFL friends. First, write letters to the editor as often as possible. Recently, and unfortunately, there is enough RKBA news that you should be able to find...
  18. J

    Not quite fascism ... but, where are we now?

    The more I learn of the S&W settlement, and consider the implications, the more I wonder. As I consider the fight in AZ re: firearms preemption, and the incredible influence of governmental lobbyists, I wonder even more. Fascism is a system where government strongly controls society, but does...
  19. J

    How to avoid firearm theft?

    Don't mean to embarrass anyone, but I'm curious about firearm thefts. Seems to be fairly common, and I'm wondering about the common mistakes that make thefts more likely. I assume a good, hidden safe prevents many thefts. In lieu of a safe, are any 'hiding places' bad ideas (or good ideas)...
  20. J

    Dale Carnegie Course - take it

    Most of us posting on TFL spend time everyday, or at least every week, as informal diplomats for the RKBA. And, we want to be as successful as possible. This requires a number of skills. First, it certainly requires knowledge about the subject. TFL has helped me greatly in this area, as well...