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  1. J

    Have you made preparations re: the next terror attack?

    Lots of rumors swirling around right now. Suitcase nukes. "Dirty" radiation bombs. Smallpox. 1. Considering the numerous government warnings about another major terrorist attack, and the rumors cited above, have you made preparations for some of these contingencies? 2. If so, please...
  2. J

    Bin Laden: Yes, I did it

    Via Drudge: "The towers were supposed to be filled with supporters of the economical powers of the United States who are abusing the world." No, they were simply men, women and children living their private...
  3. J

    Americans Turn to Guns Following Terror

    Don't think this is a duplicate thread ...,2933,38106,00.html Typical anti-self defense myopia on the part of Mauser ... let's just keep reacting to the terrorists' latest attack. No sense trying to anticipate how we may need to defend our families...
  4. J

    Pentagon Seeks a Few Good Ideas to Fight Terrorism

    Here's your chance to remind our government why an armed population is a wise thing ...
  5. J

    Ballistics for .44 Mag out of Marlin 1894

    Anyone have data on ballistics for Winchester Supreme Partition Gold, 250gr, out of a 20" Marlin 1894? Need to sight in, and I have no idea what to expect on the trajectory for this puppy. I'm assuming I'll set it up to hit dead on at 100 yards, and I'll experiment at 25 yards and 50 yards to...
  6. J

    Terrorist Bumper Stickers

    Well, I've not yet seen any bumper stickers telling the world what we think of these scum. But, I have a few ideas ... some tongue-in-cheek, and some, not ... [list=1] Keep America Beautiful ... Kill a Terrorist Remember Flight 93!! ... NEVER Surrender Your Right or Means to Self Defense...
  7. J

    Uhhh ... We're Not Sure Anthrax is Terrorist-Related ...

    Take a gander at these interesting jpg's on Drudge ... OK ... I suppose this could be the result of a science project prank in Brooklyn, but ... sure looks more likely to be terrorism to me. Why hasn't our government been more forthright...
  8. J

    Cleaning Until You're Tired, Not Clean

    Took a new Bushmaster Shorty out to sight in and break in over several hours. Bushmaster recommends against extensive cleaning for the first 200 rounds, so I just plinked away. Using PMC ammunition. Sent around 200 rounds downrange, and ran out of time that day, so set the rifle aside for 1...
  9. J

    Accuracy of Stg-58 FAL with Bipod

    I've heard that the DS Arms Stg-58's are fine rifles, and when scoped have quite good accuracy. However, I've seen some comment that removing the bipod improves their performance. True? What else can you tell me about the DS Arms Stg-58 rifles? Thanks. Regards from AZ
  10. J

    Scope Recommendations ... Marlin 1894S .44 Mag

    I always get a bit frustrated by scope decisions. Not enough experience to draw from. But, my eyes are lousy, and I really need the help that good optics provide. I'll be using a Marlin 1894S .44 Mag for a bear hunt. I'm leaning towards a Leupold 2-7x33 Vari-XII, but I've been heavily...
  11. J

    UPS: "Gee ... You Haven't Ordered Ammo for Quite Awhile ..."

    Just curious about your opinions here ... I don't order very much ammunition for delivery, and I don't buy all that much anyway. However, I did have a case delivered by UPS the other day, and the driver's comment was "you haven't ordered ammunition for quite awhile ...". As a matter of fact...
  12. J

    Bear Hunt in AZ

    I plan to go bear hunting in a couple of weeks with a good friend. Plan to use a Marlin 1894S, .44 Mag. I'm going to mount a Leupold 2-7 x 33 scope, because my eyes aren't the greatest with iron sights, and I want a clean kill. [Being wildly optimistic that we'll actually see a bear. ;) ]...
  13. J

    Anthrax in the Mail ... Strategies?

    Well, the mindless media is trumpeting all kinds of useful advice. If we get mail from unknown sources, mail addressed to people no longer at that address, mail that looks like it has been wet, mail without postmarks, ad infinitum ... we're supposed to quarantine the area and call 911...
  14. J

    "Go" Bag's

    I've been told recently about the principle of "go" bags ... small to large duffel bags or similar containers, preassembled for disaster situations. I have sort of an emergency kit in the back of my truck, but this is a different perspective. A 7-day go bag for an individual might have a...
  15. J

    Tony Blair gives the Speech of his Life

    The pieces are indeed in flux. When they settle, hopefully it will be after a limited conflict, not a global conflagration. And, hopefully it will result in the destruction of terrorism ... not the globalization of a socialist dream...
  16. J

    Now YOU can Shoot Usama bin Laden
  17. J

    Hirtenberger Ammo

    To take off from a similar thread ... : 1. I hear Hirt is the best .308 surplus ... true? 2. I also hear it is best not to use it in a bolt-action rifle ... true? Why? 3. What would be your next choices of .308? Thanks. Regards from AZ [I note deals at...
  18. J

    Can TFL Members Help as Firearms Trainers, or ...?

    Many TFL members are certified firearms trainers. Is there any direct way we can help in our war against terrorism? Many of us are older than the age bracket normally targeted for service, but is there any other way we can help besides giving blood and money? Thanks. Regards from AZ
  19. J

    Drudge Reporting Attacks are Imminent

    I know some distrust this source, but he seems to be right much more often than he is wrong. My gut tells me we're about to see this thing heat up very quickly. The next few weeks could be amazing.